Banking Crisis

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Post by Plague »

Lothar wrote:
Pandora wrote:A recent poll of economists...
Chicago Boyz: Why Most of Us No Longer Read The Economist. The poll politically driven, statistically invalid analysis.

P.S. how many of these "economists" saw the housing bubble coming? I've been talking about it for years with my friend Tim, who runs
As for predicting the housing bubble, look up Peter Schiff on Youtube. Also, nearly everyone writing for the Ludvig von Mises Institute (some of the articles from 1999 look as if they were written yesterday). For rants on our failing monetary policy, see any interview, article, or clip featuring Dr. Ron Paul.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

The Economist whose poll is much maligned here has also been calling the U.S. housing market a \"bubble economy\" for several years. I guess the \"Chicago Boyz\" don't like reading that kind of negative thinking. Interferes with profit taking I guess.
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Post by Lothar »

Ford Prefect wrote:The Economist whose poll is much maligned here has also been calling the U.S. housing market a "bubble economy" for several years.
I think Obama's plan is 92% wrong. Since I've been calling our housing market a "bubble" for years, do I get a free pass on my bogus statistics?
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Post by woodchip »

Nobody has a plan as we are now down another 700 points. Lets see how those in the know spin it. Newsy's love a disaster and will throw gasoline on the crash just to sell more airtime...except who will be buying it.
Politicians will play the blame game but heck, they are like Alfred E Neuman \"What me worry\" as they will get paid no matter what. Dig in peeps, Rome is burning and the fiddles are being strung.

On a brighter note, there will be a lot of good buys in the stock market if you have any rubles left to buy them.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

You get credit for recognizing the obvious. Something that certain economists and regulators get no points for at all.
Don't these guys read the same articles and see the same statistics as the rest of the world?
Are they just wilfully blind because such information doesn't suit their particular agenda?
I guess that \"Yes\" is the obvious answer to the above.
Yeah that poll is more journalism than science but does that negate the whole periodical to the point where you ignore anything printed in it?
I suppose you have to be bright enough to be able to separate the slant from the information and that level of intelligence seems to be too much to ask for from people that control billions of dollars in commerce. :roll:
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Post by Lothar »

Ford Prefect wrote:does that negate the whole periodical to the point where you ignore anything printed in it?
The attitude expressed on the ChicagoBoyz site is "this is just another example of why I quit reading it." The quality used to be good, now it's not so good -- as you said, the article is more journalism than science, which has unfortunately become typical.

Separating slant from information is a useful skill. Knowing how to avoid excessive slant is even more useful. (And yes, it's sad that the people controlling billions in commerce don't seem to know how to do either of those. Though I tip my hat to Wamu's William Longbrake, via Seattle Bubble. Wish there had been more willing to speak up during the run-up...)
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Post by Ford Prefect »

House prices in Vancouver BC dropped by more than 30% in 1981-82 during a severe recession. I'm sure this was repeated everywhere as interest rates skyrocketed all over North America and a mortgage could cost you as much as 20% per year. My first mortgage was at 11.5% I think. Mind you it was only for $35 grand or so.
I don't recall wide spread panic and banks failing. It was just a bad recession, a few years of pain before things came back into line. It used to happen every few years.
This current \"crisis\" seems to be a result of people forgetting that markets are cyclical. OMG my house is not worth what it was last year!! Yet if you were smart you only paid what you could afford and you should still be able to afford your payments. Interest rates have not skyrocketed so your payment should not be killing you. The value of your house will eventually come back, meanwhile it is your home an shelter not your bank account.
I feel like such an old fuddy-duddy at 57 lecturing \"young kids\" on how to get by in life. :roll:
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Post by Lothar »

Ford Prefect wrote:This current "crisis" seems to be a result of people forgetting that markets are cyclical. OMG my house is not worth what it was last year!! Yet if you were smart you only paid what you could afford and you should still be able to afford your payments.
But people didn't pay only what they could afford, and they got "creative financing" that basically meant they were making interest-only payments and therefore have no equity. No equity in a home you owe $250k on isn't such a bad thing if you can sell it for $350k and pocket the difference... but it sucks when the home is suddenly worth only $150k (so selling it would leave you $100k in debt) and you can't afford to keep making payments at its current value.

All of which means, the mortgage -- the promise of payments of $250k -- is actually only worth $150k, the value of the collateral. Which means the financial institutions counting on the $250k in their books are facing big losses, and are scrambling to find a way to cover themselves.

You're exactly right -- when people started treating their homes like bank accounts, and banks let people get home loans without reasonable assurances they could pay, the economy got ugly. And because this is a new type of economic problem that we don't know how to solve (and, IMO, because there's an election on), the media is going to hype it up as uglier than it really is.
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Post by Spidey »

My house is worth 5 times what I paid for it, even with the drop. And I’m not bragging, I’m just saying… Live in your house, that’s its \"real\" value.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Live in your house, that’s its \"real\" value
True that.

There were lots of default and bankruptcies in 81-82 as lots of people were speculating by buying, fixing up and flipping houses. I knew a few people that lost all that they had made up to that time by doing the flip thing. Banks however were on a much better footing it seems and although profits were replaced by losses for a few years they came through just fine. Like I said everyone knew you made money some years and not others so you managed your assets with that in mind.
Just too much stupid greed by short sighted money grubbers it seems to me. I wish we could claw back the billions in salaries given to these useless executives over the last 5 years. They used the publicly traded companies to which they were given a fiduciary responsibility as their own private money pile to play with. \"Who cares if it tanks. I've got my stack in a Caymans Island trust, I'll be fine.\" You can almost hear them chortle now.
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Post by Duper »

WELLL... it looks like the Bank crysis has hit Red vs Blue in PSA #4 (that's \"Public Service Announcment\") ;)
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Post by Skyalmian »

I've been going here ( ) for years for economical news. The world hit an as-predicted-by-the-web-bot \"release period\" on October 7 which in totality is going to be 30x worse than 9/11 was, emotionally. The financial system is going to completely collapse, one such largely-unknown reason being such a dark, STS (Service to Self) system is incompatible with the new, lighter, STO (Service to Others) light energy pouring into the world.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

This world may or may not have another good chapter left in it, but if it does I guarantee it isn't going to come from this \"light energy pouring into the world\". That's mostly self-aggrandizing liberals (and politicians) giving themselves a pat on the back on behalf of humanity. The people doing the real good are less visible and operate out of a certain feeling of compulsion and always self-sacrifice. The rest are self-serving, but if someone can receive something they need even through that, then good for them. For the most part these people have no idea how to really help others.
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Post by Skyalmian »

What I meant with \"light energy pouring into the world\" has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with spirituality / higher/global consciousness changes taking place; as I said, \"light energy\" which equals higher vibrational state of existence, whereas the parasitic self-serving-at-the-expense-of-others financial system is low vibration and being swatted aside as it's incompatible. As the old system falls, the new one is rising up to take its place. If you look around closely you will see calls for intentionally planned communities (some spiritual-oriented, others survivalist-oriented), and elsewhere calls for a return to a communal / tribal way of living. The fact of the matter is, those are the future for humanity as they're the support systems as people find themselves increasingly unable to live isolated (either alone, as a couple, as a family in one house, etc.). \"Money\" as it exists is a purely human construct (one that is falling away gradually) and means of exchange, but true abundance and wealth come from the Universe (via the \"Principle (Law) of Attraction\" and \"You Create Your Own Reality\" (through your thoughts / subconscious beliefs)) and not a gold coin or piece of paper denoting some arbitrary numerical value which inadvertently fosters inequality and poverty.

You can find out about that in full via the Spring 2008 Global Awakening News Parts 1-6.

Edit: October 8 Interim Report
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I know all about it: it's covered in some detail in parts of the New Testament, culminating in the book of Revelations.
1 John 2 wrote:18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.
1 John 4 wrote:3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
I don't think it's coming quite as soon as some of Obama's fans seem to think, though.

Edit: the latter half of that is just plain nuts, IMO. I can't believe you buy into that BS. (sorry, we seem to be caught up in an edit war)
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Post by Skyalmian »

I consider him instrumental in the consolidation of power by The Parasites That Be -- assuming he is \"elected\" as President. I have not poked around thoroughly in information concerning his hidden agenda but it seems like he is just another face of the same thing, which is the same-old same-old game that is being played.

Taking Ron Paul as an example of genuineness, the \"media\" did its best to put a media black out on him and then, when they couldn't ignore him anymore, to marginalize him -- thus proving they were terrified of / knew he is a man of integrity which is something the elite do not want in any position of power. If Obama was being given the same treatment Ron Paul had, by the media (which he is not), then he would be considered genuinely in favor of true change and not more of the same game.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I wouldn't say you're absolutely wrong, but that is nonetheless really wacked out, Skyalmian. Whatever you're into, take some friendly advice and get out of it.
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Post by Skyalmian »

This week has been momentous for everyone on Earth, notably in view of the ongoing so called \"turmoil\" in the financial markets. What we are seeing is a \"quickening\" as the momentum towards the great transition of the ages, to the next evolution of human being, and the age of realisation of the Light gathers pace. If this last week has been momentous, this coming week promises to be be as well - in more ways than one.

It had been my intention this week to return to our main focus of our own evolution at all levels - body, Soul, and Spirit - collectively - Mind and Light, but in view of the events of this last week, and the potential events of this coming week, and of the many messages received and concerns people are facing, I have decided to once again this week not reveal the true meaning of these events, but how they have come about - which has not been by \"chance\". But first I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter. Each week increasingly more are joining us, directly reflecting the great awakening that is currently well and truly in progress. Remember, as events unfold, the destiny of each and every person will be measured in many ways, as an overall Energy, one of the most fundamental of which is Service to others before service to self\", which is a fundamental Principle of Spiritual Evolution, along with realising our Source, God within, and Unconditional Love for all Creation.

Therefore one of the greatest way to help others, and thereby help yourself is to show people you truly care about - in fact even those you do not perhaps care about so much - the way forward. It takes but a moment to share this newsletters with someone else - the more the better - but your contribution will be profound. If everyone on Earth, who is already awakened - as you are - takes a few moments to show others the Light, then the best possible outcome in the great transition is assured. The main subject of this newsletter affects every single person on the planet as you will see. There can be no one who has not been touched in some way with the events of the last few weeks, or anyone that remains unconcerned about them. Everyone, without exception, awakening or not, will relate to what I have to say today.

So please forward it to everyone you know. You might also suggest they join this newsletter for themselves to benefit from future editions, which they may do from the home page of our website:

I say \"our\" because the website does not belong to me - it belongs to all of us - I am simply a servant of the Light within us all. Please also join in the, often profound discussions taking place on our forums:

And please also keep in Mind that I was inspired to write the book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind in the Light of the ongoing transition, that as \"many\" - we are all expressions of the One True Light - as possible may be prepared: ... -book.html

My only desire is to guide as many expressions of the Divine as possible a way towards the Light, and everyone one of you can help.

Global financial \"crisis\" - The End Game

First of all - there follows a disclaimer which I must commence with for my own protection:

Disclaimer: What follows in this email newsletter are my own personal views as represented, and should not, in any way, be construed as a statement of fact, regardless of any implications to the contrary. All my rights to freedom of speech are herewith reserved. Last week I discussed, in general terms, the current so called \"global financial crisis\".

In view of the many messages received, the rapid deterioration of the situation, and implications for all humanity, I now feel that I must explain the true cause and origin of this situation, in order to answer all the questions, and show where it is leading - which is extremely important to everyone. In our newsletter of last week, in relation to the so called US government $700 billion dollar \"bail out\" I said:

\"However - in the context of the overall financial situation of the world this $700Bn will not make that much difference. The forces of darkness have way over-played their hand this time. As I mentioned earlier in the week - the global financial system, especially in the USA, is a house of cards just waiting for a waft of air to collapse it, so in that context individual debts are meaningless\".

\"As we approach the transition, we will continue to see all human excesses and unnatural situations be brought back in line with nature. This is happening at many levels already. Ultimately the global financial system as it is now is doomed\". During this last week we have seen this scenario accelerating as I knew it would, and now is the moment to cut through all the political propaganda to get to the truth, that we may move forward in that Light. In order to understand the significance of this situation, we first of all need to look at how and why it has occurred.

But first I must point out that although this situation has its historical and current origins in the USA, those behind it are not, for the most part, of the USA. I have no interest in \"countries\" - we are all one, and all part of what we are experiencing now, regardless of where you happen to live. This situation is not the doing of any \"country\" - it goes much deeper than that as we will see - and it ultimately affects everyone, because we are all part of, and therefore sharing the same collective experience.

If we go back 100 years or so, the US Dollar was valued and linked to real, tangible Gold reserves and therefore the price of Gold. Every single dollar issued had its equivalent value in US Gold reserves which were, for the most part, stored in Fort Knox. Back then a dollar bill, or indeed any denomination of currency bill, was in effect a certificate of the equivalence of Gold, corresponding to that monetary value, that was held on your behalf in Fort Knox. For money supply and value to increase, the market value of Gold would either have to increase, or the USA would need to purchase more Gold in the world markets, to equate to the total amount of dollar currency in issue at that time. This of course worked the other way as well in that as the cost of living increased, so did inflation, which would, pro rata, depress the notional value of the Gold reserves which it was then the responsibility of the government to bring back in to line by adjusting Gold reserves accordingly.

In 1900 the US Dollar was defined as having an equivalence of 22.33 grains of Gold at the current market price. In those days money was real and constitutional, just as the Founding Fathers of the USA had intended. There was never any doubt abut the true value of a dollar, or of its purchasing power based upon the internationally accepted Gold standard. It should be pointed out that few ever knew how much Gold was really stored in Fort Knox - or indeed if it stored any Gold at all. Fort Knox is subject to an audit of Gold Reserves, but who is to say where the interest of the auditors really lies.

Now for many hundreds of years there have been a powerful group of people based in Europe, ultimately originating with a clan dynasty known as the \"Merovingians\", named after its leader King Merovech.

Without going in to a long and sordid history, this dynasty, which, after successive generations increasingly came to crave more power, eventually became what today are what I will refer to as \"the forces of darkness\", whose only ambition is total, global domination at quite literally any cost - human or financial. This dynasty today, which still has its power base in Europe, has representatives in many places of power in many countries. I need to be careful how I say this, but it is a fact that the Bush family, including the current president, as well as most of the past presidents of the USA, are related to the Queen of England. This is not speculation - it is a fact that can be proved. Out of a country of over 300 million people, any one of which has the right to run for President, what are the odds of this happening by \"chance\"?

The British royal family actually originate from Germany. The original family name of the queen of England was \"Von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha\". They changed their name to \"Windsor\" - something that sounds nice and British - during the first world war due to the feelings of the British people against the Germans. It is extremely important, and indeed a priority of this dynasty to keep all positions of power amongst their own, which is why the US presidents and royal families are all related in some way.

Ultimately it is to preserve their \"blood line\".

Over the last few hundred years the ultimate symbol and instrument of power - and indeed corruption - is \"money\". This is only so due to the fact the collective consciousness of humanity has made it so. \"Money\" is not recognised by Divine Providence and has no intrinsic power in and of itself. Knowing this, the powerful European dynasties who sought to control the world contrived a plan which would give them the control they were seeking. By then the USA was the largest and most powerful financial economy in the world, and so these forces of darkness used their influence with their dynasty members in the USA, the ultimate result of which was the creation of the entity known as \"Federal Reserve Bank\" which came about as an act of congress who passed a bill, the Federal Reserve Act, into law, probably unwittingly to legalise this new entity.

Now no sane person in their right Mind would ever knowingly pass the Federal Reserve Act - it could never pass today - so the architects of it did two things to ensure they got their way - they waited for a national holiday so many members of congress were away, and they attached it to another, totally different and unrelated bill knowing that bill would pass, along with the Federal Reserve Act along with it - and of course it did.

This was a very, very black day indeed for the USA and the World, and one which would influence world events from that moment forth. Also, on April 5 1933, president Roosevelt enacted a bill which made the private ownership of Gold illegal. This was clearly done to preserve the power of the Federal Reserve Bank, in case, due to world financial forces, Gold once again became the benchmark of currency in the USA.

Here are the provisions of the Roosevelt decree:
Section 1. For the purpose of this regulation, the term hoarding\" means the withdrawal and withholding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates from the recognized and customary channels of trade. The term \"person\" means any individual, partnership, association or corporation.
Section 2. All persons are hereby required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, to a Federal Reserve bank or a branch or agency thereof or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates now owned by them or coming into their ownership on or before April 28, 1933, except the following: ....

This act of Roosevelt, whose allegiances should be clear, keeping in mind the relationships between presidents and European dynasties power base, was to give the Federal Reserve Bank even more power - again at the expense of citizens. I should mention also one of the greatest cons of all time on the people of the USA - of income tax. There is absolutely no provision in the American Constitution that compels USA citizens to pay income tax - in other words - to pay a tax on earnings. Many IRS employees have recently discovered this and have left the IRS and not now, legally, paying tax, although many of them have been, and still are being said to being threatened by government by government controlled \"agencies\".

There was originally an attempt to pass a Sixteenth Constitution to introduce income tax, but it was never ratified. Income tax is therefore unconstitutional. I would also like to mention another significant development - that of \"equal rights for women\". Now of course women and men and all people in creation, as well as all forms of life, are absolutely equal, and that is the way it should be.

What I refer to here is the circumstances under which women came to go to \"work\" and earn \"money\" instead of the more traditional but of course crucial home keeping, child raising etc, which, as a single parent of my three sons for the last 14 years I know is as tough, if not tougher than any \"job\". Many people will no doubt remember the \"womens liberation movement\" of many years ago. This was actually created and funded by the \"trust\" owned by a very well known USA based dynasty family. The hidden agenda was to get as many women in to the working environment as possible for two main reasons:

1. To double the amount of - unconstitutional - tax the dark forces would receive, thereby bringing them more of what they craved - money and power.
2. To bring young children in to the state \"educational system\" from a much younger age, so they could be controlled and indoctrinated by the controlling forces, beyond the reach and guidance of parents.

Back to the Federal Reserve Bank. As I mentioned last week - \"Federal Reserve\" was a name chosen to make it sound like an official government organisation which it is not. The \"Federal Reserve\" is no more \"federal\" than Federal Express. The way the Federal Reserve Bank works is this: Instead of th US Government being responsible for the issue of currency linked to the Gold standard, now the Federal Reserve would be responsible for \"issuing\" - i.e. printing - money which it would then lend to the US government who would then have to pay interest on it to the Federal Reserve Bank. This gave the dark forces behind the Federal Reserve Bank the ability to print money and make interest on it at will, thereby making as much money as they desired, which they used for increasing control. The interest the US government pays the Federal Reserve is paid for from the unconstitutional taxation of US citizens.

It should be clear to everyone that, in a normal democratic society, the US government could print its own money without paying interest, which comes from the taxpayer - unconstitutionally - on it. But then of course the US government, as a public organisation, would have to account for the money printed, and they could not. The most they could currently account for is a trillion dollars at the most, which, as we will see later, would only account for around 1% of the US dollars actually in \"circulation\". The Federal Reserve Bank, as a private limited company, has no public accountability, and so they can print money at will, with little or no accountability. The plot thickens. Now, instead of the US dollar being equivalent to Gold reserves, dollar bills suddenly started being printed as being \"legal tender\".

So what has happened now is that what was that whereas before the US Dollar was a effectively a note - certificate - of a share in the Gold reserves of the USA, it now became a Federal Reserve note, with no tangible basis at all except the paper it is printed on. Around the same time the design of the dollar bill was changed to reflect a large amount of covert symbolism, which would be a story in its own right, designed to give power and Energy to the forces of darkness. These forces of darkness are heavily superstitious, especially when it comes to symbolism which exists everywhere if you know where to look.

One of their main symbols is the Owl, a pagan symbol which the dark forces worship. So now the Federal Reserve Bank could literally, and actually, print money at will, and charge interest on it - the rate at which they set themselves - on it. Having gained this power, the forces of darkness set about making the most of it, by causing the US government to need as much cash as possible. One very effective way of accomplishing this was through war. In times of war governments need money for munitions, to pay drafted troops etc. It is no coincidence that a major power centre of the forces of darkness is Germany, and there have been two world wars against Germany. It should be pointed out that most German people are totally decent human beings, aspects of ourselves, were dragged in to these \"wars\" against their will.

It is also no coincidence that it was the USA and their allies who helped to rebuild Germany after destroying much of it and killing an untold number of innocent people. This was all part of the \"private arrangement\" which few are aware of. The Vietnam war seemed bizarre to most - after all - why were American people forced to go and fight in a country they previously had no interest in on the opposite side of the World?

The reason is simple - it just happened to be a convenient excuse to engage in a long, drawn out conflict that was also very expensive, requiring the US government to \"borrow\" vast amounts of money from the Federal Reserve Bank - money which made them billions of dollars at the expense of the US people who were compelled to not only go and fight, but also to pay taxes which were, and still are unconstitutional.

More recently we have the extremely costly \"wars\" in Afghanistan and Iraq. The 9/11 false flag event was done to not only further control the American people through fear, but also to spend yet more money through the \"Homeland Security Act\", which was sold as being for the benefit of the American people. How many innocent people have lost their lives in all of these wars, 9/11 and other situations staged by the forces of darkness? These agents of darkness do not even see these victims as human, they rather see them simply as expendable objects necessary only in the pursuit of yet more power through money.

The \"space program\" is another instrument of the dark forces designed by the dark forces to spend trillions of dollars, printed by the Federal Reserve, incurring interest set by the Federal Reserve Bank. And so it goes on - and this is just the tip of a very deep iceberg. Another way the forces of darkness manipulated humanity for their own gains was though manipulation of the economy and finance. Every boom, bust and stock market crash, from 1929 has been manipulated by the forces of darkness controlling money supply through the Federal Reserve Bank. Whenever the forces of darkness decided to make more money, they would engineer a financial situation to accomplish it, knowing that they have the absolute power to manipulate every aspect of that situation without any public accountability as a private company.

Fast forward to today. As the \"end game\" plays out, the forces of darkness are desperate. They know what is happening as the awakening and transition continues, and that people everywhere are waking up to the truth, and will cling to power going to any lengths possible to control humanity before humanity becomes enlightened and they lose all of their power. This process is happening now, and they know it. The long prophesied battle between the forces of Light and dark is reaching its conclusion. The dark is losing. They will ultimately fail and will be destroyed. That time is very near now.

The dark forces can never prevail against the Light - it is simply not possible. Little do the agents of darkness know that, ironically, they will prove to be the agents of their own destruction. Now let us take a closer look at why this will be. As you will recall, the Federal Reserve have the ability to print unlimited amounts of money, which has no value basis other than being \"legal tender\". In 2005 there was $760 billion dollars of actual, tangible, paper dollars in circulation. So, let us say that by now, in round numbers, there is $1 trillion dollars of paper currency in circulation. The official debt however of the US government is now nearly $11 trillion Dollars. This is Eleven times as much as the real currency.

However - the actual debt of the US government, according to the head of the Dallas Federal Reserve, who is in a position to know, is actually nearly $100 Trillion Dollars. This debt amounts to $1.3 million dollars per family of four - more than many families of four earn in a lifetime, yet the US government has committed its citizens to this debt. So technically the USA is bankrupt - many, many times over. So why then does the USA continue to trade?

Well - simply because all these trillions are to the Federal Reserve Bank who were created it for this purpose - and to make trillions through interest payments - in turn created by an act of the US Congress. In other words the Federal Reserve will never call in the debt because they do not care about it. All they are concerned about is making interest on the debt for their own purposes - ultimately power and control, not only in the USA but over the entire world. The US government could not possibly have printed $100 trillion dollars by itself, because it is accountable to its tax payer's - even though there should be no tax payers - and the world economy. Because the Federal Reserve is a private company, it is seen as being a separate entity to the US government, that deals with the US Government at \"arms length\".

So in other words it is the greatest scam the world has ever seen. However, the Universal Principle of Cause and Effect cannot be avoided. Regardless of where this $100 trillion came from, it still exists in the global financial system, and therein is the major issue now. The world banks have, often unwittingly, benefited from this vastly inflated liquidity through loaning this fictitious money, through which they earn interest - just as the Federal Reserve do. Monopoly Money is actually worth more, because at least that is worth the paper it is printed on.

This latest financial \"crisis\" has been engineered by the dark forces for two main reasons:
1. To make interest on the $700 Billion Dollars in \"bail out\" money that they will print to bail out and reward those who were a party to it. Ask yourself where a specific figure of $700 billion came from in the context of the enormity of the entire situation.
2. To gain control over as many of the world's financial institutions, while they still can, in readiness for the \"end game\" we are fast approaching.

You see - the dark forces are so far removed from the Light, that they do not understand the basis of true power. To them power is the same as money - they seem incapable of separating the two. This is why we are seeing some institutions go bust - the ones that are surplus to requirements - others that have been loaned a large amount of \"Monopoly money\" through which they will be controlled by the dark forces, and others which have been \"nationalised\" so they can be directly controlled by the world governments, which in turn are controlled by the forces of darkness. This situation was engineered through the creation of so called \"sub-prime\" mortgages - lending money to people of many times their annual income - if they had any income at all - at very low introductory interest rates for a couple of years, and with no down payments, thus breaking every rule in the book for basic banking due diligence.

They could justify this to banks and others for two main reasons:
1. Very low interest rates
2. Increasing home prices

This was a very clever move because the forces of darkness knew that in making mortgages available to millions of people who could not otherwise afford it, they were bringing millions of people in to the housing market, thereby increasing the demand for homes, thereby in turn, pushing the price of houses up further, thereby finally fuelling this whole strategy on the basis that banks would always feel secure against the backdrop of rising house prices as security. In other words this entire ploy was self-perpetuating as intended. Another factor in the increase in house prices was the so called \"purchase to let\" sector. The way this worked is that people would go to a bank to get a loan to purchase homes for the purpose of renting them out.

The rent received would pay the monthly loan repayments, while the owner benefited from the rise in the capital value of the home which they intended to sell later for a large capital gain. Against the backdrop of ever increasing house prices, the banks were very happy to loan money for this type of transaction which they perceived as a very low risk. Not only that, people were taking out multiple loans, secured on multiple properties, all, while this strategy worked, paid for by the rental income, while rubbing their hands at the prospect of a massive pay day in a couple of years after they sell the properties and paid back the bank and pocketed the profit to retire with.

However, such house owners, not actually living in the homes they purchased with the borrowed money, had no ties to those homes. So when the value of these houses started to fall, below the value of the loan, they simply and legally walked away, stopped paying back the bank, leaving the banks with the job and cost of repossessing houses upon which they were now making a huge loss. This is because a bank cannot usually sell a house for its market value - they have to get the house off their books and balance sheet as quickly as possible which they do by either auctioning them, or selling to companies that specialise in purchasing quality properties at a far lower than market value price, and all against a backdrop of falling house prices making the whole process much more difficult, time consuming and costly, even if possible at all.

The forces of darkness also incentivised many people to sell these sub-prime mortgages in the USA, and used the Internet to do it. Many of you may recall that a couple of years ago we were bombarded with spam email with subjects like \"congratulations - your mortgage has been accepted\". This was all part of the strategy of the dark forces to fuel their sub-prime mortgage strategy on a global basis, while making the banks feel comfortable about the entire situation due to its sheer extent. Even when interest rates increased, the mortgage companies were using financial instruments such as treasury bills with long expiration dates to leverage against the short term interest rates, thereby, and a very effective one at that, because they reached every single person in the USA who was connected to the Internet. fixing the rates.

But these rates were only fixed for two years. The forces of darkness did not care, because their only objective was to commit innocent people to mortgages they could not afford, not caring what happened to them later, and while gaining control over them through threat of eviction from their homes if they did not keep up with their payments. The USA had two mortgage organisations they could do the through - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - which became the main conduit for these junk mortgages, knowing that later, when they failed, they could, through the US government, take control of them. But how could the forces of darkness take control on a global basis, when bankers and financiers outside of the USA were much more careful about lending money?

Well what they did was again very clever indeed. The sub-prime mortgages were not sold as mortgages, but rather as a financial instrument known as a \"CDO\" of \"Collateralised Debt Obligation\". CDO's are like shares, options, futures and other financial contracts that are frequently traded around the world. CDO's however are only usually traded between financial institutions such as banks, pension funds, trust funds etc. A notable finance company behind these CDO's was Lehman brothers, who were later, having served their purpose, were allowed to go bankrupt. Now but turning these sub-prime mortgages into CDO's the dark forces could place them in the market with other CDO's for the banks to purchase secured by rising house prices.

No bank manager or person in their investment banking divisions would purchase or offer a sub-prime mortgage without being sacked on the spot, but they could purchase CDO's as part of the whole banking investment strategy, and they would not be accountable. These CDO's were therefore very aggressively marketed throughout the world to major banks and financial institutions who were quite used to trading CDO's. Bank employees had the power to trade CDO's, and, often being motivated by large bonuses, purchased as many CDO's as they could, only seeing a large bonus payout and a promotion soon enough.

Now because the CDO's were leveraged, the more house prices increased - due to the new buyers with their sub-prime mortgages - the more these CDO's were worth. The more the CDO's were worth, the more the banks wanted them. So for a time everyone was happy, because, while house prices kept going up - fuelled by the sub-prime mortgages - everyone made money and the illusion was absolute. Millions of people were happy because they could purchase a home with no down payment and low interest rates of many times their earnings, the banks were happy because they looked good as their profits increased due to the increasing value of the CDO's, and the Federal Reserve was happy because indirectly the banks were borrowing money - which did not really exist - to finance the sub-prime mortgages.
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Post by Skyalmian »

But then the inevitable happened due to three main factors:
1. All those who could obtain a mortgage and purchase a home had done so, so there were no more buyers.
2. As a result of 1. house prices first stabilized and then started going down in value.
3. Due to escalating cost of living due to rapidly increasing fuel, electricity and gas prices, the people with the sub-prime mortgages chose to pay for their most immediate energy needs before the mortgage payments, and they defaulted on their mortgages.

Just for good measure - when the stock market realised this the inflated share prices started to fall, and then the short sellers came in to hammer the stocks even lower. At around this time the first cracks started to appear. Now this just might have not been so immediately serious, because mortgages were insured by an organisation known as \"AIG\" - \"American International Group\" - the 18th largest company in the world, and one that accordingly financial institutions trusted completely. AIG is probably controlled by the forces of darkness. It turns out the AIG was not actually underwriting these mortgages and therefore CDO's as they were supposed to, and in any case they were they were hit extremely hard once this house of cards started to collapse and could not fulfil their obligations of insuring the CDO's that all the banks and financial institutions thought were insured, so they \"could not go wrong\".

The US government stepped in and \"nationalised\" AIG, thereby bringing it under direct control. When the collapse of, what amounts to a massive pyramid scheme, started, the first financial institutions to be affected where the financial organisations such as Lehmans, who were packaging sub-prime mortgages into CDO's which they could no longer sell, thereby taking on the burden of the defaults on the sub-prime mortgages. Next, during the following statutory accounting quarter came the banks who had purchased the CDO's which were now untradeable and became what is known as worthless \"toxic debt\", with billions or even trillions of dollars evaporating literally overnight. Now, contrary to popular belief, this did not mean that the banks had lost a vast amount of cash, and neither were they directly liable for defaults of the sub-prime mortgages - that was the financial organisations such as Lehmans. The banks had already paid for the CDO's with cash that was accounted for out of cash reserves they could easily afford.

However, under international banking regulations, banks are obliged to account for trading profits and losses and apply them to their balance sheets in a system known as \"mark to market\". What this means is that although the banks may be awash with cash - which they are even now - they technically made massive losses. It is important to keep in mind that these are only paper losses due to holding the CDO's which have already been accounted for. However, because banks are subject not only to financial regulators, but also their shareholders, this situation meant that, in order to survive and carry out the right corporate process, they must control their activities - what they did with their real cash. Now the entire financial system is heavily dependant on the what is known as \"inter-bank lending\", whereby the banks loan each other money at an agreed interest rate, the basis of which, in the USA, is determined by, you guessed it - the Federal Reserve Bank.

Because of this situation, the banks are now refusing to lend to each other, and where they will, it is at much higher interest rates in order to build in the risk premium. And it this refusal to lend to each other, for fear of taking risks after the massive losses they and their shareholders have incurred, that is the crux of the current situation. So this is where we are today. This is actually just a brief overview on the basics - it does go much deeper than this, but this overview will nevertheless provide the basis for an understanding of all of the main factors involved. The situation is absolutely critical - make no mistake about that.

As I mentioned briefly last week, the $700 billion is a trivial amount in the context of the global situation which involves untold trillions, and which in any case is designed to \"bail out\" and reward the people that worked with the dark forces to engineer this situation in the first place, by purchasing, using money printed by the Federal Reserve - the main power base of the dark forces - the outstanding \"toxic debt\" that they had not been able to unload before the housing market reversed. All part of a carefully contrived strategy by the dark forces. What we are seeing now is first backlash of what is fundamentally a very large house of cards - built with \"Monopoly money\" - that is starting to collapse. The global stock markets are, as I indicated last week crashing, notwithstanding this so called $700 billion \"bail out\", all the nationalisations of banks, all the take-overs of banks and other financial institutions, all the untold billions injected in to the financial markets, and all other measures, both financial and otherwise.

Plain and simple - nothing can stop, in a few days, a meltdown resulting from the activities of the last few decades. Even the IMF - the International Monetary Fund - have said this weekend that nothing can now prevent a global meltdown. We are seeing the gang of 7 - the so called G7 \"super powers\" - making noises about being determined to resolve this \"issue\", but they appear as King Canute wanting to hold back the tides. We are witnessing the beginning of the end game. The Quickening. We live in a world where the illusion of money is power. Money only has power because humans have given it power - in reality it is either worthless paper or numbers stored on a network of computers - all meaningless before the Universe.

There is only one true source of Abundance - Divine Providence - Who most people due to a material focus have turned their back on - until now. And this is not all. It is a fact, verified by the BBC news this week, that the global economy is losing much more money on deforestation, than even the world financial crisis - and even this is still the tip of the iceberg that most people are unaware of. Humanity has been living a lie - an illusion - based upon the Ego - the true meaning of \"Lucifer\" - the power of darkness. The Light is now dawning in readiness for the Golden Age of Light.

The dark forces have lost, and they know it. This last desperate ploy in the world financial markets will backfire, and they will lose their power. This has always been inevitable, it is just a shame that so much misery has been inflicted by this and other instruments such as the main orthodox religions - also controlled by the forces of darkness - in the meantime. But nothing is lost. Everyone in incarnation has gained valuable experience towards individual Spiritual Growth. The time for worry has passed. The game of the dark forces has been exposed and they will lose if they have not already lost.

The trillions of dollars that the dark forces worshipped, along with the Owl, as power will be shown to be an illusion. The forces of darkness may well, as a final desperate act in their death throes, force a major global event in the hope of regaining power - if they do it may seem hopeless to many at the time, but we must always remember this: It is always the darkest before the dawn. The Light is now dawning over the horizon, and nothing can prevent it from rising to bath all life on Earth in the Light. In the meantime - never worry or fear current events - they are all part of a necessary process to bring back balance to the excesses of humanity over the last 2000 years or so, and in particular the last 200 years. If we all focus only on the Light - and we are the Light - the Light will soon illuminate every single person, creature and plant on this planet.

And always remember - humans on Earth are never alone. There are infinite Beings of Light both within the inner Energy levels of the Universe - Universal Mind - and without - in the vast physical Universe of matter - all of Whom are here to guide humans, who are but babies in the Universe, playing in this kindergarten we call \"Earth\", on the path to our next evolution as Beings of Light. Until next week, stay focused in the Light, and beyond these temporal disturbances in the material world, always remembering the greatest truth - you are an expression of God, of perfection, your natural state is Abundance, Health and above all Love, and nothing, but nothing can ever harm you.

In Love, Light and Truth, Adrian.
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Post by Spidey »

I want some of what he’s smoking! :D
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