Hey can anyone tell me why I can fire in a game as long as no opponents are visible? As soon as an opponent comes into view my primary fire button refuses to work.
Had that happen too... I removed the joystick drivers and reinstalled, also I had a hardware problem too... soundcard started going.
My new one arrives soon as this one now locks up constantly.
I rarely have framerates under 200 and don't have that problem on fresh linux servers. I have had that problem, but it was on any server that had been running way too long, linux or w32 didn't matter. I would bounce around from incredible rapidfire to not being able to fire at all.
Well, (I'm an idiot) it was the joystick after all. Strange thing is the control panel applet showed it to be working correctly up until I un-installed and re-installed the driver. Once I did that the control panel applet displayed the button to be defective. So a quick trip to exchange the damn thing solved my problems.
Again ty to all who attempted to help me solve this particular problem.