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Post by WarAdvocat »

OMFG I love teh Jazzy

Will you be my Man Wife?
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Post by Ferno »

after the bs rock just went through they should be smart and drop it to 45 bucks a night. but that's just me.
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Post by Pugwash »

I mean how did he "fix" it? Electritians cant pull power from there ass, even ones that like helping people. If I knew I would feel safer about buying my ticket. :)
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Post by Ferno »

pug: my guess is Jazzy went in, spoke with the head manager, and when he got the wrong answer he played hardball.
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Post by Suncho »

He found power that was already there but not known about.
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Post by Jagger »

Pugwash wrote:I mean how did he "fix" it? Electritians cant pull power from there ***, even ones that like helping people. If I knew I would feel safer about buying my ticket. :)
Oh, but Jazzy can. Jazzy Jeff IS super grover.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Suncho wrote:He found power that was already there but not known about.
Ya, the rooms don't need hot water for the weekend, right?
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Post by Suncho »

riiight ;)
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Post by AceCombat »

LOL!!! dont most hotels run on boilers though? i have come across many that have those "instant" hotwater electrical heaters under the sink
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Post by Deadmeat »

Hey, I could care less if their phones don't work. We're gonna ROCK-N-ROLL.:D
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Post by Dedman »

What you really meant to say Boss is that you going to get your tushy kicked. Right?
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Post by Ferno »

yup, that's exactly happens ace. they have this central steam boiler that heats the rooms with radiators. and they're serviced by horse and buggy. some model t's come around for people to drool over because they're the newfangled horseless carriage.


DM: what if you need to call for a pizza and you can't get a cell phone signal? ;)
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Post by Lothar »

It's an Amish hotel, then?

I'll fit right in with my Mennonite steam-powered computer.
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Post by Suncho »

My cash registers at work crashed today. I think it's because they were running Windows. ;)
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Post by Jagger »

Lothar wrote:It's an Amish hotel, then?

I'll fit right in with my Mennonite steam-powered computer.
I don't know why but that makes me laugh. :D
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Post by The_Rock »

Intel will sponsor Califest with a new P4 Extreme Edition 3.20GHz and Motherboard.

Winner of the 1v1 will receive the new P4 Extreme Edition 3.2Ghz CPU.
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Post by Suncho »

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Post by WarAdvocat »

Yeah I can't wait to collect my new processor!


Great Prizes Dan! You go!
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Post by Dedman »

That puppy is mine. Heh, not.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Ok, now that we are back on... do we have an option to rent monitors yet?

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Post by LunchBox »

Theres a good question..
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Post by The_Rock »

This stickin biotch of a Manager, contacted the fire martial last week. Basically telling him about our event. They came over to the room, check the place out, and see it's a fire hazard. Basically telling us if we didn't have an electrician report by yesterday @ 5pm, that our event was cancelled. Plus the deposit I made wasn't refundable. As you can see this has become a huge mess. She's a sticking C**T, and has been a biotch since the time i started working with her. Never once did she tell us they where going to need an electrician report, bla bla..

This is the deal, the event is cancelled.. but for those that purchased non-refundable plane tix, and those in the area. My father and I, are opening up our brand new victorian home for those that still want to lan. There's even a guest room if someone needs a place to crash. Once again these kind of things are out of my control. I thought once Jazzy came there, and gave me the go, it was set. Thanks Jazzy for your help and hard work. Now I'm gonna have to fight her, in court about getting the deposit back. IF u have any questions, just drop me an email

I'm done with LAN's, and unfortunately done with D3. It's been fun, but i'm too tired, and lost interest in D3 and in LAN parties.
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Post by Fusion pimp »

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Post by LunchBox »

Thats just lovely.. Oh well. $300.00 aint too much to lose.. Thanks anyway

We'll still get our registration back right? :-P

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oh man... if I only had a trainwreck picture...

nice try anyway Dan. I feel ya, you know I do

And just incase you got those prizes (Any of them) deny it... you dont want them calling you koolbear
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Post by Fusion »

Let me get this Straight? Cali2k4 is no more?
Fudge! I was so looking foward for this!

Some1, please clarify and confirm.

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Post by Hostile »

I think it is illegal to make a deposit non-refundable and then not provide the services you were holding the deposit for. They have to refund the money and I don't think court will be necessary.
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Post by Ferno »

Lawsuit anyone?
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Man it boggles the mind...

I'm still shaking my head.

I love ya Dan, but I don't understand why a shift in venue wasn't undertaken when the current situation began :( Even today, with a little less than a month and a half, a shift in Venue doesn't seem entirely unfeasible as an alternative to outright cancellation...

I was really lookin' forward to seeing all the Califest people. Hopefully I'll see a lot of you guys @ D3Chicago.
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Post by Hattrick »

I was really lookin forward to Lanning with everyone,
Unfortunately Chi town is out for me as I have a livestock show that weekend.
we are looking into the possibility of getting a lan together here in So. Oregon.No promises yet, If it looks like itll pan out I'll let ya all know.
I doubt it will be a big event like cali tho. More than likely on the scale of the WWD3 lans, Just a bunch of D3 peeps havin a fun weekend.
Anyhoo, like I said if it looks good Ill throw up a post. -Hat
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Post by Gooberman »

That sucks. Perhaps I could persuade some who really want a d3 lan to Chicago

Also, read what Hostile said rock, he is right.
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Actually, Hostile is wrong.

When you rent a conference room, you are doing just that. Renting a conference room.

It is the responsibility of the renting person/organization to handle making it meet code/conditions for the usage planned. Rock knew this all along as he consulted with me about power requirements for a lan months ago.

The only thing that rock might have in his favor in this fight is, maybe they did not inform him of his responsibility in the initial agreement, or in correspondence soon after. If you signed anything, agreed to anything, got a receipt for anything, look and see if there is a TOS on it. More then likely there is something in print that you have, or were made aware of, Dan. If not, go and see what you can do.
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Post by Fusion »

Hat, being in PDX OR, I would definately b interested in a little Lan shindig w/u, Klash, and any other PNW/OR/WA ppl. Find Me in Chat, or tell Klash...I c him perty often in chat
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Post by *JBOMB* »

It is a rare moment when procrastination pays off...

Woohoo i havent spent a dime and put off doing anything for califest and now i dont have to...

thank you procrastination....youve finally come through..

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Post by Hostile »

Actually I am right. He said he laid down a non-refundable DEPOSIT. That is quite different than actually renting something. Of course contracts may have crazy things written in them. However, the letter and spirit of the law are pretty clear. Was there a contract? Daniel said himself they didn't tell him anything about an electrician report. Besides, they have to have some sort of actual known limit of how many people it can hancle.

I would say that you should have the event for that many people since I know a bunch of us have paid. Otherwise, they should give you the deposit back and we should get our money back......or switch venues like Chris said.
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Post by kurupt »

yeah, thats pretty shitty. im eating ramen noodles and 37 cent mac & cheese because i wanted to make this lan. i cant get my money back for my tickets, so im pretty much at a total loss minus what i didnt have to pay for a hotel rom :(
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Post by Lobber »


I missed the last one, and now I won't get to play at all, ever again. I really wish that you wouldn't give up forever.

I only attended one of your lan parties, and besides me not having a box that could play it well, and lacking D3 skills, it was fun. Too bad most of you don't like to play oldskool D1 or D2. You know, I made a really good D1 level called Icarus.

But that's for another post.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

If the event happens, even for a reduced number of attendees, as Hostile suggested, I'll be there.

I would need a minimum of 22 days notice due to airline ticket scheduling procedures for free tickets.
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Matt, if you paid with a CC, you can do a chargeback. You will win because nothing was signed
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Post by kurupt »

paid with debit... is that still possible? any chance of telling my naive ass how? :P
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