I HATE female drivers. (Accident)

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I HATE female drivers. (Accident)

Post by Top Wop »

In particular the kind who just dont care and try to find a skapegoat to their problems and offload ther responsibility on innocent people who had nothing to do with initiating the accident other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I felt the need to come on here and get this off my chest, because I am supposed to be studying for my finals instead and I have no other way to release my energy and my nerves. Now I can no longer concentrate on my studies.

My mom took out my garaged Bonneville, a car which I carefully take care of and invest alot of blood, sweat, and tears as well as money because I dont want to drive any other car but that one. She took it out because the junk Ford Taurus that she usually takes out on grocery runs is just that, junk. That and we had to dig it out of the snow so it was just more convenient to take mine.

After she was done at the store, she backed out, and while she did some inconsiderate ★■◆● in a Passat backs out after we did, completely oblivious to my mom and her honking and drives in to the rear driver door. They got out and my mom was "WTF were you doing backing out into me? DId you not see me?" And you know what she said? "Well thats because my rear window is foggy and covered in snow." Well ★■◆● you should be looking in to whom you are backing into, like mayby an old lady who could be walking there. You should also have taken the time, like any other respectable driver, to take a winter brush and CLEAN your goddamn window or at least be sure that when you back out you are not running in to anything else!

We had backed out first and had the right of way, we couldnt go anywhere cus she was backing into us and we had to honk her ass to let her know she was about to ram into somebody! And what does she do? Accuse us of "just being there" and went on in an incoherant rant and basically blamed us for the accident, and ask us for OUR insurance while refusing to give up HERS!

We asked her where she lived and she refused to say. So finally like the ★■◆● that she is, she gave in and showed us her insurance info and home phone number, realizing that she lived in the town where we lived by looking at the phone number, she finally fessed up and said yes to the town she lived in. Why would she not reveal where she lived and not give up her insurance information? Was she trying to hide something? She knows she's in trouble but the only thing she can do was try in a cowardly attempt to shift the blame on us and try to excuse herself from the responsibility of the accident and not even reveal her insurance info.

My mom is diabetic, she cannot handle nerves very well. Now she is upset not just because of being shaken up from the accident which could have EASLIY been avoided but because she said that if she hit her junk Ford Tarus instead she would not have cared. Now my mom is upset and will get sick as a result. I dont give a damn about the car anymore. Now im worried about taking my mom to the emergency because she is very nervous and her blood pressure could skyrocket and she could faint. All because some inconsiderate, bigoted and careless ★■◆● did not take the time to clean her rear window, not even CHECK as she backed out of the parking lot to make sure she wasnt hitting anybody.

Now besides the shock of seeing a ruined door on a car which I had spent alot of hard working hours over, and we cannot afford another car, now I have to worry about my mom's health and her guilt that she did not take out the Taurus. And her health is more important than any other damn car in the world. All because of stupid, lazy, inconsiderate whiny bitches who are too goddamn lazy to not just clean but actually know where you are backing into.

End rant, thank you for your time, but my nerves are still shot.
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Post by Canuck »

First thing you do is write down the experience, which you did. It is still fresh in your mind and it helps get things off your chest.

I see many points where the judge will take exception to her version of events, and see it your way. Refusing to give insurance information at the accidennt is also a vey big no no.

She could not see so she backs up anyways.
Not clearing the snow off your rear window is plain stupidity. And point out it was a lucky thing it was a car she hit, and not a person.

She needs her licensce revoked and to take it over again.
Perhaps ask the court to seek for such a clause.
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Post by Top Wop »

Im going to call the Sheriff's office tomorrow since they didnt bother to call the police and get everything going, but thanks very much for the tips.

[edit]Yea, my mom wanted to talk to our insurance guy FIRST. Its in their name anyway. If we report to the police tomorrow and she doesnt then its considered her fault no matter what. Neither of us had a cell phone and it was late.
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Post by Vindicator »

You did call the cops, right? Never hurts to have a police officer there to extract the insurance info out of her...

edit: guess not.
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Post by SuperSheep »

While not a female driver, I was involved in a similar accident when I was 22 years old with a "foreigner" (read...similar to female driver).

So, anyways, on with the story...

I was pulling into my apartment complex during the afternoon and started heading down the drive which goes by rows and rows of parked cars. I see a guy getting into his car at the end (some tiny little civic thingy) and didn't think anything of it.

Well, I'm getting closer to the guy now and see that he just starts backing out (read....me, me, me syndrome). So I slow down, and finally wind up having to stop cause of this bonehead.

Well, he backs out enough to actually pull away however, what does he do? Well, not start moving forward (as he should) he keeps backing up....right...into...my....1000 pound chrome bumper on my 1976 Chevy Camaro (read.. Chick magnet!) :)

Well, I kinda sat there pondering various things and saw that while I was pondering, he was getting out and inspecting the damage.

Well, I finally get out and he starts yellin at me, probably foreign obscenities and such, hell, I didn't care, I took one look at the damage and starting laughing.

His POS civic thingy's bumper was lying on the drive and my 1000 pound chrome plated bumper had not even the tiniest of scratches, dings, bumps of any kind.

So...I looked at him and said...

"Well, seems to me that the accident was clearly YOUR fault as you did not yield to my right of way, my being stopped, my repeated horn blasts, and it also seems the only damage is to your crappy car, so, I guess I'll be gettin on with my day."

And I promptly got into my car and drove to my apartment while he stood there cradling his bumper.

1976 Camaro Rust Bucket (Chick magnet) - 1
Crappy Civic Thingy - 0
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Post by fyrephlie »

sorry to hear about that Top Wop... people are just 'recockulous' sometimes. hope your mom is ok, and the damage is repaired on her dime as it should be. good luck if this story continues.

my story:

this involves a teen (read: punka$$ in daddy's car)

i was pulling onto one of the busiest, craziest highways (read ... it's MN if you have driven these things you know what they are like) in the cities. I pulled onto the on ramp which was metered (little lights that make you seperate into lanes and green red one car at a time instead of just letting people DRIVE because apparently too many stupid people don't get the concept), and I stopped at the red light that was there. The car just in front of me had just gotten his green, and rather than risk a ticket I stopped in my lane for my green.

I was with a good friend and we were discussing something we had just seen at CompUSA when we felt a bump. I said, "weird, how do you hit a pothole when you're stopped."

I will stop at this point in the story and describe the vehicle I was piloting. 1978 Ford LTD, 351 Windsor with 4bbl Edelbrock Carb, and some fancy struts that the guy I bought it from installed. There were a few other 'mods' on the car too, but I don't remember everything there was, i just know there were some fairly shiny chrome parts under da hood). I had bought it cheap, and was amazed at the speed and quality and fully planned to upgrade the paint and body the next year. As it was, it was a forest green and rust colored peice of 12 ton behemoth!!

When the light clicked on, my buddy and I looked behind us. To our suprise (read: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA) there was a 2001 Pontiac Trans Am literally buried under the rear bumper of my car.

We got out and he jumped and was nearly crying looking at the damage to (what must have been dad's) the car. My car looked fanastic, save the friction rub leading down the chrome and under the car.
He apoligized for it profusely, and claimed full responsibility. He gave me his insurance information. I got in my car, pulled it forward with ease. I offered to stick around while he waited for a tow truck to come. He declined, and said he was fine.

The next day the Progressive truck pulled up (read: pissed off daddy already got the ball rolling so he could get his car fixed). The guy looked over my car, and said that there was a clip that was broken (read: hmm i wonder if that kid really broke it or if it was just that way already), and not worth it to pay to have the car lifted and fixed and said he was going to total it out and let me retain the salvage (read: score... free money!!!) He gave me a figure, then I popped the hood, he saw the 'mods' he said ok, I will go $1200 which is well above Blue Book, I said OK. He wrote me the check and was on his way.

Since I paid a guy I knew $400 for the car, I was pretty stoked to see this kinda profit. :)

(on a side note, that winter the car was towed from my lot when it snowed. the throttle linkage snapped a few days before and i was too lazy to fix it in the cold. when they took it i just let them have it, i am sure the junk yard that had the truck was thrilled about this. they scored too. :))

(SuperSheep: ever seen the beginning of 'Crash'...)
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Post by Grendel »

Sorry TW. My only advise is to always call the cops. That way nobody will pull a stunt like "but the rear window was clear and they drove into me"..
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Post by fyrephlie »

Grendel wrote:Sorry TW. My only advise is to always call the cops. That way nobody will pull a stunt like "but the rear window was clear and they drove into me"..
given the described damage (rear driver side door), it would be hard to claim that kinda stupidy with 'clear window'. the dumb broad is prolly boned anyway. although parking lot accidents are the hardest to deal with no matter what... :(
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Post by DCrazy »

I don't think much can top this story.

My mom bought a used 1995 Subaru Legacy station wagon in 1999, as our P.O.S. '93 Monaco had finally bitten the dust. She was in medical school at the time; the school has a rather large parking lot that is usually quite empty. Three weeks after purchasing the car (a Saturday), she's studying in the school's library with her car parked in the otherwise empty gigantic lot.

Some foreign idiot doctor (yes, already a doctor) decides to teach his wife to drive that day. His wife does not have a permit. She has never driven before. So it should come as little of a surprise that she would accidentally throw the car in reverse and floor the engine.

My mom's car was parked nose-in at a berm. This asshat was lined up square with that berm, and reversed SO FAST that she hit the berm, went airborne, and LANDED ON THE HOOD OF MY MOM'S CAR.

In hysterics, my mom called my dad to the scene, and if it weren't for the fact that a cop got there before he did, there would be two fewer foreigners in this country.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I can't stand peple who don't clean their cars after it snows. I see it all the time here. I'm a bit anal when it comes to cleaning my car but I want to make sure I can see and also that none of the snow/ice, yes ice doesn't fly off onto another car.
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Post by DKnight »

Yeah, I'm the same way Merlin. I get every single bit of snow off of my car, then scrape all the ice off I can from my car. I absolutely can't stand other people driving around with their windows obstructed of snow/ice. Whenever I'm working patrol on base (which hasn't been in a while), I give a ticket to everyone that wants to be lazy and not properly brush/scrape their windows. That gets to be a pretty expensive ticket. A ticket may teach them not to be quite so lazy when they get in their car. 8)
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Post by SuperSheep »

K, guess I should tell ya guys something that happened yesterday then eh?

Well, we're on Butterfield Road (very busy one lane road) going to my girlfriends (Muffalicious) work and just cruisin along merrily when all of a sudden, we see a Miata something or other turning left only there wasn't a road to turn onto. We then realize he's not turning, he's spinning out into the ditch for what seems absolutely no good reason.

Well, the guy in front of us must have been transfixed on watching this guy, cause he was coming to a complete stop. Well, I slammed on my brakes (ABS) and found that ABS no workie. Well, with absolutely no time to think about things, I began swerving to the right onto the shoulder and saw the guy in back of us coming up were we were.

Meanwhile the guy who was transfixed just guns it (bonehead finally realized what happened) while I'm busy swerving back onto the road.

Coulda been one of those 10 car texas pile-ups cause of this idiot.


I have had a similar experience TW with people not cleaning off their back window.

Had my car parked on the street and was sitting outside talking to my buddies, when I saw the guy across the street backing out. His rear window was covered in snow, and sure as ★■◆●, he backed right into my nice 1994 Camaro. Well, he gets out and is yelling at me that my car shouldn't be parked on the street, etc, yada yada.

So, I say "Let's wait for the police"

So, cops get there and let me know I was parked illegally, so I take my $10 fine, then they give him a ticket. About 3 months later, we go to court. I was going to give the guy a break until I saw that he not only had a lawyer but plead innocent to the judge and started going on about how I was in the wrong.

Well, I told the judge that I was in fact parked illegally, and that I paid the fine. Judge told me to leave.

Found out later on that the judge revoked his license (which was expired) which made him lose his job, and him and his family wound up having to move.
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Post by dissent »

What Grendel said.

Wopper, hope everything works out ok for you and your mom.

Great story, DC. No, I don't think I can top that. I do have a story that started out similarly. I had parked my car, many years ago, in the large lot at my local community college. There had been a few cars also parked nearby. When I came out after a few hours, however, there wer no longer any other cars parked in the vicinity. I walked towards my car and saw that the car had been smashed in on the passenger side rear door, and had been hit hard enough to move the entire back end of the car into the next parking place. Big black skid marks from my rear tires from where they had been to where they were now. I was heated. But there was more! I saw that there was a note left on the front windshield. Well, I thought, at least they left a note. Then I turned the paper over and saw that it was a ticket - a citation from the college security cops - for parking in two parking places.


Needless to say, I was able to use my rudimentary forensics skills to convince the local security chief to tear up the ticket. The skid marks made it pretty obvious. Didn't make the complete resolution of the repair any more pleasant, though.
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Post by Testiculese »

Keep a disposable camera in the car. Take pictures. Other party screwed.

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Post by fyrephlie »

Testiculese wrote:Keep a disposable camera in the car. Take pictures. Other party screwed.

not a bad idea. although i stopped carrying a camera in favor of my cell phone, which does the job when necessary, i have actually helped other people's accident claims because of it. :)
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Post by Kiran »

*ahem* In my defense against Top Wop's hatred of female drivers, :wink: I'd like to point out that not all women are bad drivers. I will say, however, it seems that quite a few of younger women and teenage girls are catching up with the men in being the cause of accidents. They always seem to be distracted with something: putting on make-up, fixing hair while looking in the mirror, talking on the cell phone while driving. Then again, not all distractions are our fault. :P Trust me on this one.
TW, I hope your mom gets better. I don't really know what it's like to be in the condition she is in but remember that if she starts to panic or anything like that, breathing deeply helps. And breathe with the stomach not the chest. :P
I had anxiety problems last year and got panic attacks quite often on the road everytime someone does things so stupid they should've been dead if they weren't lucky (Lost too many friends in car accidents this past 2 years). I learned that using a breathing technique can help calm the nerves. Breathe first then clear the mind.

Oh, and one more thing. Just because you were in an accident with one stupid female driver doesn't mean you can hate all female drivers. :wink:
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Post by Top Wop »

Kiran wrote:Oh, and one more thing. Just because you were in an accident with one stupid female driver doesn't mean you can hate all female drivers. :wink:
I understand but I still should have the liscence to vent. :P Where I live I have to deal with alot of stupidities, and every time I pass the car up to see who was driving its 80 percent of the time a female. 20 percent of the time its a guy driving like a woman because he is distracted or yapping on the phone ect ect ect.

My mom is ok, only reason why she would get upset now is if I got obsessed about the car, so really I need to watch myself now. The initial shock subsided from my mom after she laughed her ass off watching Jay Leno and the Fruitcake lady!

Got an estimate, considering its $1,160 to replace for a new door, its close to half the price of the value of the car. Actually, what THEY think the car value is which means they will try to screw you and instead try to consider it a total! So now I have to worry about the offender's insurance trying to write off the repair as a total instead of forking the cash over. But of course what they dont consider is that I put alot of time into making my car a worthwhile machine and I cant afford another one. If I get another car, I dont neccissarily know the full history of it like whats wrong with it, what I will eventually have to change, ect. With keeping my car I already know what to expect and if there is a problem I will know its not because of a new part I replaced some 6 months ago, or the driving habits of the previous drivers, ect. Granted the Bonneville is a rock solid car, but you never know about some idiot who fondles with your car and screws something up in the proccess. I dont have the money to buy a new one and for the write off I am going to have a hell of a time finding the same car "of equal value". :roll:

So yesterday I was shaken up and angry, today I am disturbed and disgusted. Disturbed because my car which is one of the gems of the American car industry is at a close risk of being written off as a total. Disgusted because all of this rediculous NONSENSE could have been avoided with some consideration, foresight, and safety in mind. Well, one of the advantages of having a close friend as a lawyer is that he can represent you for free. :)

Oh well, heres to stupidity. *ching*
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Post by Diedel »

Get the police, who will see the snow covered rear window of the other woman's car and know at once what had happened, get her insurance number and have it all repaired at her cost instead of whining about things you cannot change.

And get over it.
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