I was wondering, does anyone know the name of the following osf files featured in Wind Mine 6?
I really loved the music and was curious about the songs. I tried to look in the readme, but couldn't find anything, so I thought I'd ask here.
Windmine 6 - Questfor music
Moderator: AceCombat
I don't know, but i will try to do research.
(I hope to find something )
(I hope to find something )
[Pumo software main website] - Pumo Mines current release: v1.1 (12 Levels) -- [Official R.a.M. Land's website] (You can find my music here)
Well, by now i don't know from what song is the Dancebot.osf excerpt, but for Buzzy.osf, i know it pretty well, it's a Descent 3 Level 4 (the Seoul one) music excerpt
[Pumo software main website] - Pumo Mines current release: v1.1 (12 Levels) -- [Official R.a.M. Land's website] (You can find my music here)