Descent3/Halo LAN - Pittsburgh - June 4 & 5

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Angel of Death
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Post by Angel of Death »

These are general directions. If you need any thing more specific, then let me know.

This is a basic map of the vicinity.

Click here for directions from Philadelphia, New Jersey, or other Eastern locations.

Click here for directions from Ohio and other states to the West of Pennsylvania.

Click here, if you're coming from New York or other areas to the North of Pittsburgh.

...and click on this link to find out how to get here from Virginia and places in the South.
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Post by Angel of Death »

For those of you who need lodgings, but don't want to stay at the Hampton Inn, I've compiled a brief list of nearby hotels.

Holiday Inn Greentree
(412) 922-8100
401 Holiday Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 US

ExtendedStay Carnegie
(412) 278-4001
520 N. Bell Ave.
Carnegie, PA

Best Western Parkway Center Inn
(412) 922-7070
875 Greentree Road
Pittsburgh, PA

Radisson Hotel Green Tree
(412) 922-8400
101 Radisson Drive
Pittsburgh, PA

Also, this article has some general, but interesting, information about Pittsburgh.
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List of Registered Players

Post by Angel of Death »

I updated the Information Page to include a list of every one who has registered. For those who wonder how many open seats remain, I've posted "Available" next to all spots that have not been filled.
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Post by [CG]Moon »

haha I like that Solo is referred to as [CG]Moon's guest. :lol:
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Post by Angel of Death »

[CG]Moon wrote:haha I like that Solo is referred to as [CG]Moon's guest. :lol:
I decided not to post real names, and I couldn't find the nick name, that your "guest" uses, in any of our correspondence...LOL...but it's fixed, now...well...sorta...:wink:
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Post by Angel of Death »

I have a feeling that most (if not all) of you will not take the time to see the sights of Pittsburgh. None the less, there are tours, the Carnegie Science Center, the National Aviary, and various bars and clubs in the general area.

Let me know, if any of you would like more information on this, or any other, Pittsburgh LAN-related subject :)
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Post by Angel of Death »

Are you planning to attend the LAN? Would you like to attend, but money is tight? Could you care less about the admission cost, but it would still be nice to have the extra cash for drinks/smokes/food/more drinks?

Win Free Admission to the Pittsburgh Descent/Halo LAN!

Just tell your friends to sign-up for the event, between now and the end of early registration, then make sure that they e-mail me (LAN_Gaming at LightningLAN dot com) to say that you referred them. If you get more than any one else (minimum of 2), then your admission is free! Imagine what you could do with that extra $25, while you visit the beautiful Pittsburgh area :lol:
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Post by Testiculese »

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Post by AceCombat »

we meet again ehh testi.

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Post by Pugwash »

who else is planning on going to this?
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Post by Cuda68-2 »

I am if more people sign up. I cant see driving from MN to Pittsburg if there are only 4 people there.
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Post by AceCombat »

soon as i get my parents paypal restored, i will be on that list
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Post by kurupt »

i may go. we're on manditory overtime at the moment so i'm not sure if i can get the days off or not yet.
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Post by AceCombat »

i would enjoy meeting you kur, since you missed chilan.
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Post by Angel of Death »

There are several (approximately seven) people who are sitting on the fence about attending this event. Right now, there are only five players on the sign-up list. So, I'm wracking my brain, trying to think of ways to make this thing a success. I have only three more ideas.

First, you have nothing to lose by signing up. I will cancel the party, if I don't get into the mid-teens for attendance. It's not worth your time, or mine, to do this for only five to nine players. I'm going to lose money, even if twenty show up, so I definitely don't want to try it, with only the single digits. If the event is cancelled, there is a full money-back guarantee (I'll do this within two or three business days of cancellation). I'm not even going to touch a dime of your entrance fees, until after the LAN is over.

Second, I am extending the early registration period (and the lower price of $25), for an extra week. It will end on May 8th. This will be the only extension.

Lastly, I want to know what would be the best top-prize for me to offer. Be reasonable with your suggestions, please, because I will already be in the financial hole. I'm thinking of some thing worth approximately $100 (or just the cash). Will specifying the prizes draw more interest?
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Post by Cuda68-2 »

With me prizes are not the attraction. I like hanging/playing with other D3 pilots.
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Post by AceCombat »

Cuda68-2 wrote:With me prizes are not the attraction. I like hanging/playing with other D3 pilots.


prizes couldnt hurt though.
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Post by Cuda68-2 »

I will sign up as soon as pay pal sends me my login info. I forgot my login/password and have no clue what email addy I used. I have also moved and have no idea what home addy and phone number was used, so this may take a few days. Freekin dead brain cells cause me problems from time to time :evil:
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Post by AceCombat »

thats gotta hurt.......

almost the same issue here, except....i know the info.
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Post by Angel of Death »

Late registration has begun. The price should be set to $35. Paypal has been doing strange things with my settings, though. So, if you find that it's trying to charge you for shipping, tax, or whatever, then please let me know. Thanks :)
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Post by AceCombat »

im going to wait on my reg, to see if more people sign up. i dont have the funds to fly alone, but i can fly free if im with a parent.

and dad wont go if its just a couple people.
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Post by Top Gun »

I just posted a reminder at PD, so hopefully you can get a few more of those slots filled up. :)
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Post by Angel of Death »

That was very nice of you, TopGun. Thank you :)
The problem seems to be that every one is waiting for every one else to sign-up. It's a never-ending loop. I've already guaranteed full and timely refunds, if the event is cancelled, so I don't know how else to motivate them.
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Post by Angel of Death »

It's not looking good for this event to happen. There are less than three weeks left, and I still need ten more people to sign-up. I can pull in a few local friends to fill up some of the remaining spaces, after that. I'm leaving them off of the list, though, because they're not hardcore Descent players. I would rather put some of you in those seats.

Thanks to those who have already registered. If we don't reach ~15 entrants, by the end of this week, then I'll start arranging for your refunds. It should take no more than a couple of days.
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Post by Sirian »

Waiting for others to sign up wasn't part of my dilemma. Lining up all the necessary bits to make the weekend a fun time for me was the problem.

* Car rental
* Borrowed computer and joystick
* Communications (turned out to be a surprising roadblock)
* Waking Hours (I'm not always on "normal" hours, and this month has been rough in this department. If I'm on the "wrong" hours come LAN time, the whole thing would become a slog, or worse).
* Arranging to take my software with me (levels, mods, pilots, D1/D2 stuff, and more).
* Various other bits
* Taking four days off from work...

I'd still like to come, but I've reached a point at which it is no longer realistic to think I can get all of this done. More to the point, I've had the chance to get started and not felt up to it. Too much work just to set up for a day-and-a-half LAN. Maybe if it had been a four-day weekend, starting early on Friday and ending afternoon Monday, I'd have been more motivated to do all of this stuff to attend. But it's not.

I thought I should post and let everyone know I'm off the fence -- and won't be able to go.

Sorry. :)

I wish the rest of you the best with it, though.

- Sirian
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Post by AceCombat »

alot of people are syaing work is the issue of being able to figure out if they can get off work to attend.
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Post by Yubb »

Infringment of my rights bothers me a bit. Why can't I pack heat?

Not that that's REALLY what's keeping me from attending. I have to bowl that weekend in Lancaster. :(
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Post by Angel of Death »

I'm not looking to debate politics, or other such issues. The fact is that your rights are restricted, with or without good reason, on a regular basis. Why do you have to wear a shirt and shoes, in order to get service at a convenience store? Why do some restaurants require a coat and tie? Why can't you yell "FIRE!" at a movie theatre?

In this case, it's my opinion that there is no need for a real weapon (firearm, knife, etc.) at a LAN party. There will be hotel security, LightningLAN volunteer staff, easy access to call 911, and a very public setting to discourage illegal activities. On the other hand, with the combination of adult beverages and (hopefully) intense game play, the possibility for misuse of a weapon exists, and it outweighs any perceived benefits.

As far as I'm concerned, people are welcome to bring them, and leave them in their cars, or where ever they feel comfortable with them being, outside of the party.
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Post by AceCombat »

Yubb wrote:Infringment of my rights bothers me a bit. Why can't I pack heat?

when you attend a private event, it excludes you from that right of carrying a firearm or any kind of weapon that the host decides he/she does not want to be present in the said event.
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Post by Cuda68-2 »

So you leave it in the car or your room.
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Post by Yubb »

I was kinda kidding about it.

Although, it's not really a private event...wouldn't the hotel be the one to decide what I can bring there? I'm no attorney, I really have no idea.

But I think you're onto something with the shirt and shoes thing. There should be an amendment saying "Shirt and shoes are NOT required to enter a convenience store."

I'll draw up the paperwork and have it ready by morning.
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Post by AceCombat »

lol........even if ya were kidding, im just being informative. :)
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Post by Angel of Death »

Yubb wrote:I was kinda kidding about it.

Although, it's not really a private event...wouldn't the hotel be the one to decide what I can bring there? I'm no attorney, I really have no idea.

But I think you're onto something with the shirt and shoes thing. There should be an amendment saying "Shirt and shoes are NOT required to enter a convenience store."

I'll draw up the paperwork and have it ready by morning.
I didn't take it in a negative sense :) ...but I also have to respond in a formal way. It's a matter of liability, and any lawsuit would surely name me (and my company), despite the fact that the event would be held on the hotel's property. I really don't think that any hotel will argue with me about such a rule, anyway.
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Pittsburgh Descent/Halo LAN CANCELLED

Post by Angel of Death »

Pittsburgh Descent/Halo LAN (June 4 & 5, 2005) is CANCELLED

Despite efforts to find a date that was best for every one, and regardless of the money-back guarantee, there just weren't enough people who were able and willing to attend the event.

If I find that more people are willing to register for an event that includes other games, then I will consider adding Descent to one of the newly created Theme LANs. In the next couple of days, you'll be able to read all about them at my site (for those who don't know -

Every one who paid to register will receive a full refund. I will begin to process those, today. I've never had reason to do a refund through paypal, so I don't know how lengthy or complicated it might be.

I want to thank all those who were supportive, including DarkShadow, Moon, Pugwash, Solo, Testiculese, Tiny, TopGun, etc.

Obviously, this should no longer be stickied. Thanks to Punisher for helping to draw attention to this thread.
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Post by [CG]Moon »

Sorry it didn't work out man. :(
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Post by AceCombat »

i was a possible, but only if my father would come with me. he likes large numbers of people to come.
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Post by Pugwash »

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Post by Top Gun »

Damn, sorry to hear that. :( I hope there's a chance of giving this another try in the future, if people are willing to commit to it. If you ever decide to try again, I'll try to come if at all possible.
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Post by DarkShadow »

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Post by Zero! »

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