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Top Gun
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Post by Top Gun »

I'm really interested in how the term \"maturity\" is getting thrown around regarding the \"new\" DBB. Here's a tip for everyone: using profanity and making sexual jokes aren't signs of it. They're signs of a puerile mind. It doesn't matter how old or young any of us members here are; maturity is maturity, and certain members here have definitely shown which side of the scale they fell on. Whatever you say to your friends in private or in your own house is up to you, and I have no problems with that; I won't ever deny breaking into a string of curses when I get angry myself. However, in a public setting, there are certain standards for language or behavior. Whether or not the DBB is privately owned, it is a place of public discourse; last time I checked, there's no requirement for a membership to read posts here. Anyone from anywhere on the Internet can start lurking here, and there's no guarantees on their age. The mature thing to do would be to monitor one's own behavior accordingly; at least, that's what I've been raised to do.

I'm going to have to disagree with Lothar here; I see a huge amount of pettiness in Stresstest's post, particularly in his completely unfounded accusations against KB. Yes, it's true that KB hasn't been around for a while. Yes, it's true that there were a few actions he proposed that had me shaking my head. But guess what? All of those situations were resolved in a calm manner. Take the case of E&C, for instance. KB was discussing about whether or not it should be password-protected or otherwise hidden, as the NHB is. However, many of us who frequently read/post there let him know how the forum had evolved from its original intent, and he understood that things were working fine the way they were. That's all it takes, people. There's no need for a stunt like this. We all know that the claims about donations being \"required\" or KB somehow \"pressuring\" us to do so are a complete lie. I haven't donated myself, yet I'm still posting here, without any consequence at all. And, in case you were asking, I do hope to donate in the future, just because I consider this board to be a home, and I'm willing to do what's necessary to insure that it stays functional and gets good speeds. I'd do the same thing for PD; if worst came to worst, come hell or high water, I'd find a way to keep it running if Gamespy ever cut us off. That's what it means to be part of a community, and I think some of you have forgotten that.

As for the edited post, yes, I didn't have any problems with it, and I wouldn't have any problems having anyone older than a ten-year-old read it. However, as has been pointed out before, there's a line when you're registering stating that any mod has the prerogative to edit/delete a post they deem to be not appropriate. Right or wrong, that's all KB was doing; we all know he's apologized for it since then. TheCope's response to this incident was uncalled-for and the exact opposite of how a \"mature\" person would act. We've all heard the \"Arguing on the Internet...\" line, and once again it proves itself to be true. I don't know what other \"incidents\" provoked the move that was made, and I don't pretend to be privy to whatever went on behind the scenes between the mods/admins, but after reading these forums for more than four years now, I think I'm safe in saying that we have a damn good bunch of mods and members here, and we should all be thankful for that. This type of fighting is beneath all of us.

Having a bunch of people run out on this place only damages this community, in a way that the passage of time never could. We don't need this, guys. What we do need is the DBB, the real DBB, to continue to serve as a place where all Descent players/ex-players can continue to gather. We all know that we love this game; even more than that, we love the relationships we've been able to form and the community we've been able to create here. Just put these differences aside; let everyone get their egos out of the way. We're all intelligent people here; we all know this argument is stupid and pointless. I mentioned maturity earlier: in my mind, the greatest mark of it is being able to admit one's own mistakes and ask for forgiveness, and the ability to resolve grievances in a courteous and civilized manner. Let's all show each other how mature we really are, people. Just let it go. If we can just put all of this crap behind us and move forward, each and every one of us will be much better off for it, and this community will continue to be the wonderful place it always has been.
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Post by Diedel »

Pugwash wrote:The language will not be bad in all forums at the Bettina. you will however be able to say "sex" in the cafe without getting attacked. you will even be able to use the word intense.
#1 Nobody was attacked.
#2 You can say "intense" here
#3 I don't like posts like the quoted one, because they are a distortion of the truth. Yuck. :P
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Post by fliptw »

enough. any questions concerning the new board can be handled there.

edit: now that I've got a chance to read the thread thru, Im glad I locked it. Any greivances with the board should go in Feedback.