Help me win a bet

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Help me win a bet

Post by Unix »

Okay as some of you may or may not know I'm a musician (I post songs often in the PTMC Gallery). Anyway, there's a guy I work with (a musician as well) who runs his mouth about how my music sucks etc. Well we both post our music on this site that has internet charts. Our "competition" is to see if either one of us can get in the top 10 on the alternative charts. Basically, the charts work by how many plays you get from unique IP addys.

So, in the name of putting all douche bags in their place. Click here and play the first song in the list (Cold Suzy) it only has to play for 30 seconds to considered a valid play. You don't have to register or anything to play the streams either. Also, if you want to hear what his (crappy) music sounds like you can download it here (it's on my server so he doesn't get any plays :twisted: )

And most importantly, I've got 10 bucks riding on this too. It may not be much to you guys but I have a mountain dew and beef jerky habit to maintain.

Thanks DBB'ers!
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Post by Pun »

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Post by Unix »

Lurvly :)
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Post by Krom »

So do I get some of this $10? ;)

j/k Done.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

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Post by Unix »

Thanks ya's.
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Post by Diedel »

It's two totally different styles of music in that two songs - what do you want? Actually I liked his music and his lyrics better than yours, apart from the fact you seem to be by far the better singer. Not putting you down here, it's just a matter of taste.

Anyway, you got my click, too. ;)
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Post by Unix »

That's cool, but you know F him right? For putting down a fellow musician? I've never said a negative word to him about his music and I think the only reason he really doesn't like mine is because of the vocal ability. He's a douche bag either way :)
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Post by Diedel »

Yeah, I have not been considering character qualities in my above post. It's really a bad trait to put down somebody else for what he's doing.

You have a good voice. I wish I had such a good voice - my wife would melt ... :roll:
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Post by Battlebot »

thats a really good song.....havent heard something as good as that in a while. nice job

you got any other songs?
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Post by Pun »

Klick from home IP this time! woo! go Cold Suzy!

I have an idea. You guys should cover the dude's tune and blow his freakin doors off.

In the guy's defense, I think half his problem is the mix and overall recording. You could probably doctor that sh^t up to sound not half bad. I will say this, that gay a$$ vocal harmony near the end made me laugh out loud.
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Post by DCrazy »


With brand-spankin'-new MP3 player module. :D
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Post by Gooberman »

How does most DL = best anyway, are they rated or something? The only way a regular person could tell which is better is to download both, in which then he will make a decision himself, and at the same time you two have declared he likes both equally. None of it would make me quit after 30sec if I was really interested.

Anyway, I clicked urs.
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Post by Unix »

Thanks everyone who's clicking/listening. Battlebot: Glad you like it :)

As for the charts, I just read something I didn't know about. Apparently there's a hot/flop button (ahh you must be registered to vote that though) which also affects chart position. Anyway, here's the link to the chart info. And tomorrow I'll post how I/We did on getting the song up there.

Thanks again everyone :) <---- For more music. Also there a couple of playlists there with some demos and live stuff.
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Post by Gammaray »


I didn't much care for the style, but it's decent tunes I guess.
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Post by TheCope »

If there is one contribution hip-hop made to 'music' that makes me the most sick it's this sense of turning audio and songwriting into a freakin' competition all the time. This ain?t a relay race this is like reflection with melody lines. You can?t measure that beyond ?this sucks skip to next mp3?.

Why you would even enter this 'contest' is beyond me. I?m dating a woman who doesn't like my voice or music at all but it doesn't stop me from chasing tail.

But hey.. It?s a free country go be the best best bestest music guy you can be!

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