DVD for computer, brightness issues

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DVD for computer, brightness issues

Post by DescentMan04 »

I had a quick question. In the near future I was thinking of getting a DVD player for my computer because alot of gaming magazines these days have dvds on them instead of cd-roms. I was wondering, can the brightness of the picture on DVD's be turned up on the computer so theyre not so dark? I was wondering because on my DVD player for my TV the movies and game guides I use are always dark and theres no button on the remote or instructions in the manual of how to do so and when I watch stuff on TV or the VCR I can use the normal TV settings on the setup menu for the brightness and the stuff I watch on the TV and VCR is bright, but this has no effect on the DVD player. I was just wondering if the usual computer monitor settings for brightness would work if I got a DVD player for my computer. If you guys could help me with this or direct me to someone who can, id appreciate it and also if you could explain how I could do this on my reg dvd player as well. Thanks!
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suicide eddie
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Post by suicide eddie »

anything that routes through your tv`s input are adjusted via the tv/remote, but you should also have various options on the tv and dvd stand-alone for different processing features eg: on my tv i have something called ai signal enhancement which blends the image to make it less grainy and on my dvd player i can
fine tune the image bitrate and frame speed.
if you get a dvd player for your pc, everything will be adjustable depending on the app you use.on a side note copied dvds and movies reformated back to dvd format often are darker and have a fixed bitrate and are less able to be tweaked. oh if you have not done so yet try using a s-video or scart lead to connect to the tv. often it gives you a brighter pic.
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Post by Krom »

PowerDVD and most likely your video drivers will allow you to control the brightness and contrast of DVDs and games playing on your computer.
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Post by DescentMan04 »

The real problem is with my TV that I can change the brightness on the TV's menu and it brightens the picture for the TV and VCR, but it has no effect on the picture for my DVD player or my PS2 by the way. Those still remain dark and when watching dark scenes *like at night* I cant see much of anything. Most stuff I got is on DVD too so im stuck trying to see whats going on.
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Post by Sligar »

It sounds like maybe, for some reason, on your TV the brightness control doesn't affect the auxiliary inputs like the PS2, only the main coax input. I don't know why this would be, but assuming that's the case, why don't you try running your DVD/PS2 either through the VCR or through the same TV input that the VCR uses now?
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Post by DescentMan04 »

I have a combo DVD/VCR player so they use the same socket on the TV and the PS2 uses a different one but the PS2 and the DVD player have the problems with the brightness but the VCR doesnt even though its plugged into the same thing as the DVD player because its the same machine.
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Post by DescentMan04 »

I play Descent Maximum and the orignal PSX version of Descent on the PS2 and when I play both *especially Descent Maximum* the levels are really dark and thats one reason why id like to turn the brightness up because its even dark in areas that have lighting on them.
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