Note re DMB-XP beta testing

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Post by Ferno »

No resilient. things didn't get taken out of context. You decided it was a good idea to post a PRIVATE conversation, which means no one here will take you seriously and you look like an immature brat whining about one small thing. In a sense, I'm glad Diedel took your right to betatest DMB-XP away, because we don't need someone who has a short fuse and will fly off the handle.

"...Just have respect..."

heh that's a good one. you ask someone to extend respect while you completely disrespect diedel and completely ignore common sense. Nice going Einstien.
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Post by Tyranny »

Lets not let this thread continue too far south people. Resilient, being that Dietfrid has been in close contact with Bryan Aamot, who originally designed DMB, and has given him permission to edit the code of DMB, it is pretty safe to assume that your name would have been treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Unfortunately by posting a private conversation on this bulletin board you have not respected his confidentiality. I understand you were trying to prove a point or clear up misconceptions, but there is a reason they call it private messaging. Things of this nature should stay private and only be made public if the other person consents to it being so.

As Dietfrid stated he does reserve the right to revoke beta testing privileges without needing a reason. In case you missed it...
Diedel wrote:Agreement
  • Bryan Aamot or I can recall this right w/o giving a reason any time we see fit. In that case, you will have to remove DLE-XP from all the storage media where you have stored it.
I'm sure he would be willing to restore your right to beta test if you were a little bit more forthcoming with him. Besides, if anyone really wanted your personal information with intent to harm, especially online, they could find it easily.

Lets try to work this thing out in a professional manner instead of slinging insults at eachother. Ferny, you're not helping the matter :P
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Post by Diedel »

Resilient wrote:See, I knew people were going to take this the wrong way, even when I clearly stated that I did not make that post to start trouble, only to bring up a point.
What you did I call an attempt on starting a flame war, pulling everybody into a personal conflict with the intention to shed a real bad light on me.
Resilient wrote:I clearly recall writing in my post, "If anyone would like to discuss this further, please PM me." I did not want to turn this into a public debate.
First you post a bunch of PMs publicly, and then you want to further discuss the issue privately? That's a tad on the stupid side, if you ask me.
Resilient wrote:Ferno: Yes, this could have been kept a private conversation, but my reason for posting it here was to see if the same thing has happened to anyone else, or if anyone shares my views in this matter.
If that was true, a short question "Has Diedel requested real names from any other DLE-XP beta testers? If yes, please PM me." would have been sufficient, so I'd say.
Resilient wrote:Diedel: I will discuss with you privately.
You have ditched that opportunity by publicly posting all of our private messages here.
Resilient wrote:Everyone else, please, like I said before, I never meant to offend anyone or start trouble, but people are not listening to me.
Look at the reactions you got, and re-evaluate your actions here.
Resilient wrote:I thought everyone has a right to privacy. If other testers felt comfortable giving their full name, that is solely their choice. I chose not to give out personal information. Unless the law states that I am required to give it out, then it should not be held against me. It's the same reason some people choose not to give their age. It's private, and they're uncomfortable sharing it. Just have respect and leave it be, is all I'm saying. Please tell me there's at least one person here who understands what I'm saying.
Ofc you have that right. As our agreement states, I on the other side have the right to cancel it whenever I see fit. Your preferring keeping your real name to yourself simply tells me that you are not willing to share the trust I have offered you in advance by giving my personal e-mail address and real name to you. I really cannot see a reason for you not to reveal your real name to me other than making a childish point, insisting on your "right to privacy" where it doesn't really make sense. This is a small community of game fans, and if I am going to work together with somebody I expect a minimum of trust, which you obviously are not willing to invest.

If you had pondered on what the DLE-XP beta testing agreement states about beta testers e-mail accounts, it should have become clear to you that my asking for your real name was simply intended to put working together on a personal and not anonymous base, and nothing else.

Btw, You can see my age and residence in my interview @ Koolbear's.

What has really upset me is that you did not simply wrote that you'd prefer to keep your real name to yourself, but first stated that I had given you mine (which wasn't true), and then believed you could teach me a lesson about the matter.

Hence, things are very simple now: You keep your real name for yourself, and I will do w/o your help in beta testing.

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Post by Diedel »

Tyranny wrote:Ferny, you're not helping the matter :P
I think Ferno is darn right and really has made a point.
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Post by OnetoomanyDumplings »

Whew. That summed it up... I was thinking of coming on and giving Resilient a logical whomping, but Diedel seems to have done that very nicely before I got on.
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Post by Tyranny »

Diedel wrote:
Tyranny wrote:Ferny, you're not helping the matter :P
I think Ferno is darn right and really has made a point.
I think you get upset too easily and fly off the handle sometimes :P. It's easy to get angry at someone. It takes much more patience to just let things slide. I felt Resilient was just confused at why you revoked his beta testing rights just for not divulging his name. Too me this just seems quick to jump the gun and personally I probably would have just left it at that and allowed him to continue beta-testing it.

You and I are two different people though and you're entitled to make your own decisions, so I'll just respect that decision and leave this issue alone.
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Post by Diedel »

Looking at Resilient's reaction, I think I've made the right decision. :wink:
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Post by Resilient »

Tyranny wrote:....Resilient, being that Dietfrid has been in close contact with Bryan Aamot, who originally designed DMB, and has given him permission to edit the code of DMB, it is pretty safe to assume that your name would have been treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Unfortunately by posting a private conversation on this bulletin board you have not respected his confidentiality. I understand you were trying to prove a point or clear up misconceptions, but.... Things of this nature should stay private and only be made public if the other person consents to it being so.

I'm sure he would be willing to restore your right to beta test if you were a little bit more forthcoming with him.

Lets try to work this thing out in a professional manner instead of slinging insults at eachother.
I'm going to agree with Tyranny, because he has been the only reasonable voice throughout this "discussion". I left in the key points he made in his message because I want to try to say something quickly to each one.

1. Before this whole mess started, I had no idea that Byran Aamot was the original DMB programmer. Maybe it was in the back of my mind, since I am not that big a part of the Descent community and don't go out of my way to learn the names of all the tool designers. I had no way of knowing that Diedel was working with "the" programmer of DMB. For all I knew, he could have been just anyone trying to create something and make a name for himself, and I wasn't sure how well I could trust him and his software. I mean, with all the insecurities on the web today such as viruses and spyware and such, who wouldn't be cautious? But now I know better, I have been a little more properly informed, and I would like to extend my sincere apologies to Diedel for any sense of mistrust I may have shown toward him.

2. You're exactly right about the private messaging part. Typically, I'm a reasonable guy. I hate to start fights and make enemies. I don't want this turning into a flame-war any more than you do. In self-defense, my comments never meant to do harm to Diedel, his software, or anything else involved. Sure, I was upset that he revoked my privilege, but I think what upset me more was that he believed I was withholding my name to be a smartass when all I said was that I chose not give out my name at this time. Had we had the opportunity and the time to continue working together, a stronger mutual trust would have developed and I would have agreed to give my name. Anyway, this is now a moot point and I will move on.

3. It is his (and possibly Bryan's) sole discretion whether or not he would like me to use DLE-XP again. Following his message of cancellation, I immediately respected and obeyed his wishes and removed not only all related files from my computer but the e-mail containing the link as well. It is fine, either way, if he wants me to use it again or not.

4. I have been as mature and professional as possible through all this. I know I haven't used any name-calling or insults. I knew right away that once the responses to my post started coming in, that things had already taken the wrong turn. I did not want to start an argument. I'm sure there were things I should have worded differently or left out completely but hey, what's done is done, and right now I just want to apologize and show everyone that I'm really not a bad guy. I slipped up and I want to make up for it. Hopefully, the rest of you will be able to forgive me and not follow up with the "told you so's" and what not.

Diedel wrote:What has really upset me is that you did not simply wrote that you'd prefer to keep your real name to yourself, but first stated that I had given you mine (which wasn't true), and then believed you could teach me a lesson about the matter.
One of my PM's to you said, "I hope you won't be offended if I decide to keep that information private, at least for now." I believe that was simply put. ;) And I never said that I could teach you a lesson in anything. If you can find where I said that, please show me. :)

Anyhow, as I'm sure Tyranny was trying to hint at, we really should just put this aside and get back to having more civilized discussions. I have made my apologies, admitted to my mistakes. The sooner we get back to the topic at hand, the sooner we can all unwind and start enjoying these boards again. :)
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Post by Diedel »

Resilient wrote:4. I have been as mature and professional as possible through all this.
Well ... I accept your apology, if I am included in the recipients. :)

If you are still interested in beta testing DLE-XP, please re-read the agreement in post #1 of this thread (particularly the addendum), and if you agree, reconfirm. You will get access data for DLE-XP then.

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Post by Ferno »

as long as you take this as a learning experience Resilient, you'll be alright in my book.

Tyr, someone had to take the initiative. you do it in a nice way, i hit like a mack truck :P
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Post by Resilient »

Yes, Diedel, most of my apology was directed toward you. I wasn't trying to offend you or anything by keeping my name private. I would have given it to you once I knew I could trust you. Some people are different and don't mind giving it out right away, but that's just me. :) And please don't take it personally, I'm like that with anyone new that I meet.

Well, Ferno, I'm not sure how much of a learning experience this will serve to me. This is not the first time I've done something like this on a forum, and probably not the last. :roll: I'm trying to learn how to put my thoughts into words a little better to avoid confusion and, more importantly, avoid anything being taken offensively or negatively. As you've probably noticed, I still have some ways to go. :)

My thanks to Tyranny for helping to try to settle things and understanding my intentions, and to Ferno and Diedel for not taking this too far and accepting my apology.

This is why I love the Descent community. When you have a question or a problem, there's always someone willing to take the time to help or at least point you in the right direction. When a dispute arises, most people are able to handle it appropriately. If not, we have an awesome bunch of moderators to settle things quickly and effectively. :)

Okay, I'm rambling... Let's get back to talking about DLE-XP because I'm sure Diedel would like to continue receiving requests for testing. ;)
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Post by Diedel »

Awaiting your application. :)

Regarding the learning curve: Just stop posting private conversations publicly. :wink:
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Post by Resilient »

I would like to re-apply but I'm not sure if this is going to be a problem. I've been starting work on a D3 level and will be spending a lot of my time using D3Edit. I can try to fit in some time using DLE-XP, as I was planning to make a D2 version of the same level, so that would be a good opportunity to try building a level from scratch with your editor.

For anyone who is curious, the level is being named Common Ground. To give you a rough idea of the layout, at least for the D2 version: On opposite sides of the level is a huge room with a fort-like building in the center of that room. These rooms are connected by several halls and tunnels and smaller rooms. The forts are for CTF games, but in Anarchy they can serve as hideouts (snipers will love them). In the D3 level, each fort will have a separate energy AND shield recharge station (I'm pretty sure a shield station is possible... if not, I have some asking around to do :)). I doubt it can be done in D2 so I won't even bother there. D3's version will support CTF and hopefully Entropy. D3's will also have four forts compared to D2's two.

I've already designed a logo for Common Ground. In D2, it will be a custom texture used on outer walls of forts and some halls. In D3, it will actually be created from faces, fixed to outer walls of forts and possibly in some smaller rooms, and the red areas will be lit.


I will make a separate post about the level in ZappaFan's Level Spotlight when I've made more progress. :)
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Post by Diedel »

Well ... I could enhance D2X so it allows for shield recharge stations ... that's something I had always wanted it to have anyway ... :roll:

Anyway: If you agree to the beta testing conditions, you can have DLE-XP to take a look into it.
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Post by Kyouryuu »

I'm not replying to your e-mail, Diedel, because I'm afraid I really don't have the time to test DLE-XP to the degree that you need me to. Hopefully, another tester will fill in the gap. Sorry.
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Post by Diedel »

NP. There are enough beta testers - more than enough, considering the fact that only three of them are either regular contributors or have reported a significant number of bugs.

I am just asking myself why some of them (and you) applied when it should already have been pretty clear that their time frame wouldn't allow for actually beta testing DLE-XP ... but I don't really mind them having done so. :)

I am gonna hack repair centers into D2X anyway btw - I'm already on it. :D
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Post by DCrazy »

I know there's a trigger type that removes/restores shields... are you saying there's gonna be a cube type that does the same thing? :D
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Re: Note re DMB-XP beta testing

Post by Resilient »

Diedel wrote:Agreement
  • You will be granted the right to use the DLE-XP executable for non-profit, testing purposes.
  • Bryan Aamot or I can recall this right w/o giving a reason any time we see fit. In that case, you will have to remove DLE-XP from all the storage media where you have stored it.
  • You must not pass on DLE-XP, neither directly nor indirectly (e.g. by providing a download location and link for it) without Bryan's or my express permission.
  • You agree to provide sufficiently detailed bug reports to me for bug fixing purposes, including all data used when encountering a bug.
  • Any data (e.g. levels) provided by you together with bug reports will only be used by me for debugging DLE-XP and not be passed to others.
  • You agree to naming me a valid e-mail address of yours (not a hotmail or similar 'anonymous' account) for getting access to full versions of the DLE-XP executable.
  • Your e-mail address will only be used for communicating with you in the process of testing and debugging DLE-XP. It will not be passed to others. It will only be used by me in a firewall and virus protected environment to minimize the risk of it being abused by any harmful activity of third parties (e.g. hackers, viruses etc.) on my computers.
  • Addendum [5/8/2004]: You agree to reveal your real name to me for communication regarding DLE-XP beta testing, like you will in return be revealed mine. Your real name will be treated with absolute privacy and not revealed by me anywhere or to anybody else without your prior permission. The same applies to your treating my real name and e-mail address.
I will agree to your terms, including the newest one.

Hey, if you do get around to allowing shield centers in D2X (not to mention in DLE-XP), I'd be more than happy to come up with sample animated textures for them (you know how the energy centers have "sparkles" :)).

Another suggestion for DLE-XP: Unless there's already a way of doing this, could you possibly add a checkbox or something that would allow you to move/edit marked cubes/sides/lines/points all at once? When I want to make a large room or just expand/contract/move existing sides/lines/points/etc. and more than one thing is involved, it sometimes gets difficult and time-consuming to have to select each one and do it individually. Maybe have this functionality work with objects as well. ;)

Speaking of objects... could it be beneficial to add options to let the user select exactly where they want the object placed? For example, have option buttons that would affect where the object is placed in the cube when you click Add:

  • Place object normally (centered).
  • Place object: [ 50]% from current side and [ 50]% from "other" side.
  • Place object at coordinates: [ 0]X [ 0]Y [ 0]Z.

The brackets are text boxes the user can edit. Does this sound doable? Of course, with the second option, the "other" side and the current side would have to be on the same cube to work. With the third option, you will probably need to do some math to make sure the coordinates fall inside a cube first. What do you think?
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Post by Diedel »


you will receive an e-mail with access data to DLE-XP shortly. You can tell me your real name in reply. :wink:

Repair centers already work in D2X-W32 by now ... wasn't hard to add that, as that segment type is already available in Descent. There just was no function that replenished shields when a player was in a cube of that type, and such a function could easily be derived from the fuel center function.

I will simply edit the fuel center sparks, making them blue and provide them together with DLE-XP. The user will however still have to exchange some standard animated texture for them. Default texture for repair centers currently is the blue goal texture, which is already animated, so one might consider doing w/o repair center sparks.

Like DMB2, DLE-XP allows to move/grow/shrink marked structures (cubes/lines/...) all at once. There also is a "replace textures" function allowing you to replace all occurences of a texture on marked sides or in the whole mine for another texture.

I will not add object placement functionality (at least not to soon). You will have to move objects manually where you want them.


I don't know of a trigger type in D2 that would affect shields. Afaik such a trigger type only exists in D1. Yes, I will (well, have already :D) added a new cube type "repair center" to DLE-XP and my "personal edition" of D2X (D2X-W32). It works like a fuel center, just on shields, and I have already tested everything and will upload it in a few minutes to my web site.
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Post by Kyouryuu »

Diedel wrote:I am just asking myself why some of them (and you) applied when it should already have been pretty clear that their time frame wouldn't allow for actually beta testing DLE-XP ... but I don't really mind them having done so.
I just overestimated what I could do in what time remains.
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Post by Theftbot »

I found a annoying feature/bug that I found. Every time i open DLE-XP i have to go to preferences every time to make the depth perception right i think medium should be default, but that is me. Is there any way to make it permanent.
found another couple glitches:
the auto door function door dont work. if you select another flag it deslects the auto and cant select it again.

and sometimes pressing the p key adds another cube
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Post by Lothar »

Kyouryuu wrote:
Diedel wrote:I am just asking myself why some of them (and you) applied when it should already have been pretty clear that their time frame wouldn't allow for actually beta testing DLE-XP ... but I don't really mind them having done so.
I just overestimated what I could do in what time remains.
Agreed -- I overestimated what I could do, and also underestimated how much time you expected us to put in. Plus I bought a new car and had to learn the whole "manual transmission" thing, went to the emergency room with a jacked up thumb, etc. which really cut in to my free time.

I also didn't expect to download a new version every day or two (take that as a compliment -- most times I've done beta testing, the developers have been fairly slow in putting out new versions.) By the time I get it downloaded and installed, I rarely have enough time left over to do enough testing. I expected half-hour blocks to be enough, but I need closer to an hour to get far enough in to the program to really start to find bugs and such.

Maybe next weekend I'll have the time... *shrug*
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Post by Diedel »

I expected you to invest at least a little time, not none at all, but well ... as I said: np. :) There are a few very good beta testers (hence the flood of updates :roll: ). And if you should ever find something, you're welcome to report it. Or build a cool new D2 level. :wink:
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Post by Diedel »

Theftbot wrote:I found a annoying feature/bug that I found. Every time i open DLE-XP i have to go to preferences every time to make the depth perception right i think medium should be default, but that is me. Is there any way to make it permanent.
found another couple glitches:
the auto door function door dont work. if you select another flag it deslects the auto and cant select it again.

and sometimes pressing the p key adds another cube
depth perception problem: Cannot reproduce.

wall tool bugs: fixed.

"P": Probably one of the tools had the input focus, and entering "P" was a valid command adding a cube there.
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Post by Resilient »

One of the things I hated (and I mean HATED) about DMB2 was... and I don't know what happened to make the program do this, because it would work just fine and then after a while it would take a ... yeah :), but anyway... I'd have the texture tool open, and while it had the focus, I'd try to press 'S' to change sides, but instead it thinks I want to Save the texture on the side I'm already on. The only way around it was to click in the map area, press 'S', THEN go back to the texture tool, and repeat all three steps every time I wanted to do another side. AHHHH!! <insert hair-pulling smiley here> :P

So what Theftbot is referring to is probably similar to what I just said. Diedel, you're essentially just changing the old DMB2 code, right? That being the case, DLE-XP is basically old code underneath a new interface. But Diedel's goal is to find the old stuff that doesn't do what we need/want it to do and turn it into something more useful or convenient. Hopefully he will track down these nasty little bugs and get rid of them once and for all. :D

I'm using DLE-XP but so far haven't run into anything bad. I came into this a bit late, everyone else must've caught all the bugs and left none for me. :) Not that I'm complaining... lol
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Post by Theftbot »

BTW Diedel i am making a large level just to test out DLE-XP in just about every aspect. Depth perception i have to adjust it every time i open dle or start a new mine it looks as if it stays normally off until the instant i click on preferences tab and it changes to my selected medium. I dont know if that can be changed.
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Post by Diedel »


setting and keeping depth perception works on my computer. I simply cannot reproduce your problem. It had been a bug in a pretty old version of DLE-XP. Do you have the most recent version?


there's generally no easy fix to that problem. Windows has the concept of an "input focus", i.e. all input goes to a certain destination. These destinations usually are windows. Now in DMB2 and DLE-XP there are quite a few windows. The render, texture and tool panes are all separate windows. Whenever you click into a window, that window gets the input focus and will receive all input (mouse, keyboard). I tried to have the render pane always capture the input focus when it was updated, but that did not really work when you were working with a tool (e.g. the texture tool), because then you had to click into the texture tool all the time to have it grab the input focus. I also tried to route certain commands back to the render pane, but that proved not as easy as I had hoped either. So for the time being you will unfortunately have to live with this behaviour.
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Post by Resilient »


I've been programming in VB for several years now. I know what an input focus is. ;)

I barely know anything about Visual C++ (I wanted to learn it but never got into it), but I'm sure there's got to be some way of setting up a global key capture. What you could probably do is declare a global variable, an integer maybe, and whenever the user brings up or clicks on a different window or part of the screen, change the variable to tell the program "we're on this window now". Then, when any keystrokes are pressed, you refer back to this variable to see what's going on and make the appropriate function call(s) from there. I can see it working that way. :)

You don't have to use my method. You might be able to think of a better way since you know way more about VC++ than I do. But maybe this will give you some insight to a possible fix. :)

For every problem, there is a solution. 8)
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Post by Diedel »

How should I know you know? ;) Is it a problem for you that I explained what an input focus is?

You particularly don't know MFC programming, and MFC is doing all the input scheduling.

There might be a solution to every problem, but not every solution might be worth the effort.

I'd have to change a lot in DLE-XP to properly distribute all input, esp. if you consider that some input is valid in several windows. Just think of the tools' edit fields. And in case you don't know: Every edit control is a window itself.
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Post by Theftbot »

BTW Diedel i use Windows 98 SE i dont know if that affects anything seeing it is called DLE-XP, and i check regularly for updates so i use the newer versions.

Also what exactly do the water and lava cubes do is there something special about them
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Post by Diedel »

You can look into dle-xp.ini (it's in the windows directory) and check the depth perception value (it's a number between 0 and 3).

Currently, water and lava segments are merely decoration to give more a feeling of being submerged in water/lava by coloring everything around you (or under water/lava) blue or red. Maybe I will add some extra effects later, or change physics in lava and water, and add shield damage when in a lava cube, but that's not certain.
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Post by Resilient »

Diedel wrote:How should I know you know? Is it a problem for you that I explained what an input focus is?
*sigh* :roll:

I know you didn't know that I know. I don't know everything you know. You don't know everything I know. You know, ... damn, I'm confusing myself just thinking about it. :P

Sorry... was trying to sound as non-hostile as possible. ;)
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Post by Theftbot »

I got a question for you Diedel

In Making Multiplayer levels how do you prevent secondary missiles and bombs from spawning in certain cubes: i notice that they never spawn in reactor cubes, or is there a way
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Post by Diedel »

I really don't know. Afaik there is no way to prevent that. Unfortunately. Not as long as I don't hack it into D2X ... 8)
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Post by Lothar »

Mark all the cubes as reactor cubes, except for the ones you want the spawning to happen in...
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Post by Diedel »

Resilient wrote:
Diedel wrote:How should I know you know? Is it a problem for you that I explained what an input focus is?
*sigh* :roll:

I know you didn't know that I know. I don't know everything you know. You don't know everything I know. You know, ... damn, I'm confusing myself just thinking about it. :P

Sorry... was trying to sound as non-hostile as possible. ;)
Sorry Res. Never mind. I'm currently having a bit of a stressful time.
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Post by Resilient »

Lothar wrote:Mark all the cubes as reactor cubes, except for the ones you want the spawning to happen in...
Wouldn't that make a lot of red lines on your automap? :)
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Post by Kyouryuu »

Yes, but it's pretty much the only way.
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Post by Tyranny »

Lothar wrote:Mark all the cubes as reactor cubes, except for the ones you want the spawning to happen in...
ah damnit, that would have helped SOOO much for the vent ducts I've put in some of my levels! Wonder why I never tried that... :x
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Post by SSX-Thunderbird »

Resilient wrote:
Lothar wrote:Mark all the cubes as reactor cubes, except for the ones you want the spawning to happen in...
Wouldn't that make a lot of red lines on your automap? :)
If you're looking at the automap in a multiplayer game, you're probably already dead unless you found a place to hide.
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