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Post by woodchip »

The city pumps are no longer working as all power is out. Lets all watch as the bathtub fills.
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Post by woodchip »

Skyalmian wrote:That the Superdome is concrete isn't what bothers me. Take a good look at that picture of it again. The entire bottom of the structure is nothing but entrances and support columns. It'll fill with water like the rest of the city will.

This post sums it up best:
If the worst happens - and at this point it seems implausible that it won't - the bottom 2 stories will fill with water. Dirty nasty foul water full of chemicals and raw sewerage. Further the bathroom facilities are only expected to function for the first day.

So in rough terms, 40,000+ people will be trapped in a building with no plumbing, little light and no air conditioning. The temps after the storm rolls thru will probably be in the low 90s. Considerably hotter in the building.

It is now reported that the Superdome roof is leaking.

edit: Part of the dome roof has blown off.
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Post by woodchip »

Doesn't Bama live down that ways? Gulf Shores or some such?
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

My prayers go out to those caught in the midst of this, but at the same time, I'm also very curious as to what New Orleans will look like after the storm and how much damage/lives there was as a result of the storm. I'm just curious as to how much damage mother nature can do.
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Post by JMEaT »

Down to a cat3 now. :o
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Post by Top Gun »

I haven't heard any info about flooding in New Orleans, although I know that Mobile is getting it pretty bad. Some chunks of roof on the Superdome were blown off, but as of the latest reports, it's holding up well, and there's no flooding inside it as of yet.
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Post by Aggressor Prime »

WDSU, The New Orleans Channel, says that 1/2 of New Orleans is underwater.
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Post by AceCombat »

Atlanta is now feeling the rain. solid rain all day in riverdale
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

roid wrote:this thing is gonna be all like

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/ ... atrina.jpg
I don't mean to be funny in a topic like this, but when he mentioned that, I had a STRANGE visual, and that coupled with the image he linked to, just had me cracking up!

To have my frame of thinking, imagine if mother nature was actually a guy, and extreme weather was sort of a "male release" of built up "energy". Couple that with the above quote and you're now within my twisted sense of humour.
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Post by roid »


(actually what you just said there now has be picturing a visual of a 50metre tall weather god vigorously humping the side of the superdome with reckless abandon - bits flying off it.)
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Post by Dedman »

It will be interesting to see how much international aide is offered to the U.S. in the aftermath of the storm. Afterall, a lot of Countries expect us to bail them out. Let see if that goes both ways.
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Post by woodchip »

Dedman wrote:It will be interesting to see how much international aide is offered to the U.S. in the aftermath of the storm. Afterall, a lot of Countries expect us to bail them out. Let see if that goes both ways.
Don't hold your breath.
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Post by roid »

aid is only offered to places that can't take care of the situation themselves.

what do you need?
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Let's not turn this into E&C Material.

Not that I don't feel an urge to comment myself, but I'm going to refrain regardless. If you feel an urge to discuss the gratitude or lack thereof of other countries towards the USA, please make a separate thread where it belongs.
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Post by roid »

sage advice
*zips lip*
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Post by T-Devil »

We have heard that Warpig left when they gave the evacuation order, but if anyone hears from him, please let us know. I'm kinda worried about Piggy and Pixxy.

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Post by woodchip »

It would appear that some of the levee's are failing and flooding is burying New Orleans and Crescent city.
Not good.
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Post by Testiculese »

Admiral Thrawn wrote:My prayers go out to those caught
Better try harder!
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Post by Skyalmian »

By the time they get to trying to patch the crater in the water barrier, the entire city will be gone...

New Orleans: RIP 1718-2005. :\
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Post by Admiral Thrawn »

Perhaps New Orleans has the potential to make it to this list

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Post by Kiran »

*clings to a telephone pole and holds on for dear life*
Good Lord the winds are furious! I've been hit by a flying empty 12 pack coca cola product, tons of debris, and drove around fallen branches.
Still though, I'd rather be up here than down there where they can take the worst of it.
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Post by Top Wop »

Dedman wrote:It will be interesting to see how much international aide is offered to the U.S. in the aftermath of the storm. Afterall, a lot of Countries expect us to bail them out. Let see if that goes both ways.
We wont need to anyway because we are not a helpless country that cant hold its own.
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Post by bash »

Yes, but the point is just offering assistance would pay out beaucoup brownie points for the country making the gesture. We would, of course, turn it down. So they'd be out nothing but be raised very high in American regard (which always ends up translating into cold hard cash and favored nation trading status). If Mexico was smart, it could swarm New Orleans with tens of thousands of aid workers that could mysteriously get *lost* when it was time to go back south of the border. Double bonus points for Mexico! This is how diplomacy is played well. Or North Korea or Iran. How could we possibly threaten to attack them when they had so selflessly offered to bail out the Big Easy in its time of need? Opportunities are being missed. Tsk, Tsk. ;)
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Post by Dedman »

I thought this pic from CNN summed it up pretty well.

http://www.cnn.com/2005/WEATHER/08/30/k ... index.html
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Post by FunkyStickman »

We made it.

Me, my wife, 4 kids, and my mom and dad made it to a friend's house in Memphis early Monday morning. We sat up for the last two days watching as the city was pretty much destroyed before our eyes. They say now 80% of the city is under at least a foot of water. The river and lake levees have broken in several places, causing the already high waters to rise even more. Even if the rainwater pumps were working, they pump water back into the river, which would flow right back into the city. Thousands of people were stupid enough to sit it out, and had to be rescued from their own attics and rooftops yesterday and today. Hundreds more are suspected dead. Looting is rampant.

There is no gas station within 200 miles of New Orleans that has gas AND power to pump it.

They're saying it could be as long as a month or more before they let us back into the city to even see the damage done to our houses. To even attempt a trip back to retrieve my belongings, I'd have to bring 20 gallons of gas, and another person to drive my car back behind me.

Seeing the damage is one thing. Watching it and saying "see that house under 12 feet of water? I was there last week" is a whole other feeling. Most of the hospitals were devastated, even their backup generators stopped working as the water kept pouring into the city today. The first 3 floors of University Hospital downtown were completely gutted by wind and flowing water... and that's where the Neonatal ICU was located. The damage is only getting worse. Bodies floating by, seeing dogs getting electrocuted by live power lines, hearing people scream and then stop as they begin drowning in their own attics... this is what the coast guard has to deal with.

More later.
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Post by Dedman »

When it is all said and done, this may eclipse the devistation cause by Camile.
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Post by Hahnenkam »

Friends of ours from New Orleans just e-mailed this pic of their neighborhood to us. Luckily, they evacuated early Sunday morning. It was good to hear from them; I knew they lived right near the lake.

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Post by woodchip »

My my, miss american pie
took my chevy to the levee
and it was gone.
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Post by Unix »

woodchip wrote:My my, miss american pie
took my chevy to the levee
and it was gone.
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Post by Palzon »

although it hasn't started here that i can see, i implore everyone to not politicise this until a more appropriate time.

my thoughts go out to all the residents and families affected.
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Post by bash »

Too late. It's already politcized. *drumroll* It's the Republicans' fault
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Post by woodchip »

Yup, it was Bush's fault these nasty hurricanes develop. Why it he had signed the Kyoto Accord there would be no storms today!
On a like note some dems were trying to plug how since national guard troops are in Iraq, there will be less people to aid in recue work. And Birdy wonders why I think the far left is nuts.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

I don't have any fancy pictures, but please STFU.

Both the right... and the wrong. Shush.

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Post by MD-2389 »

Stickman, where in Memphis are you? You're only about an hour or so away from me.
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Post by Palzon »

i thought i said don't politicize it :roll:
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Post by Beowulf »

I guess this is God's way of saying "this city disgusts me." Pretty Biblical if you ask me. Old Testament style, back when God had some balls, huh? Like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah except with no fire and sulpher.
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Post by woodchip »

Palzon wrote:i thought i said don't politicize it :roll:
You know how these threads twist and turn. More moves than two snakes in heat.
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Post by Ferno »

woody, don't pull your crap here, ok?

this is about the hurricane, and whether everyone that went through it is okay. If you want to get on your soapbox and preach, do it somewhere else.

Beo, bash.. same goes for you.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Oh come on, this is not the time to get on your damn political soapbox. People DIED because of this thing, and you want to use it as an excuse to beat your chest? WTF?!

Grow the hell up.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Man this is crazy. I thought we where the only ones in trouble.

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