Forced at age 13 to marry much older men in arranged marriages.
Forced to accept being one of multiple wives.\"Investigators determined that there is a widespread pattern and practice among the residents of the YFZ ranch in which young minor female residents are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch on being spiritually married to them,\" it said.
Such marriages take place \"once a minor female child is determined by the leaders of the YFZ ranch to have reached child-bearing age, approximately 13 to 14 years.\"
Beaten, locked in closets, deprived of food for disobeying men.
Kept from open society and indoctrinated into the religion of their keepers.In a separate document, investigators say children at the ranch were deprived of nutrition as punishment and forced to sit in closets.
All in America by a sect of the Christian religion.The girl said that she had been told that outsiders would hurt her, force her to cut her hair and wear makeup and have sex with lots of men.
Where is the outrage? Where are the condemnations of this sect? Where is Thunderbunny's troll link stirring up the masses.
Where is Bee's venom laced list of things she hates about Fundamentalist Mormons? Pretty quiet out there. Is it because it is taking place in \"The Land of The Free\"? Is it because they believe that Jesus Christ is their Saviour?
Just thought I would troll for a few nibbles.