Interesting Modern Warefare 2 Developement

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Interesting Modern Warefare 2 Developement

Post by Duper »

first time on PC: No dedicated server support. There is a lot to all of this and seems that Infinity Ward keeps dodging the questions like a presidential candidate.

Read: HERE

Listen: HERE **EDIT** (you hear it @ 1 hour: 40 min)

wow.... Seems that IW sold their soul to Microsoft.
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Post by Spaceboy »

Wow. Dedicated servers were why I chose pc games over Console games.

Epic fail.

I'm glad I didn't pre-order. >.<
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Post by Sirius »

It sounds like they're planning to self-host servers, style? (Though that service has been around since 1996, so this is hardly earth-shattering - it's just that normally FPS servers have had too much throughput to apply that model to so easily.)
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Post by Duper »

naw, they are using \"Match making\" games as the 360 does according to rank.
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Post by Sirius »

I'd rather know how much I sucked.
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Post by Duper »

Hitler gets the news! ohnooooozzz!

(NSFW) ;)
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Post by Duper »

hm.. sigs on the Petition are near 43K when posting this. o_0 that's 2 days worth.
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Post by Aus-RED-5 »

Signed! ;)
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Post by Aus-RED-5 »

91436 Total Signatures.... and still growing!
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Post by NUMBERZero »

All that I really care about getting is mah .50 cal, mah P90, and mah AA-12 shotgun of mass destruction! The AA-12 will put the \"laughter\" in \"slaughter!\" Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Crazy mad man aside, does anyone know the reason why there are no more dedi? Could it be because the old, \"innocent host leaving and ending the game,\" is being replaced by a new system that will select a new host?
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Post by Duper »

\"Officially\" no reason has been given, but IW has alluded to piracy and hacking. :roll:

Not like THAT EVER happens on consoles .. no, never...

The game's a straight Xbox360 port. Just like Halo was. MS burns the entire gaming community again. There's more behind that statement, but I don't have time to go into it now. :)
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Well... there are advantages and disadvantages to match making. Your games are generally higher quality and you play people that are at your same level until you get into the higher ranks. Your matches are short and maps are always changed about every 15-20 mins so you don't lose interest as fast. The thing that sucks however, is that you can just jump in any game at any time, matchmaking is sllllloooooooow and gaining rank in video games tends to be retarded anyway unless you are in a serious tournament or a ladder. How you play one day does not always reflect how you will play another day. You also have that really fun issue of the same annoying map being played over and over and over again. *cough* Snowbound *cough*.

Honestly for PC games, match making should stay on consoles.
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Post by Duper »


I haven't' read it all the way through, but it looks like an attempt to persuade, not a retraction. ?

Off to lunch, I'll read it later.
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Post by Duper »

HERE's IW's latest reply... wow. :roll:

bit-tech wrote:Infinity Ward has responded to fans who have begun petitioning the developer in protest against the new IWNet matchmaking system announced for Modern Warfare 2, which removes support for clan matches and dedicated servers.

Infinity Ward's comments come in a confusingly aggressive article that stand firmly alongside the developer; "This may shock some gamers with advanced persecution complexes -- this move was not made to tweak the noses of the PC community," writes GI's Adam Biessener.

An online petition against Infinity Ward's lack of support for dedicated servers and the roll out of IWNet has gathered more than 100,000 signatures since the system was first announced on Monday.

"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," said Infinity Ward's Jason West, who says the team got a huge amount of feedback from players who said they couldn't find good servers to play the original Modern Warfare on because of modders, skill disparities and cheaters.

"We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game," laughed West.

Infinity Ward stands by the idea that IWNet will offer the best experience for the majority of gamers and says that this, not piracy fears, were the main reason for the changes.
Holy Marketing disconnect batman!
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Post by Duper »

132105 Signatures thus far. Ya know the real kicker in all this? A petition was started to get dual attachments and 20K signed and BOOM! they added dual attachments. :roll:
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Post by fliptw »

you could get 10 million signatures and they'll not budge.

10 million people buying RETURNING copies of the game? that'll show em you are serious.
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Post by Aus-RED-5 »

It'll be interesting to see the sales figures after release.
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