what is a soul?

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do Souls exist? (round your answer to the nearest one of these:)

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Post by Jeff250 »

FormerlySV wrote:Well I hope I answered this already with the acting on reasons being self-explanatory. I think that's the normal way to think about it.
When I search my intuition, I don't see the explanation for my will, or anyone's, ever making an appearance. It's not something that ever comes up.
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Post by FormerlySV »

Well, sir. What I mean is that thinking of P wills A for R being self-explanatory is implied in normal intuitive conversation. It would only occur to certain rather philosophical personalities(hey, that's us!) to ask for a more thorough narrative. That's not a bad thing, but assuming no other narrative is better, or no other narrative works, I think it's epistemically most acceptable to accept the more basic view.
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Post by Jeff250 »

FormerlySV wrote:What I mean is that thinking of P wills A for R being self-explanatory is implied in normal intuitive conversation.
I see no reason to believe this.
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Post by mistercool2 »

What is a soul?
Do souls exist?

I've been trying to think of something really profound to say here, but like most of us, I find it difficult to explain how I think and feel about something I don't completely understand. Even so, I feel somewhat compelled to briefly share my thoughts and beliefs as best I can.

Up until about 9 years ago, I was confused about God, spirituality, heaven, hell and religion in general. I've spent many hours contemplating and talking to \"men of the cloth\" and friends - trying to find the \"truth\" or some way to believe in something that no one was able to prove. Since then I've learned that some people need the scientific approach, while others are content relying only on faith. I've always been a matter-of-fact kind of person, but I've found a balance between science and faith that works very well for me.

Although I find it difficult to intellectually accept the concept of a \"supreme being\", there seems to be a part of me that wants to believe this is true. Over the years, I've heard many times that \"God is love\" and I had a problem with that until I learned that love is just another word for unconditional acceptance. So now, in my mind, no matter what I choose to believe ... I'll be accepted and loved.

We all seem to be \"connected\" in a way that's difficult to explain, and I choose to believe this connection is through our souls, spirit, inner self, heart or whatever you prefer to call it ... hence the phrase - \"we are all one\". I also believe that none of us are here by mistake. We are all here by choice, to learn (for the soul's benefit) the difference between our perception of reality and \"what is\" - to \"be\" in the moment - and how to emotionally accept the people and situations in our lives.That's not to say we can't want something to be different, we just don't make ourselves unhappy when it isn't. And ... we have as many opportunities as we want or need to accomplish this.

I still don't have all the answers and don't know anyone who does, but in my search for the truth, I now believe that our \"essence\" - who or what we really are, is pure conscious awareness. And this essence (which is not limited to the boundaries of time and space) is aware of everything we, as human beings, experience in the here and now, as well as the past and future. I think it also knows the truth, which only becomes clear on the \"other side\".

Why do I believe all of this? Because it makes me happy in THIS life. :D

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Post by Bet51987 »

mistercool2 wrote:...Why do I believe all of this? Because it makes me happy in THIS life. :D
That was very well said and I liked it because you have found what makes you happy. You sound more like a humanist than meets the eye. :) I also have my thoughts although different than yours.

I’ve always believed that in some people it’s just human greed or fear of the unknown that prompts for a loving God that will give everlasting life, while for others, it’s the deep hope to reunite with a loved one. Thankfully, the latter is the vibration I get from those I talk to in church and whom I feel emotionally connected to because they’ve lost something I wish I could give them. Sometimes I feel awful that life happens to be this way.

Personally, I don't need the pretense or thought of an everlasting life, with all it’s complications, to make my life on earth meaningful. I believe that if one lives an honorable, generous, and giving life upon this earth, then what happens after death becomes irrelevant and meaningless. I know that when I die, and yes, I will be scared up to that point, the last of my energy will simply dissipate into the atmosphere as heat, and then, after my donated organs are removed so someone else can have a turn, I will be buried next to my dad and eventually be recycled back into the earth to become part of other living things.

In time, all recognizable traces of me and even this earth will vanish forever but what I find the most comfort in… is the knowledge that the atoms that once made he and I will forever be part of this universe. I know it sounds dumb to some, but to me, it helps me cope with being alive.

Have a great life…

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Post by mistercool2 »

Bet51987 wrote: That was very well said and I liked it because you have found what makes you happy. You sound more like a humanist than meets the eye. :) I also have my thoughts although different than yours.

To tell you the truth Bettina, I wasn't sure what a Humanist is 'till I just looked it up ... and I'd have to say - you're about half right. :)

"meets the eye" - good choice of words - I don't always make a clear point so sometimes you need to read between the lines.

I’ve always believed that in some people it’s just human greed or fear of the unknown that prompts for a loving God that will give everlasting life, while for others, it’s the deep hope to reunite with a loved one.Thankfully, the latter is the vibration I get from those I talk to in church and whom I feel emotionally connected to because they’ve lost something I wish I could give them.

If you haven't already, maybe you need to ask yourself where all of this is coming from, and I don't mean just what you see.

Sometimes I feel awful that life happens to be this way.

First of all, as I'm sure you know, no matter how awful you feel, the world is still gonna be the way it is. Second - IMHO (I learned that one yesterday :) ) life doesn't just happen - everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be. We can either accept it, for now, or make ourselves miserable wanting it to be different, or the way we think it should be.

Personally, I don't need the pretense or thought of an everlasting life, with all it’s complications, to make my life on earth meaningful.

Life doesn't have to be complicated and all our lives mean something no matter what we believe or do.

I believe that if one lives an honorable, generous, and giving life upon this earth, then what happens after death becomes irrelevant and meaningless.

Well put ... and that's exactly why I said "THIS" life - because for now, it's the only one that matters.

In time, all recognizable traces of me and even this earth will vanish forever but what I find the most comfort in… is the knowledge that the atoms that once made he and I will forever be part of this universe. I know it sounds dumb to some, but to me, it helps me cope with being alive.

It doesn't sound dumb at all and you have the right to believe whatever you want. Besides, I'm pretty sure you're not too concerned about what some people might think. :) Although it's none of my business and doesn't need to be discussed here, one question I might ask is - how do your beliefs make YOU feel?

Cope with being alive? Wow ... I'm not sure how to comment on that, or even if I should. Would you care to elaborate?

Have a great life…

You too! and many more :P :lol:
We're all on the same "road" to happiness ... we're just driving different cars, and anyone who is aware of this will get there sooner. :)

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