Thems Fightin' Words

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Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

Republican moralists have either gone off the deep end, or are trying to return to the bad old paternalistic days of the 50's they seem so much to miss, or they're trying to piss women voters off on purpose because they're just plain old idiots. None of those reasons are very charitable. ... l-21642468

Nuf said. Like it's all the woman's fault they get pregnant, or want a little assistance to help prevent it. Huckabee's almost sounding like a Muslim who believes that women are the root of all evil and should be blamed for everything and kept under the dominant male heel. He's forgetting about the other half of the responsible party in the reproductive process, males. :roll:
Huckabee wrote:If the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are hopeless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them with their prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Spidey »

I don’t know, it must be me…but I can’t see the connection between accusing the Democrats of pandering and the desire to get all women barefoot and pregnant.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by callmeslick »

perhaps, the wording doesn't strike you the same way it does women.....
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CUDA »

Ya except that's not what he said. Nice perpetuation of a lie
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Spidey »

callmeslick wrote:perhaps, the wording doesn't strike you the same way it does women.....
Well then, I’m grateful I don’t think like a woman.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Heretic »

leave one sentence out and it changes the whole thing doesn't it
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by snoopy »

Interesting.... read the whole quote and it sure sounds like he's in favor of women being independent....

Remind me again how supporting women's independence is insulting/demeaning to them?

Oh yeah... I forgot. Dependence upon the government is different because they're guaranteed to be benevolent overlords, and reading things in context is for suckers....

My brother-in-law has a saying that seems to aptly apply: A (sentence) without a context is a pretext.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CobGobbler »

This is hilarious. Mike Huckabee, Baptist minister, a vocal proponent of progressive and independent women. You people are two shades away from balls-out nuts crazy.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Spidey »

Let me see…Bill Clinton is a Baptist…his wife seems pretty independent.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Ferno »

Read the entire quote. seemed like a pretty dense thing to say.

then I went and read the rest of the article. I hate to say it, but Huckabee's starting to make some sense.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

No, what I take as an insult is that this man thinks that the Democrats are insulting women because they say we need the government to protect women's reproductive rights. I'm not talking about the work equality slight of hand that Rand Paul was using as a dodge to that very question on the morning news shows either. The reality is that without the government, our reproductive rights would be taken away in a heartbeat by Republican moralists like HIM. Yes, women are smart. Yes, we see who the bully really is, and it's not the Dems. And yes, the fact is, we do need the government to watch over our rights, because we had to fight HARD for those rights to be put into law and into the Constitution in the first place. Rights that are being presently taken away by Republicans even now in many Republican controlled states. Now women are going to have to fight just to get them back.

Huckabee is using an age old tactic to sway his victims, The "wolf in sheep's clothing" masquerade. Use that sweet sounding, sugar-coated false mockery to paint the Dems as the bad guys, while hiding the fact that YOU'RE really the bad guy. But in the real world, it DOES take the government to protect women's rights from being taken away by the likes of Huckabee and his political religious cronies. He's only trying to pander to women in an effort to turn women against the Democrats and go with Republicans, THE ENEMY. What he's saying is: Tell your victim that the school isn't really needed to protect you, because you're smarter than the school and that you can protect yourself. Well, it doesn't work that way in the real world, does it? The bully ends up beating you up because you didn't have the power to protect yourself that the school did, and so now the school can't do anything about it and you're dead meat.

Taking away our reproductive rights is an insidious method towards dragging women right back into the bad old days of male dominance, work inequality and being stuck in the home. First, take away our ability to control our own bodies through laws passed by Republican moralists, then get the women pregnant because they lost easy access to birth control, then take away all the women's work rights because they will demand that family is far more important than career.


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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Krom »

Instead of this stupid arguing over who pays for what, it would be so much simpler if all these assholes on both sides would just settle down and address the real issue of everything being so insanely expensive that interested people can't get it without a taxpayers subsidizing it. If you don't want to pay for something, fine, don't pay for it, just figure out a way that it can be made affordable for the people who do want it. It isn't like this any of this stuff is actually expensive or even remotely complicated to manufacture, it is only expensive to buy.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by snoopy »

TC: Pretext.

Why bother with the links and the videos? Why don't you just say that you automatically hate anyone who isn't associated with a D?
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by callmeslick »

snoopy wrote:TC: Pretext.

Why bother with the links and the videos? Why don't you just say that you automatically hate anyone who isn't associated with a D?
because that ISN'T her pretext. She is insulted by the tone by which Republicans address women's issues. She isn't alone....the R's have been losing women's votes by the millions. It just cost them a major election in VA. It likely helped cost them the last Presidential election. Note that TC doesn't say anything about having a D next to one's name, or claim any special affiliation with Democrats, she's merely calling the R's out on this sort of presentation. Try not to oversimplifiy, snoopy.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
snoopy wrote:TC: Pretext.

Why bother with the links and the videos? Why don't you just say that you automatically hate anyone who isn't associated with a D?
because that ISN'T her pretext. She is insulted by the tone by which Republicans address women's issues. ...Try not to oversimplifiy, snoopy.
She is insulted by the way the Repubs have been portrayed much more than any actual comments they made. This is proven by the lack of context and editorializing that accompanies the events she usually cites.

What was that oversimplification thing you talked about? I don't think that word means what you think it means....
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by woodchip »

TC, what rights are being taken away? Not your right to buy birth control pills or make sure the jack your with uses a condom. So you must be talking about the final fail safe which is a abortion. Even you must agree killing a fetus after a certain age is criminal.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CobGobbler »

After the day of birth it seems that killing a fetus could be criminal...

Why do you all care so much about this? You all don't give a ★■◆● about the kid once it's born, so why worry what is done to it before that? Hell, I've made at least ten girls have one, it's cheaper than a condom (15.99 for a twelve-pack, wtf!!) and it doubles as quality time bonding with the other guys in the waiting room. Hell, I'm going to try and impregnate a girl tonight just so I can spread the abortion joy!

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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Will Robinson »

CobGobbler wrote:After the day of birth it seems that killing a fetus could be criminal...

Why do you all care so much about this? You all don't give a **** about the kid once it's born, so why worry what is done to it before that? Hell, I've made at least ten girls have one, it's cheaper than a condom (15.99 for a twelve-pack, wtf!!) and it doubles as quality time bonding with the other guys in the waiting room. Hell, I'm going to try and impregnate a girl tonight just so I can spread the abortion joy!

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Go Team! Keep talking about Repubs 'war on women' Cob has your back!!
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CobGobbler »

Nope, I just don't have yours!
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

callmeslick wrote:
snoopy wrote:TC: Pretext.

Why bother with the links and the videos? Why don't you just say that you automatically hate anyone who isn't associated with a D?
because that ISN'T her pretext. She is insulted by the tone by which Republicans address women's issues. She isn't alone....the R's have been losing women's votes by the millions. It just cost them a major election in VA. It likely helped cost them the last Presidential election. Note that TC doesn't say anything about having a D next to one's name, or claim any special affiliation with Democrats, she's merely calling the R's out on this sort of presentation. Try not to oversimplifiy, snoopy.
Damn straight slick! If Huckabee had wanted to sound conciliatory towards women, why use such derogatory and insulting wording? He came off as an angry man blaming all women and their libidos for wanting that evil government help just to get easier, AND CHEAPER, access to birth control. By the way, easier access to birth control means LESS ABORTIONS. Stupid moron Republicans! Wouldn't that be preferable? And woody, I personally wouldn't have an abortion, especially past a certain gestation period, but having some lawmaker tell me on religious grounds what I can or cannot do with something that is inside and part of me, will garner a fight just on principle.

And I don't "hate" all Republicans. But I'm very opposed to these new Republican moralists who are forcing their religious agendas through many state legislatures. There's just something about these guys forcing through laws telling me what I can and can't do with my body concerning abortion, and telling me that an employer can withhold medical services like birth control because of their religious beliefs, that rubs me the wrong way. It's personal and it's insulting. And what's funny about all this is that they were for it before they were against it. Why now? ... s-20120216

And I know most of you conservatives will reject the opinions of Mother Jones, but it reflects the opinions of a lot of women, which is continuing bad news for Republicans. ... traception

THEN, you have THIS moron. The Republican Party is infested with these idiots. ... ilization/
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by vision »

Birth control (the pill) has legitimate medical uses outside of contraception.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CUDA »

Damn straight slick! If Huckabee had wanted to sound conciliatory towards women, why use such derogatory and insulting wording? He came off as an angry man blaming all women and their libidos for wanting that evil government help just to get easier, AND CHEAPER, access to birth control.
bull★■◆●. he said it because the Democratic party paraded out their darling of the I want government to pay for my birth control Sandra Fluke at the DNC convention last election.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Jeff250 »

Birth control more than pays for itself, so this isn't about money.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:
Damn straight slick! If Huckabee had wanted to sound conciliatory towards women, why use such derogatory and insulting wording? He came off as an angry man blaming all women and their libidos for wanting that evil government help just to get easier, AND CHEAPER, access to birth control.
****. he said it because the Democratic party paraded out their darling of the I want government to pay for my birth control Sandra Fluke at the DNC convention last election.
if that is all you see Sandra Fluke as standing for, YOU are part of the problem that the GOP is pandering to.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by woodchip »

For Sandra Fluke to be trotted out as some heroine of the womens rights crowd is ludicrous. I wonder how her father feels having the whole world know his daughter is so busy getting laid she needs to spend 3000.00 every month on birth control. Paid whores spend less than that. So yeah lets put some broad out there that spends more time with her legs spread than than sitting in class learning something that will make her not dependent on the govt. to protect her from her nymphomaniac urges.
How am I doing Cob? Maybe you should see if you can add her to your stable.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CUDA »

and if you don't see that the DNC is pandering to women by trotting out Fluke, as a key speaker at the convention no less, when all she is famous for is sitting before Congress and advocating for government paid birth control in her health plan. Then Huckabee is right.

HEY I wonder if I can get my insurance company to pay for my cars oil changes. Preventative maintenance after all. :P
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Spidey »

Careful what you wish for...
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CobGobbler »

I don't know woodchip, she went to Cornell and then G.W Law School, that's pretty good time management if she's succeeding at that and doing what you say she is. Honestly we should be celebrating her even more! I wouldn't add her to the stable either, her mane is do you grab short, dark hair anyways? Plus I know she uses birth control, so I wouldn't be able to force her to get an abortion, so that's a bummer as well.

I don't want to respond anymore in this thread, I just want to watch three geriatric white men get all riled up about other people having power.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Spidey »

Shouldn’t talk about slick that way…
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

woodchip wrote:For Sandra Fluke to be trotted out as some heroine of the womens rights crowd is ludicrous. I wonder how her father feels having the whole world know his daughter is so busy getting laid she needs to spend 3000.00 every month on birth control. Paid whores spend less than that. So yeah lets put some broad out there that spends more time with her legs spread than than sitting in class learning something that will make her not dependent on the govt. to protect her from her nymphomaniac urges.
How am I doing Cob? Maybe you should see if you can add her to your stable.
I see you listen to the poisonous likes of Rush Limbaugh. You know nothing about Fluke, or her lifestyle, other than from that slimy trash-filled mouth of Rush. The more the Dems trot her out as an example and the more the conservatives respond by calling her a slut or worse, the more votes among women those Republicans will LOSE. She's no different from any other normal female college student who happens to want a little sex in her life and NOT GET PREGNANT doing it. She's certainly not a SLUT. But I guess you don't have a derogatory name for all those horny guys that troll around campus for the sole purpose getting their women friends drunk, all so they can have sex with them. Conservative males always seem to have a selective memory about the philandering's of their youth. :roll:
CUDA wrote:and if you don't see that the DNC is pandering to women by trotting out Fluke, as a key speaker at the convention no less, when all she is famous for is sitting before Congress and advocating for government paid birth control in her health plan. Then Huckabee is right.

HEY I wonder if I can get my insurance company to pay for my cars oil changes. Preventative maintenance after all. :P
Some car companies HAVE offered free oil changes for a short period. Not a long lived idea, but they did think it important enough to get people to get their car's oil changed at least once after it was sold.

And why are you so against government paid birth control? Any program that cuts the number of abortions and keeps multitudes of poor, single women from going on the welfare roles to feed their kids on the taxpayer dime is an investment well worth it. The program would SAVE the country money in the long run. What IS wrong with you CUDA? :wink:
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Jeff250 »

CUDA wrote:HEY I wonder if I can get my insurance company to pay for my cars oil changes. Preventative maintenance after all. :P
I don't know what kind of coverage you have, but if doing so saved them money, then they would be foolish not to. This is why I don't understand the fiscal conservative argument against paying for birth control, since the social cost of unwanted pregnancy outweighs the cost of birth control.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by woodchip »

Dems forget half the aborted fetus's are female. What about the war against their reproductive rights? Oh "snap"! thats right...they can't vote.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CUDA »

tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Top Gun »

...probably this planet, because countries that have easier access to birth control and better sex education have notably lower abortion rates than the US does. And studies have shown fairly remarkable results when women are provided with free birth control.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CobGobbler »

woodchip, most abortions occur before gender is evident... [removed -- Jeff]
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Ferno »

CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
Works well enough here in Canada.
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by Tunnelcat »

CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
Seriously? What planet are YOU from? A planet full of perfect God-fearing religious zealots where perhaps a moralist run government agency uses draconian laws to stop all unsanctioned sex? A planet where hormone soaked teenagers are told to NOT have any sex until they get married? What's the punishment for having sex on this planet paradise of yours? The Scarlet Letter of shame? Death? Back door abortions? That scenario is even more implausible than getting people to use birth control in the first place ON THIS PLANET. Unless of course, God himself comes down to earth and fixes Eve's mistake. :wink:

That's another thing, blame all this wonton sex on one women. Men just can't seem to take responsibility for their actions, errr, hormones. :P
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by woodchip »

tunnelcat wrote:

That's another thing, blame all this wonton sex on one women. Men just can't seem to take responsibility for their actions, errr, hormones. :P
Men are all dicks anyway :wink:
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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Post by CUDA »

tunnelcat wrote:
CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
Seriously? What planet are YOU from? A planet full of perfect God-fearing religious zealots where perhaps a moralist run government agency uses draconian laws to stop all unsanctioned sex? A planet where hormone soaked teenagers are told to NOT have any sex until they get married? What's the punishment for having sex on this planet paradise of yours? The Scarlet Letter of shame? Death? Back door abortions? That scenario is even more implausible than getting people to use birth control in the first place ON THIS PLANET. Unless of course, God himself comes down to earth and fixes Eve's mistake. :wink:

That's another thing, blame all this wonton sex on one women. Men just can't seem to take responsibility for their actions, errr, hormones. :P

I want you all in burkas chained to the bed and stove. You're only good for two thing, making me dinner and screwing. I'm going to pray to Allah that he makes that happen. And when we take over the world we are going to install George Bush as permenant leader just to ★■◆● with your head and your religious bigotry.

moron :roll:
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