how do you disable the reactor escape MOVIES?

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DBB Cadet
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how do you disable the reactor escape MOVIES?

Post by tomoyoafter »

i've never liked my budget re-release of descent2 WIN95 as they replaced the real-time escape sequence with cheesy yet decent cgi movie video, though after digging up the disc again, as i was playing the first level and blew up the reactor, i suddenly recall a moment in the past where i found the escape hatch 2 seconds too late as the reactor blows, and the screen fades to complete white as my doomed pyro makes its futile escape in vain.

never being too much of an avid player for the win95 verison i never encountered the same predicament again, until now of my own deliberation, which resulted in the cgi videos not showing and reappearance of those nostalgic real-time escape cut-scenes.

so i'd like to know, since that part of the game play was never disabled or taken out, technically if the videos are disabled, it would be possible to see the real-time escape sequence again right? is that possible at all?

thanks for helping
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Post by Sirius »

No. Descent 2 never shows real-time rendered escape sequences regardless of what you do (even if it did it isn't automatic - certain things have to be done to make it work in D1 as well). D2X-XL does this for Descent 1 levels but I don't remember whether it gives the option for Descent 2 levels.
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Post by Xfing »

I think that Descent 2 is completely devoid of real-time exit cutscenes. These were implemented in Descent 2 Interactive Demo for the first three levels, but in the retail release thery were not included. Either you have the motion pictures installed, or after exiting the level you'll jump straight to the score screen. That sucks, I know, but there most likely aren't even proper art renditions of the planets' surfaces (like Baloris Prime etc), so I think the movie sequences are a good thing after all.
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