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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Wow, Season 3 is really shaping up. Anyone else watch it? I didn't care much for Season 2 but Season 3 is really shaping up to be the best season out of the three.
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Post by snoopy »

I am watching it. Yeah... it's getting good. I had a dream about it last night.... that Ben takes Locke and Jack to his demonic theater. It was freaky.
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Post by Firewheel »

I've been watching it from the beginning, and while the first part of this season was rather dull, it's getting really, really good.
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Post by Capm »

Most people just wish the show would, well, get lost...
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Post by Dedman »

That show jumped the shark after about the third episode.
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Post by dissent »

never seen it.
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Post by TechPro »

Capm wrote:Most people just wish the show would, well, get lost...
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

A lot of people just don't want to put in the effort to really get involved in a show that makes you think very deep. It is a very VERY deep show and you need to keep track of almost every episode as it is incredibly complex. But a VERY good show and very character driven at the same time.

Season 2 was bad. However, I liked Season 1 and 3 I love. :) Took a while to get into it, but now it is actually picking up the pace. The thing about the show, is after Season 2, they picked it back up but the characters, always remained true to their nature. Unlike BSG, that after mid-season 2, they started had filler after filler until the end where they jumped way out of the way on the time-frame. The characters literally mutilated themselves and characters swing in and out of character all the time. One week, you think they have finally grown out of their stupidity and the next, they act like a bunch of idiots. Never in character from one week to the next so I found that after a while, I started to loath the show in between the end of 2.5 and the end of 3.0 where I stopped watching. But I may go back.

Not to rant too much on BSG. I just don't like how the characters are so unstable. One week they are likable and the next week, they do something stupid. It just sort of made me feel icky after watching it for oh so long though. After a while, you just stop liking any characters. Only character I still like is Admiral Adama. But I may go back. Lost, I think began to loose it's fanbase a little when Season 2 started coming out. They led us down a trail that was sort-of leading us up to Season 3 but it told a long, drawn out story about a bunch of extra characters that died off by season 3. In fact, the fanbase hated the new characters as most of them were sour apples. It's a bad move to add characters to a show that already doesn't lack faces, especially when they are unlikable and pointless.

It's also not as deep or mysterious as Lost is. Lost is also a little bit like a chess game. There are two sides to the board and each character on the board has different advantages and disadvantages. On one side, you have Ben and his group of scientists/religious cultists, and on the other side of the board, you have the survivors, usually led by Jack. :)

It's not just a bunch of people lost in the jungle. They are in some kind of strange dimension. Seems to be where it is leading us anyway. As in the last few episodes, it was explained that outside of the Island, their bodies and the plane wreckage was found. We also know that there is some way to get out of that dimension.

I guess I just like really deep, involving stories that are quickly tied up and stuffed into a 2 hour movie. *Spiderman 3*
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

TechPro wrote:
Capm wrote:Most people just wish the show would, well, get lost...
Heh, I'm sure that's why it's one of the most popular shows on TV. :P
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Post by Jon the Great »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:Not to rant too much on BSG. I just don't like how the characters are so unstable. One week they are likable and the next week, they do something stupid. It just sort of made me feel icky after watching it for oh so long though. After a while, you just stop liking any characters. Only character I still like is Admiral Adama.
I know what you mean. I love Battlestar but WTF is with the writing these last couple years? It's still watchable but the episodes are usually pretty weak. The first season was amazing. They laid so many things on the table with all the prophecies and the threat of the human cylons living among them and discovery of kobol proving the scriptures.. but about half-way through the second season it became apparent they hadn't planned that far ahead and had started just pulling ideas out of their ass. What the hell was all that prophecy stuff about a dying leader if they're just going to decide to cure roslin in one episode and forget about it the next??

Your comment reminded about how half-assed the writing has been for this show reccently. The characters are one way then they change personalities drastically for the next episode.
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Post by roid »

oh boy i used to be a huge lost fan. i still watch it, but i missed the last half of the 2nd series... so i missed the whole \"key\" thing (until i watch it on the bittorrent channel anyway). Even penny arcade said they \"jumped the shark\" with that stupid key.

But now, about halfway through the 3rd series, when they had that TIME episode where the british guy went back in time. BEST EPISODE EVAR! a bit of time travel is exactly what the show needed i recon :D. And now that key doesn't seem so stupid.
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Post by JMEaT »

TechPro wrote:
Capm wrote:Most people just wish the show would, well, get lost...
Lost interest after the 1st season.
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Post by DarkFlameWolf »

so who the heck is Jacob? :|
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Post by SilverFJ »

Lost is some of the worst television to ever be broadcasted anywhere.
Now House, that's a damn good show.
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Post by JMEaT »

SilverFJ wrote:Lost is some of the worst television to ever be broadcasted anywhere.
Now House, that's a damn good show.
<3: House, CSI Las Vegas, 24.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

House? I hate that show. The character is an idiot and it's just another ER copycat. Same as CSI, done to death. Even the first CSI was just another cop show. :\\ At least Lost makes you think, has an ongoing story, likable characters and it isn't just another cop/doctor/lawyer show. There are millions and millions of those and I really can't stand to watch them anymore. Just like I hated Star Trek after the original series. They can't come up with anything new. Lost, is pretty fresh on the plate.

CSI and house, it is the same show every week. Just with different actors and in a different order. And I can't stand the main character in House. He's an idiot that never seems to grow. Mind you, I watch all three shows every once in a while when I have nothing better to do. I like an on-going plot, that is character driven, has a side of mystery, maybe some sci-fi, that is deep and mysterious. :)

Maybe it is just a matter of opinion and personal taste. I personally would like to see CSI, Survivor, House, and many others go off the air. I'm tired of copycat TV shows. :\\
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Post by Hattrick »

I'll take The Deadliest Catch over all above named shows.
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Post by Tyranny »

You're talking about a show that is designed to cater to an average TV audience. Being \"DEEP\" is completely contradictory to attracting said audience. Why? Because it has to be understandable to most viewers. Having numerous plot twists and cliffhangers does not make a show \"deep\". Every show has those, their intentionally there to sucker people into watching more.

Lost is neither unique or \"deep\", it's simply more recycled BS thats been done a million times before and will be done a million times more. Sadly thus is the state of television these days. Everything is either a reality show or a freaking overly budgeted prime time soap opera.
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Post by Firewheel »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:A lot of people just don't want to put in the effort to really get involved in a show that makes you think very deep. It is a very VERY deep show and you need to keep track of almost every episode as it is incredibly complex. But a VERY good show and very character driven at the same time.
I'm a pretty casual viewer (read: I don't waste hours a day on fansites reading conspiracy theories), and tend to quickly forget many of the more minor developments on this show. It's still not hard to enjoy. I honestly can't figure out why so many people hate this show with a passion, though perhaps it pertains to the fact that most fans are obsessed, frothing-at-the-mouth lunatics. Tyranny, you obviously haven't watched Lost very much if you think the entire show revolves around only "plot twists and cliffhangers." I would say, however, that Lost is being seriously upstaged by Heroes, which is considerable more coherent and enjoyable most of the time.

Battlestar Galactica is probably still my favorite show despite the fact that half the characters are out of their minds. House is pretty good, but crime shows and their identical spinoffs, which exist only to make networks more money, bore me to death.
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Post by Foil »

Lost: <3 it, watched it from the beginning (btw, Desmond is by far the coolest new character).

House: Like it, usually catch most episodes.

Gilmore Girls: <3 it, wife and I have watched it from the beginning.

Battlestar Galactica: Really like it, but have only gotten through the first season so far.

CSI: Eh.

24: Blecch.

Guess it just boils down to personal preference. :wink:
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Post by roid »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:House? I hate that show. The character is an idiot and it's just another ER copycat.
House is made of cynicism and awesome. TV needs moar cynicism.

An ER copycat? ER and many other shows are inspired by the book http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_God

My favourite thing about Lost is trying to figure out what it all means. Sounds trite, but the mind just automatically races with ideas on howto explain it all. If i had a watercooler i'd gather around it and talk about ideas on what Lost is all about.
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Post by Genghis »

Lost started out great, but after season 1 it became apparent the writers had lost their way. They're making it up as they go along. They're leaving loose threads that even if they were wrapped up they wouldn't be believable. They're introducing more and more random crap without providing many answers. I see no point in trying to \"figure things out\" since the writers obviously don't have any real answers or even a plan. Still I watch and enjoy it, but now I take it for what it is: light entertainment.

House is a great character and the rest of the cast is just filler. The medical stories are pretty silly. They should just have a reality-style TV show following Hugh Laurie around and having him act like an arse to everyone.

BSG had some excellent news recently: next season will be a full 20 episodes, and it will be the last season! This is great: they will have a proper plot and an end point to shoot for. They can develop it at a reasonable pace but still move it along pretty much every episode. All characters are now fair game for being killed off to keep us guessing. I'm looking forward to it...in about 9 months unfortunately!

Heroes rocks. It comes up aces where both Lost and BSG fall short. In fact, it's written by former Lost writers who say they don't want to make the same mistakes that Lost has. Every episode is tight, moves the story forwards, and there's an endpoint at the end of the season.

I also watch Friday Night Lights. Seems like another teeny bopper show at first, but it's really quite good. Acting and directing are top notch. And I want to have sex with the coach's wife more than with any of the high school girls (20-something year old actresses).

For some reason I'm still watching SG-1 and Atlantis, even though they're just going through the motions. I'm looking forward to them wrapping up SG-1, which has been on way too long but was great in it's day. Longest running Scifi series ever.

For comedy, I enjoy The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock. Too bad they're canceling 30 Rock. And I wish they'd end Scrubs before it gets even more tired.

I also like all the fancy movie channel shows: Sopranos, Big Love, Entourage, The Tudors, Rome, Deadwood, etc.

I watch a lot of TV. Thank god for DVRs!

*Edit: Noooo!!! Looks like BSG may in fact continue after next season. That sucks. Means more boring filler episodes a'la Lost.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Genghis, have you been following Season 3? They have tied up a lot of things very nicely and very reasonably so far. It's not a reality show. It is meant to be an adventure/sci-fi/mystery style show that is extremely character driven. The first part of Season 3 was boring but I only remember seeing one filler (the one where they fixed the bus), which actually turned out to be somewhat important since last week we found out that the bus carried the corpse of Ben's father. I really haven't seen any holes thus far. And yes Season 2 was really bad. I actually got into Invasion for a while and hoped Lost would go away during that year. But Season 3, they are starting to explain things, tie things up, a lot of characters have overcome their fears and personal issues, we know who Ben is, what he is doing, how the Island works to an extent. Yes, there are still things to explain but if there wasn't, we wouldn't have Season 4. :)

BSG is going to end? I'm actually pretty glad to see it go. Their characters anymore, kind of suck anyway. I've watched it through Season 3. I liked the second half of the first season through 2.5. That was it. After that I watched it up to 3.5 and began to hate it. It looked it it was patchwork with tons of sex-scene fillers. I can even overlook those if they could just keep their characters and storyline straight from one week to the next.

House? I still hate that guy. I don't get why people like him because he is an arsshole? That is their sole reason for watching.... Yes, I watch it. I don't like it. :Heroes, I actually want to see, but I never have had time. I didn't really follow it because I feared that it would get canned like Invasion and Firefly. New shows only tend to last a single season. Invasion left a big cliff-hanger at the very end of Season 1.... and that was it's only Season. :
I don't like SG-1. Their show has lost reality completely, never steady, and it is so outrageous that I can't even comprehend it. If you think Lost is outrageous, SG-1 is off it's rocker. The acting is horrible, ships are ugly, storyline inconsistent.... I thought it would get canned after the first episode, it annoyed me so much. Not that I don't like Stargate. I love that movie, but the show has lost it's edge for me. :\\
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Post by roid »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:House? I still hate that guy. I don't get why people like him because he is an arsshole? That is their sole reason for watching.... Yes, I watch it. I don't like it.
Maybe you don't understand the House character. He always has a reason for how he treats ppl, and that's half the fun.

He has an incredibly cynical outlook on everything. He's such a genius that he's very bored with the predictability of everything around him, including people, and especially patients.

That lost boy, bored genius mischief. He's bored to distraction with life and must make his own games - merely to stay sane! (as the series sometimes hint to).

The cynicism and fragileness of his character bring into focus how messed up humanity naturally is, and how we all rediculously hide from it.

so much house <3 i burst
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Post by Firewheel »

I was a huge fan of SG-1 about three or four years ago... it was a decent show for the first five or so seasons, but got pretty boring after that. Atlantis always seemed dull to me.

BSG has an awesome storyline, but bad characters. Well, actually, Admiral Adama, Tigh, and Roslin are pretty good - it's Lee and Kara who are trying their hardest to ruin the show.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Heh, I have a friend a little like that.... ;)

I guess it is just a matter of taste. I like the Sawyer character on Lost. By far my favorite. A lot of people tend to dislike him when they first see him (probably not so much anymore) because he acts like a jerk all the time. But he has his reasons for it. And he is pretty entertaining in the way that he acts like a jerk. :)
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Post by Genghis »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:I like the Sawyer character on Lost. By far my favorite. A lot of people tend to dislike him when they first see him (probably not so much anymore) because he acts like a jerk all the time. But he has his reasons for it. And he is pretty entertaining in the way that he acts like a jerk. :)
You just described House!
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Post by Jon the Great »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:I don't like SG-1. Their show has lost reality completely, never steady, and it is so outrageous that I can't even comprehend it. If you think Lost is outrageous, SG-1 is off it's rocker. The acting is horrible, ships are ugly, storyline inconsistent.... I thought it would get canned after the first episode, it annoyed me so much. Not that I don't like Stargate. I love that movie, but the show has lost it's edge for me. :\\
SG-1 used to be pretty good. The writing was always a little off the rocker but they realized that a few seasons into the show and started to poke fun at themselves. Back when Richard Dean Anderson's character was on the show they could usually save an episode just with his acting and quirky sense of humor. It's really pretty sad to see the series limping on without him.
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