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Post by woodchip »

O.k. Chitlin''s how I would have handled it. Since I'm 57 years old (forget that "years young" crapp) when the boor made his comment I would have stopped (so the guy couldn't back his truck), cupped a hand to my ear and said, "Eh? What you say sonny"? I would repeat that for every comment the guy made.
When the guy finally understood I wasn't moving as long as his mouth was running he would hopefully shut up and wait until I got out of the way.
If he decided to walk up to me and try to push me out of the way, of course then I'd have to knee him in the nutsak and when he bent over from the pain I'd have give him a forearm shiver to the back of the neck.
If he tried to run over me with the truck then alas, I'd have to pull Lucielle out and put ten rounds of .45 through his back window.
Either way I win.... :wink:
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Post by Beowulf »

Yeah but you also talk to raccoons in your spare time, so I don't think I can take your advice seriously ;)
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Post by will_kill »

Hostile wrote:In these cases, I always find it's good to smile, say hi, and wave as though he were your best friend. Road rage intensifies when you do this, but they somehow always seem to feel more stupid and just move along when you do that AND you didn't make an *** of yourself either. :P

I am also a recovered violencaholic........

....a good post Hostile :) This is more of the type of reaction I'm apt to rather than "running up in their face" for a "screaming match" as some other poster implicated. If I read hostility after I've attempted to "break the ice" thats when I don't hesitate :wink:

'grats for your self-control issues being under your control :)
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Post by woodchip »

Beowulf wrote:Yeah but you also talk to raccoons in your spare time, so I don't think I can take your advice seriously ;)'s always best to be a little leary of me.
BTW did I tell you about a stock pick one of the raccoons was telling me about.... :lol:
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Post by Palzon »

will_kill wrote:
Hostile wrote: I am also a recovered violencaholic........

'grats for your self-control issues being under your control :)
yeah, thank god its under control! :P
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Post by ArcherOmega »

What counts BEOWULF, is that your decisions got you out of that unscratched. I fought back and won during an assault, and my machismo wasnâ??t any better off for it.

I live in NYC. A few years ago, coming home from a night class on a near-empty street, I saw down the block a panhandler asking people walking by if they had change. After I passed him, he came up behind me, and razored my right knee from the back (he cut open the pant leg), then grabbed me by the neck and whipped me around. My brief case went to the ground.

Here I am, one second worrying about how Iâ??m going to pass my engineering final, the next, fighting for my life. I spun around, then he slashes a 22 inch line across my coat. I would have been dead had it not been a winter day.

My EXACT thoughts, I remember like it was yesterdayâ?¦
>Iâ??ve only got 20 bucks in my wallet, what if this guy doesnâ??t like it and kills me anyway?
>Who does this scag thing he is? (I was a gymnast, and still work outâ?¦I was in prime condition)
>What if I run, and he pulls out a gun and puts one in my back? What about my wife, my kid?
>Stand and fight, at least Iâ??ll see his next move and react.

He pockets the blade, turns and grabs my case off the floor. I jump him from the back - not for the books, the case, or the 20 bucks, but for not knowing what he might do next out of spite. By now, other people saw the commotion, and were coming to offer help. We scuffled, the scag dropped my case and ran off. NYPD detectives showed me mug shots, but I couldnâ??t positively ID him.

Believe me, I donâ??t feel like a hero for what happened that night. It also doesnâ??t represent what anyone should do. Fighting my way out of that didnâ??t do anything for my ego at all. What counts is, it worked that time, and my decisions got me out of it.

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Post by Canuck »

Weapons fire over a parking lot incident?
Glad I live where I live,

However now there are now lots of City Folk visiting from an hour and a half away, bringing their knifes and guns and attitudes to our Local Bars stabbing, cutting, and trying to murder people.

As for defending yourself I'm all for it...
But hey the reality is in the end, it's arguing with a stupid ugly person with nothing to lose in the middle of an, [insert chain name] parking lot.

I usually never take the first swing.
If you sucker punch me or try and gang on me, all bets are off.

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Post by MD-2389 »

will_kill wrote:
BUBBALOU wrote:situation.. drunk verbally assaulting you for sign language
sir i would strongly suggest you return to your vehical before you are arrested, have a good day! copy down his tag can call the police
If he motions to strike you, dodge and counter by collapsing his esophagus with the he side of your hand. Then enjoy the rest of your day knowing that you prevented yourself from receiving bodily harm and had a drunk arested and prevented someone getting killed with him at the wheel.

...excessive force :o
No, excessive force would be doing the aforementioned, and then continuing to kick and beat the stew out of him. Nailing him in the windpipe effectively disables your opponent without causing serious harm. Go talk to any martial arts instructor if you don't believe me. Its far less dangerous than getting behind him and applying a choke hold, and is far more effective. Why you consider this "excessive force", I have no clue.

That being said, there is a time and place for everything. What you did Beo (ie: walking away) in that situation, was the right thing to do. However, your mouthing off didn't really help things either. You're damned lucky he didn't pull out a gun and blow your ass away. Best thing you could've done was to blow him off until he actually tried to take a swing at you. Never be the one to start, or instigate, a fight.

I've only had to be involved in one fight, and that was waay back when I was in the sixth grade. Some douche decided it would be cool to ball up his fist so his middle of his middle finger was sticking out, and repeatedly ram it into the middle of my back and run it down my spine. I told him to give it a rest, but that didn't do any good. The stupid teacher didn't do anything, as usual. Finally, I got fed up, so I turned around and cold cocked the little bastard into the wall and yelled at the top of my lungs telling him to, and I quote, "Leave me the hell alone!" That got the teacher's attention, but nothing happened. Fat ★■◆● was good for nothing. The little turd never tried it again though, nor did anyone else.
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Post by Testiculese »

'collapsing' it would usually be death. I think that's what he was talking about.
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Post by BfDiDDy »

I would have kicked him in the shin then ran around the parkinglot.
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Post by will_kill »

MD-2389 wrote:
will_kill wrote:
BUBBALOU wrote:situation.. drunk verbally assaulting you for sign language
sir i would strongly suggest you return to your vehical before you are arrested, have a good day! copy down his tag can call the police
If he motions to strike you, dodge and counter by collapsing his esophagus with the he side of your hand. Then enjoy the rest of your day knowing that you prevented yourself from receiving bodily harm and had a drunk arested and prevented someone getting killed with him at the wheel.

...excessive force :o
MD-2389 wrote:No, excessive force would be doing the aforementioned, and then continuing to kick and beat the stew out of him. Nailing him in the windpipe effectively disables your opponent without causing serious harm. Go talk to any martial arts instructor if you don't believe me. Its far less dangerous than getting behind him and applying a choke hold, and is far more effective. Why you consider this "excessive force", I have no clue.
Well, you seem a little uninformed when it comes to the law so I'll leave it to you to look it up :wink: These are things I know from research because I am the type of person that I am :wink:
MD-2389 wrote:That being said, there is a time and place for everything. What you did Beo (ie: walking away) in that situation, was the right thing to do. However, your mouthing off didn't really help things either. You're damned lucky he didn't pull out a gun and blow your *** away. Best thing you could've done was to blow him off until he actually tried to take a swing at you. Never be the one to start, or instigate, a fight.
Wrong :P ...always launch a pre-emptive strike at the exact moment your aggressor moves aggressivly(which involves any part of his/her body moving at yours with what you consider intent to harm. If you wait, it'll be too late :wink:
MD-2389 wrote:I've only had to be involved in one fight, and that was waay back when I was in the sixth grade. Some douche decided it would be cool to ball up his fist so his middle of his middle finger was sticking out, and repeatedly ram it into the middle of my back and run it down my spine. I told him to give it a rest, but that didn't do any good. The stupid teacher didn't do anything, as usual. Finally, I got fed up, so I turned around and cold cocked the little bastard into the wall and yelled at the top of my lungs telling him to, and I quote, "Leave me the hell alone!" That got the teacher's attention, but nothing happened. Fat ***** was good for nothing. The little turd never tried it again though, nor did anyone else.
the first time he did it was assault... :wink:
and being loud about your retaliation was not very wise(as is normal for school children). However, in a situation akin to that my reaction would have been to quietly (while teachers head was down or turned)
turn around and put one solid tap on the tip o' his chin then turn back around again as if nothing had happened......oh, the bully? heh, out cold from the intense nerve ending damage.

Now, "that being said", If you have only been involved in one fight,(in how many years?) then I would suggest a lil' research would be in order before you try to hang with the "big dogs". :x :P
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Post by will_kill »

Testiculese wrote:'collapsing' it would usually be death. I think that's what he was talking about.
yeh...your only allowed to subdue with necessary force which limits you to moves like arm locks and bear hugs :D if you threw a knife-hand at an unarmed aggressors throat(the law knows these things) you could wind up being liable for his/her hospital bills...and your charges against said aggressor being dropped. Been there..done that :lol:
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Post by DCrazy »

Back in 7th grade I used to be relatively strong. One day my friends and I were playing football in the yard. One kid (who was *really* short) threw a horrible pass which got intercepted. I went off at him, and another kid came up from behind me and hit me across the back. Now, keep in mind that I was 5' 10" and weighed about 180 at the time, but this guy was 5' 10" and 230. I picked him up by the neck with one hand and repeatedly threw him into a chainlink fence until 3 or 4 of my buddies pulled me away. He never came close to physical force again. :P

No harm done, and the guy is now my best friend. :P
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Post by roid »

will_kill wrote:...:x...

Been there..done that...
you remind me of someone. it's already been hinted to by someone else. there's a definite shared "style" i'm picking up from you that it shared by someone else who posts on these forums.
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Post by will_kill »

roid wrote:you remind me of someone. it's already been hinted to by someone else. there's a definite shared "style" i'm picking up from you that is shared by someone else who posts on these forums.
hmmm....ok, so what are you saying besides the obvious?
(look at your pm's)

Oh, and I'll say the same thing here that I did in my pm to you...I use one name here, will_kill, I don't need to hide behind multiple names (like some players) presupposing a personality disorder. :wink:

Also! Why would you place my emoticons out of context of the original message when quoting me??
Is'nt that like misquoting someone?intentionally?? :P
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Post by roid »

this image speaks volumes to those who know. it and others like it were made as a living parody to Ace's first days here, his wild bull-★■◆● storys and childish temper.


(btw he loves people talking about him.)

i thoughtfully picked those 2 bits of yours to quote. the use of the aceface and "been there done that" - it's suspicous. but please pay no mind to our suspicions, we just have idle minds ;).
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Post by will_kill »

just have to :lol: @ that last post :wink:

and just fer' yer' clarification, If I ever become so desperate to 'be someone' that I start to make up stories about things I've done, heh, just shoot me.
(oh, and if it's a .50 caliber, PLEASE, shoot me in the head or chest, not the leg!!!) :lol:
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Post by roid »

heh, ok ok.

i'm not saying you are full of ★■◆●. just that others who ARE full of ★■◆● talk just like you - so you can understand my hesitation leading credance to similar storys.
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Post by Hostile »

Palzon wrote:yeah, thank god its under control! :P
LOL, I don't know what you are talking about Pally heh....
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Post by MD-2389 »

will_kill wrote:Well, you seem a little uninformed when it comes to the law so I'll leave it to you to look it up :wink: These are things I know from research because I am the type of person that I am :wink:
Heh, style over substance. Way to go.
Wrong :P ...always launch a pre-emptive strike at the exact moment your aggressor moves aggressivly(which involves any part of his/her body moving at yours with what you consider intent to harm. If you wait, it'll be too late :wink:
Oh yeah, go right ahead. Strike first when the guy hasn't really done anything worth fighting over. Wonderful logic. :roll: He hasn't lifted a finger before you "slug" him, and now you'll be seen as the one that started it and YOU'LL be the one up on assault charges.
the first time he did it was assault... :wink:
and being loud about your retaliation was not very wise(as is normal for school children).
Being loud about it wasn't being wise....when the teacher was IGNORING the situation? WTF?!
Now, "that being said", If you have only been involved in one fight,(in how many years?) then I would suggest a lil' research would be in order before you try to hang with the "big dogs". :x :P
That was the only fight I've been involved in because I've never HAD to be involved in any others. That was one of the few times that anyone has really messed with me to the point of retalliation. I've been made fun of, yeah. However I just rolled with the punches and fired right back. Sure, there were always ★■◆● in high school. They rarely gave me any grief because I knew how to blow them off.
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Post by Palzon »

is this thread growing up or pussing out? :P
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Post by MD-2389 »

Palzon wrote:is this thread growing up or pussing out? :P
Time will tell. ;)

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Post by Krom »


I wonder what pic would be right for this thread now...
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Post by Beowulf »

Niether, it's being high jacked.

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Post by Krom »

Perhaps the thread hijacking pic then? :P
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Post by will_kill »

yessir MD :o ...sorry :oops: ...don't hurt me
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Maybe you folks could try letting a thread die of natural causes, just to shake things up. ;)
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Post by Beowulf »

Or we could let it live in a Shiavo(sp?)-esque state.
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Post by MD-2389 »

will_kill wrote:yessir MD :o ...sorry :oops: ...don't hurt me
*cues The Ballad of LeRoy Brown*

I'll go easy on you this time.

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Post by Canuck »

will_kill wrote:
Testiculese wrote:'collapsing' it would usually be death. I think that's what he was talking about.
yeh...your only allowed to subdue with necessary force which limits you to moves like arm locks and bear hugs :D if you threw a knife-hand at an unarmed aggressors throat(the law knows these things) you could wind up being liable for his/her hospital bills...and your charges against said aggressor being dropped. Been there..done that :lol:
I have a friend who's buddy and girlfriend were laying on their couch watching TV one night when a youth gang kicked in their door. Home invasion.

Being bolstered by several other successful home invasions the rabble were stopped short when buddy reached under the couch and pulled out his replica Colt 45 bb gun and pointed it at the leader.

The head punk froze and wet himself... literally. His buds ran through the door and he was held frozen there while the cops arrived.

The police charged my friend's buddy with aggravated assault. The youth offender got 3 months and a slap on the wrist.

They appealed it for 2 years and lost. He now has a criminal record for pointing a BB gun at a home invader who would have terrorized and caused injury or worse.
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Post by woodchip »

Canuck wrote: They appealed it for 2 years and lost. He now has a criminal record for pointing a BB gun at a home invader who would have terrorized and caused injury or worse.
The joys of living in a liberal socialist state eh 'Nuck?

Here in michigan the home owner has every right to pull a gun on a home invader. Still though you cannot shoot the guy unless the punk has a weapon in his hand and ignores your warning to halt. Florida, on the other hand, is just a wee bit different.
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Post by Stryker »

I don't know what the laws are in Kansas exactly, but I don't really care. If someone enters our house without the permission of mom, dad, or me, he's getting the business end of a blowgun dart to the face, and worse if he doesn't leave immediately. I'd rather make a public statement about the fallacy of our laws if I'm charged with assault, and defend my home in the process, than I would roll over and play dead to a home invader. That's the kind of thing that encourages these buzzards to keep doing what they do.
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Post by will_kill »

Canuck wrote:I have a friend who's buddy and girlfriend were laying on their couch watching TV one night when a youth gang kicked in their door. Home invasion.
Being bolstered by several other successful home invasions the rabble were stopped short when buddy reached under the couch and pulled out his replica Colt 45 bb gun and pointed it at the leader.
The head punk froze and wet himself... literally. His buds ran through the door and he was held frozen there while the cops arrived.The police charged my friend's buddy with aggravated assault. The youth offender got 3 months and a slap on the wrist.
They appealed it for 2 years and lost. He now has a criminal record for pointing a BB gun at a home invader who would have terrorized and caused injury or worse.
This is in Canada? I fear America is'nt far behind :(
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Post by will_kill »

Stryker wrote:I don't know what the laws are in Kansas exactly, but I don't really care. If someone enters our house without the permission of mom, dad, or me, he's getting the business end of a blowgun dart to the face, and worse if he doesn't leave immediately. I'd rather make a public statement about the fallacy of our laws if I'm charged with assault, and defend my home in the process, than I would roll over and play dead to a home invader. That's the kind of thing that encourages these buzzards to keep doing what they do.

Good for you Stryker....ermm, might I suggest something a lil' heftier than a blow-gun tho'? :wink:
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Post by will_kill »

MD-2389 wrote:
will_kill wrote:yessir MD :o ...sorry :oops: ...don't hurt me
*cues The Ballad of LeRoy Brown*

I'll go easy on you this time.


heh...ok :lol:

BTW, I believe LeRoy wuz a trouble maker....
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Post by Stryker »

will_kill wrote:Good for you Stryker....ermm, might I suggest something a lil' heftier than a blow-gun tho'? :wink:
A blowgun dart to the eye is pretty much guaranteed to discourage someone from further annoying you, even if it doesn't kill them. A dart penetrating the eye would continue into the brain, causing massive damage. If that doesn't do it, using the steel end of it as a pike should. If that *STILL* doesn't work, I have a 2-foot long, half-inch-thick steel rod in my room that works very, very well as a burglar deterrent. Then there's my music stand... it has two nested hollow steel rods; and I can use one to throw the other hard enough to penetrate 3/4 of an inch of solid wood. Then, of course, there's the fact that I have enough accuracy and power with this blowgun dart to bury a 2-inch long dart to the head in a person's body through clothing, allowing me to shoot pretty much wherever I please--couple that to an accuracy of within a half inch over 50 feet, and the fact that I can aim that thing faster than most people can aim a pistol, and you have a rather effective weapon.

One shot from a 2-inch steel dart sharp enough to penetrate plywood just below any male's waistline in the center of the body should effectually convince them that there are easier and less dangerous places to get stuff. As in buying it.

Add this to the fact that I know 5 ways of effectively disabling an opponent in hand-to-hand combat with no weapons whatsoever in one blow, and that I'm capable of lifting approximately 275 pounds, and I don't think anyone would be particluarly interested in messing with me on my home turf.
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Post by woodchip »

will_kill wrote:
Canuck wrote:I have a friend who's buddy and girlfriend were laying on their couch watching TV one night when a youth gang kicked in their door. Home invasion.
Being bolstered by several other successful home invasions the rabble were stopped short when buddy reached under the couch and pulled out his replica Colt 45 bb gun and pointed it at the leader.
The head punk froze and wet himself... literally. His buds ran through the door and he was held frozen there while the cops arrived.The police charged my friend's buddy with aggravated assault. The youth offender got 3 months and a slap on the wrist.
They appealed it for 2 years and lost. He now has a criminal record for pointing a BB gun at a home invader who would have terrorized and caused injury or worse.
This is in Canada? I fear America is'nt far behind :(
Not hardley. What with 38+ states enacting relaxed concealed carry laws I don't see us going the way of the Canasians or the Brits. God bless the NRA.
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Post by De Rigueur »

Hey Beowulf, are you OK? ... RN600.html

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) - Two Wal-Mart employees who were gathering shopping carts were shot to death Tuesday in the parking lot of one of the retail stores in suburban Phoenix.
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Post by TheCope »

Iâ??ll take jock prick fist fights over bullets flying over grand rationalizations and impulse.
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Post by will_kill »

Stryker wrote:
will_kill wrote:Good for you Stryker....ermm, might I suggest something a lil' heftier than a blow-gun tho'? :wink:
A blowgun dart to the eye is pretty much guaranteed to discourage someone from further annoying you, even if it doesn't kill them. A dart penetrating the eye would continue into the brain, causing massive damage. If that doesn't do it, using the steel end of it as a pike should. If that *STILL* doesn't work, I have a 2-foot long, half-inch-thick steel rod in my room that works very, very well as a burglar deterrent. Then there's my music stand... it has two nested hollow steel rods; and I can use one to throw the other hard enough to penetrate 3/4 of an inch of solid wood. Then, of course, there's the fact that I have enough accuracy and power with this blowgun dart to bury a 2-inch long dart to the head in a person's body through clothing, allowing me to shoot pretty much wherever I please--couple that to an accuracy of within a half inch over 50 feet, and the fact that I can aim that thing faster than most people can aim a pistol, and you have a rather effective weapon.

One shot from a 2-inch steel dart sharp enough to penetrate plywood just below any male's waistline in the center of the body should effectually convince them that there are easier and less dangerous places to get stuff. As in buying it.

Add this to the fact that I know 5 ways of effectively disabling an opponent in hand-to-hand combat with no weapons whatsoever in one blow, and that I'm capable of lifting approximately 275 pounds, and I don't think anyone would be particluarly interested in messing with me on my home turf.
<whisper>..look behind you! :wink:
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