Dumitru Duduman Testimony

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Dumitru Duduman Testimony

Post by jesusfr3ak4evr »

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... ru+duduman

I posted this video on the dbb.com website, but I wonder what you guys think of it?

Personally, I think it's a very powerful story, and a lot of what he says about America makes a lot of sense.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Over 45 minutes before he really mentioned anything about america and then it was that russian spies will infiltrate our nuclear facilities to set off our nukes to burn america and god told him this because america has abandoned the word of god.

The only thing remarkable about the whole thing was the way he didn't quite ask for a donation.

If you were moved by this fine, but I don't know why you described it as powerful. I guess I'm just too cynical to feel it.
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Re: Dumitru Duduman Testimony

Post by roid »

jesusfr3ak4evr wrote:I posted this video on the dbb.com website
i'm not sure anyone even bothered watching it :lol:
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Post by Mobius »

Will, check out the username of the poster - that oughta give you some clue as to his intellectual capacity and his philosophical bent.

'Nuff said!
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Post by jesusfr3ak4evr »

Nice, Mobius. Next time try better to flame me indirectly. Just because you have a different view on life from me does not give you the right to put down my opinion on a video.

Intellectual capacity? You don't even KNOW me. At least some people here met me twenty-six months ago. I'm actually working on a degree in Computer Engineering at a competitive university. Denouncing a person's intellect by a religious screen name alone is foolishness.

Philosophical bent? That is shaped by my study of the Bible and my relationship with God. You clearly share only one, if any of those traits with me.

'Nuff said? more like nothing said. Next time post something constructive.

What I wanted to emphasize by posting this video is not solely whether what he said is true or not; rather, WHAT IF it IS true? It is easy to be cynical. Never believe everything you hear. But I can see the validity of the arguments Dumitru makes against America. About how we send out lots of missionaries to other countries, and are the capital of Christianity in the world, yet the capital is rotting from within. That is the issue I wanted you guys to pick up from the video.

Oh, and Will: Dumitru actually mentioned 6 or 7 nations that would work against the United States -- not just Russia. I take prophecies with a grain of salt, seeing how the Bible warns against false phophets. As I said, the issue is not whether what he said will come true or not, but whether the United States truly is becoming a large scale Sodom or Gomorrah. People's reactions to the Bible and God today resemble the people from before the flood, when Noah preached and preached for (120 years before the ark was made?), yet no one believed.

roid, I doubt anyone from dbb.com watched it either. If it's longer than 2 minutes, then it's beyond their religious attention span :roll:
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Post by Mobius »

Whateveryournameis, by selecting such a user name (I'll be kind and label it \"provocative\") and posting such stuff, you were just BEGGING for the reply post I made.

If you want to avoid being flamed in such a way - select a username that doesn't brand you as a religious nutcase who can't spell. That'd be a good start. If you're aware of my \"Spelling Nazi\" reputation here at the DBB, then you'd have known I'd flame you as soon as you posted ANYTHING. If you didn't, then you had to know that someone else would step up to the task of flaming you. Mind you, not a very tricky job, that.

You think I wasn't flaming you directly? See, that just supports my assertion about your intellectual capacity.
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Post by jesusfr3ak4evr »

Mobius wrote:Whateveryournameis, by selecting such a user name (I'll be kind and label it "provocative") and posting such stuff, you were just BEGGING for the reply post I made.

If you want to avoid being flamed in such a way - select a username that doesn't brand you as a religious nutcase who can't spell. That'd be a good start. If you're aware of my "Spelling Nazi" reputation here at the DBB, then you'd have known I'd flame you as soon as you posted ANYTHING. If you didn't, then you had to know that someone else would step up to the task of flaming you. Mind you, not a very tricky job, that.

You think I wasn't flaming you directly? See, that just supports my assertion about your intellectual capacity.
Fine, I'll just ignore you from now on.
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Post by Shadowfury333 »

BTW Jesus freak, we know who you are and why you were banned. Also, Thunderbunny has replaced you as resident conspiracy theorist anyway.
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Post by roid »

jesusfr3ak4evr wrote:roid, I doubt anyone from dbb.com watched it either. If it's longer than 2 minutes, then it's beyond their religious attention span :roll:
more specifically they don't have much patience for apocalyptic christian extremist sermons, which is what we're all assuming this is.
Which is why we arn't bothering.

speaking of which

October 2, 2006 issue of New York Magazine
The End of the World As They Know It
What do Christian millenarians, jihadists, Ivy League professors, and baby-boomers have in common? They’re all hot for the apocalypse.
http://newyorkmetro.com/news/imperialci ... index.html
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Post by Firewheel »

JF, as we all know, Mobius is an obnoxioius, arrogant jerk who elevates himself by slamming others. He uses this same strategy to help himself forget that his erroneous views, particularly on the Bible, have been defeated time and time again on this board. But, unfortunately, he does have a point- with a name like that, you're begging to get flamed.

And who is he \"really\", anyway?
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