The original thread can be found here: M$ Sidewinder 3D Pro on USB, the follow-up thread here: M$ Sidewinder 3D Pro on USB - 2?, a thread about replacing the POV switch w/ a tiny analog joystick here: SideWinder 3D Pro Borgified. And here is how to do that w/ the r3 version.
Latest developments:
Note: Please read my post from Oct 23, 2009 for the latest version of the r3 proto ! (post #26 in this thread)
Note: The code does work with the Teensy++ modules as well.
I set up a Google code project for the 3DP-Vert, everything you need is hosted there.
Note on force feedback support:
Note: For native FF support, see this thread. Great job !Grendel wrote:Just to clear this -- the converter in the current state does not support force feedback effects for the FFP and probably never will. Here's why:
Most gameports back in the day were located on a sound card sharing some pins with the cards MIDI interface. M$ added pin 12 to the FFP (MIDI TxD) and uses MIDI channel 6 to issue FF commands. It's too much work trying to reverse engineer the commands, add a MIDI interface to the 3DP-Vert and modify its USB code to have a fully featured FF device.
A week ago I stumbled over the Teensy development board (silly name, I agree..), got one, and poked at it a bit. Now I have a 3DP-Vert rev3 design that I'm planning to use in a possible 2nd run of the converter
A side effect is that this prototype version is probably the most easy to copy, unfortunately also the most expensive..
What you need:
1 Teensy board, $22 (+s&h)
1 Breadboard w/ wires, $13.44 (got mine at RadioShack tho)
1 DB15F for wire wrap, $5.56
2 2.2kOhm resistors, $0.18
2 2.2nF capacitors, $0.78
The program for the microcontroller -- I'm still working on that, as soon it's finished I'll publish it. Meanwhile, PM me for a copy if you need one.
I don't have a schematic for this one yet, so you'll have to use the following pictures as a guide to build that thing:
Then connect it to your PC (using a USB A-miniB cable, everyone has them right ?), hit the reset button on the board and use the Teensy loader to program the 3DP-Vert image. That's it.
I'll update this thread as more info becomes available.