How did you get your handle

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How did you get your handle

Post by Richard Cranium »

I did a quick search for this and didn't turn anything up... maybe we have done this before though...

How did you get your handle or pilot names?

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Post by Richard Cranium »

Mine started out back in the days of Descent 1. A friend of mine introduced me to the game and Kali. We played (wasted) many hours. When he was helping me get all set up I was trying to come up with a really good name for my pilot but we were limited to 8 characters. Everything I came up with wouldn't fit and finally he suggested D!ckhead (spelled with an I). I don't really remember why he suggested it but we had a good laugh about it so I kept it.

When Descent 2 came out we could have longer names so to be more PC I changed to Richard Cranium and continued to play with that name when D3 came out. I eventually joined the VonClan so I shortened it to RC or VonRC.

Thatâ??s basically how it happened.

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Post by Unix »

Originally, I was Spazz with two z's. I never did play D1 so I didn't know that was already taken. I kept getting confused with the one z Spaz so I changed it to Unix. Why? I was looking around my desk for a name and saw a box that had Unix written on it. Pretty stupid eh?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

When I first started Kali back in 94, I tried using Merlin but someone had used it already. So I went with ..Merlin.

Then I switched to CDN_Merlin after CDN_Wingman started the CDN (Canadian) tag. Been that ever since.

BTW, I love magic (aka Dungeons n Dragons type) hence the name.
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Post by Unix »

Speaking of my old username, i tried to login using it and although it's still here I can't retrieve the password. Admin?
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Post by Plebeian »

Too much history classes, I think. But it fits, I think. Just a lowly serf working the mines. Never was all that good, so didn't end up "deserving" a more "noble" name.

But yeah, pretty much just pulled it out of my brain. Had to have a name, just picked one at random.

Speaking of D&D, my usual nick online is actually a character I created for a D&D-based MORPG that was being developed. That name I just pulled out of my brain, too, but that was made up completely, based off elven names from various fantasy series (mostly Dragonlance, if I had to guess).
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Post by Skyalmian »

Typed "Sky" and then the rest with my eyes closed on March 15, 1999. Was created for a demon in a fanfiction story I was writing at the time, not for me to use.
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Post by JMEaT »

Mine was a typo. I was typing JME at college in an email and it came out JMEaT college. A friend caught it and it stuck.

My real name is Jamie.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Board Name: WarAdvocat..."WarAdvocat" is a military title associated with Guardship crew in the universe of a book called The Dragon Never Sleeps, by Glen Cook.

Pilot Name: Bunyip... The Bunyip was a malevolent monster or demon known to the Australian Aboriginal culture. Strangely enough, this has nothing to do with rabbits or the TCP/IP protocol :) As for how I started using it for my handle, well, it's in honor of / because of a Dogo Argentino puppy.
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Post by Grendel »

I just finished reading The Legacy Of Heorot (Niven/Barnes/Pournelle) before I installed Descent. Still under the impression of the alien main characters in the book I choose that name. thought it was rather fitting, like in epic Beowulf the monster always ends up in the loosing position (or standoff at best) :)
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Post by Top Gun »

I originally signed up at PlanetDescent under the name Red Baron. (This was before I had ever even played any of the Descent games online.) I soon found, to my chagrin, that that name was already in use, so I had to quickly think of a new one. I've always liked the movie "Top Gun," and I'm a big fan of the F-14 Tomcat. (My mother went to see the movie when it first came out just a few weeks before I was born. Apparently, I was kicking quite a bit in the theater. :P) Since I saw that this name was not registered at PD, that's what I changed my name to. I've used this name ever since in every forum I could (I had to change to Mongoose for Hard Light Productions, since Top Gun was taken) and in every Descent multiplayer game I've ever played in.
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Post by TheCope »

122 - my birthday is December 2nd

MeatPuppet - liked the sound of it, the band doesn't flip my pancakes

Meat - I was a vegetarian and very poor at descent 3 when I joined DmC and it was shorter than MeatPuppet

TheCops - my brother used to say, "it's the cops!" to scare me when we would smoke weed in public places

TheCope - jbomb either purposefully or accidentally referred to me as TheCope while in the middle of one of my brain pressure cooker releases on gamesurge descent3 chat. It made me laugh.
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Post by suicide eddie »

well you seen how i fly :)
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Post by will_kill »

As most of you may know, I started out in D3 as MaxKragen....this name wuz a handle I have been using for online gaming since...ohhh...late 90's. It actually grew from KragenX. I began using KragenX to begin with but found the need to shorten it or come up with a new name since I did'nt like to be called Kra' or Krag' or any of the shorter variations on the name. So, after careful thought, I added Max and dropped the X.
Years go by and I arrive at this junction....
So, I'm listening to the players and probing the boards and it turns out this game has one or two active 'Max's'. Well, in my quest for uniqueness(is that even a word? :lol: ) along with a few other unrelated reasons, I've found myself with the moniker 'will_kill'...I got this from the in game thought that "you may kill me now but sooner or later I will kill you" :wink:
And obviously my son Nick, pilot 'Nickwillkillu', got both his names from dear ol' dad :)
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Post by Krom »

Made it up on the spot when picking an alias to play multiplayer in 1999, and stuck with it ever since.
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Post by Duper »

Like most, I was stunned when I realized I needed a "new" name. I had alwaya been "Biff" (my real name and unusual in and of itself)

Had read THIS comic book and grabbed the name of the subject character John Byrne used in it. "Dupeman" John had Just finished his stint at DC comics revamping Superman in oh.. 1990. Did a great job too. He has a bit of an attitude from what I hear (really no clue) but he left DC much like he left Marvel as the rumors go. He then started this series on how to draw comics but never got beyond one book :P. I still have it somewhere.

btw, this site that's linked is a great gallery of John Byrnes.

Anyways, over the years. from LANS and Kali, Duperman was a bit of a mouthful so it got shortened to "Duper".

Somewhere on this site is my old Duperman profile which I can no longer access. :P
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Post by DCrazy »

I was a wee tyke (12 to be exact :P) when I bought a copy of Descent 3. I downloaded D3Edit and hit up Tricord's D3Edit BB. The best username I could come up with at the time was "DCrazy", short for "Descent Crazy". The fact that it can be easily shortened to DC is the only reason I haven't changed it since.
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Post by BfDiDDy »

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Post by Pun »

Puerto Rican gangster rapper.
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Post by AceCombat »

AceCombat is part of one of my emails, and its also my alltime favorite game.

i own all 6 of the PS1/X and PS2 games.
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Post by dissent »

descent - dissent; .. get it?

nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

actually, just looking forward to being disagreeable.
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Post by roid »

i was an asthmatic kid. a common drug for it is salbutamol, which is a steroid.

my first multiplayer games were Descent, C&C red alert, and Duke Nukem 3D that i'd play modem-to-modem with friends. Duke had steroids (also called "roids") in it that made you go really hyperactive.
i also used to play around in the pool with these friends and we all noticed that when i took salbutamol it could send me a bit hyperactive in the pool - to which they began to say "oh jord's taking his roids - watch him spaz out in the pool".

i used to use the nick ELMO in games.
i dunno... i kinda liked ROID, it was more personal since it actually ment something. and with the whole diabeties and insulin thing ★■◆●ing around with my metabolism - references to performance enhancing drugs is often very fitting.
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Post by will_kill »

I'm glad RC started this thread 'cause up till now I thought you had a really sick sense of humor roid...(as in hemorrhoid) :P
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Im a fat wench. :P
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Post by Phoenix Red »

I go by a lot of handles that I will actually answer to IRL (a product of voice comm programs). I'll list the ones that pop up the most.

Phoenix Red: this one never made it out of D3 actually. A fascination with mythical birds when I installed D3 for the first time (unaware of the ship) lead to it. The last time I had D3 installed I flew as PR-is* aliases, most commonly noob, or tank if I wanted the mag. For some reason I was under the impression that people would know who that was.

Mjeshu: began as the name of a diety in a piece of writing I'm particularly proud of. Designed (successfully) to confuse attempts to pronounce it, the logic being this would de-humanize the owner of the name somewhat. I've also popped up as mj/emjay variants in non-descent places, as that's what I go by in voice comm most of the time since people give up on mjeshu, two people can say it and one of them's me.

Wupok: created for a World of Warcraft tauren character. For those of you who throw holy water at MMO's, tauren are minotaur-looking things with a native american style culture. I thought the sound was right and I like it.

Jumai: obscure referance to the wheel of time (a sept of the shaido aiel)
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Post by Robo »

Mark 'Robo' Roberts.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

I have been called Bubba since I was 8 years old. BUBBALOU is my hockey name "BUBBALOU the WALL"

230lbs 6'5" on skates playing wingman and center (would rotate on the fly to confuse the other team)

Basically it started from the one day where I was up high on the slot and my teams defense was digging out the puck from behind the net in our zone. They pushed it up along the boards to me so I could go offensive, while the their team had some players committed deep in our zone.

I jumpstarted backwards as the puck approached, caught the pass and turned forward and kicked it into high gear... Plowed over the left Defensive man like a mack truck. His helmet, eye protection, and gear went flying. I didnt even notice he was there, he was like a bug on the windsheild. At the same time, I hear this SCREAMING and pounding of sticks From my team's bench. " Bubbalou the Wall " I glanced at them :twisted: then the referee to see for a penalty(just in case) then proceded in for the goal. Turned around to see the player was still on the ice winded.. I went over and helped him up.
This was not the last time My bench was calling out "the wall"... was just the start for 5 years

Since then the name stuck and I use it on everything. I just shortened the name. at that time I was playing ICE/ROLLER and DECK hockey on 3 different teams. With basically the same guys
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Post by whuppinboy »

created after installing d3 and flying in the mines the first couple days getting my ass handed to me.....back in d2 days it was rumba or flew under freebirth when he wasn't looking ;)
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Post by Defender »

I snatched the Defender out of MD-1032.
Tends to match my play-style in games, and it's stuck for the last 7 years. :)
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Flabby Chick wrote:Im a fat wench. :P
Baby got back?

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Post by Flabby Chick »

I missed somthing there RC.

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Post by TheCope »

Flabby Chick wrote:I missed somthing there RC.

Consider yourself lucky. It is the bane of all wedding parties in America. 1 trick pony cadence mix-a-lot.

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Post by Grendel »

Richard Cranium wrote:
Flabby Chick wrote:Im a fat wench. :P
Baby got back?
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Post by Topher »

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Post by Richard Cranium »

Topher wrote:chris-topher
I don't understand... :? Can you expand on that?
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Post by Plebeian »

Richard Cranium wrote:
Topher wrote:chris-topher
I don't understand... :? Can you expand on that?
His name's Christopher. Take off the "Chris" and you're left with "Topher".
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Plebeian wrote:
Richard Cranium wrote:
Topher wrote:chris-topher
I don't understand... :? Can you expand on that?
His name's Christopher. Take off the "Chris" and you're left with "Topher".
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Post by Plebeian »

Richard Cranium wrote:pulling his leg
You reached too far and got mine instead! :lol: (You never know when something simple like that can completely escape someone's grasp. I know it's happened to me before. :))
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Post by De Rigueur »

[Fr., lit. 'of strictness'.]
Required by custom or etiquette.

One of the funniest books I ever read was 'The Unexpurgated Code' by J P Donleavy. He used the expression, de rigueur, a lot. It stuck with me.
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