Why I test web pages with multiple browsers...

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Why I test web pages with multiple browsers...

Post by Destiny777 »

Code Fragment from a web page in page in pseudo code...

(Java Script Start)

What was missing was the "Java Script End" Tag.

Web Browser Results using the latest version of each:
- Firefox (Mozilla) worked fine.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer displayed a "blank page".
- Mozilla worked fine.
- Netscape worked fine.
- Opera worked fine.

This is the first time that I had ever seen this problem. This was easily fixed by adding the "Javascript End" tag where it needed to be.

Please don't let this thread or degrade into a flame or rant about which browser is the best and all that crap.

The web page testing is something that this veteran computer professional does to insure that at least on pages that he designs that the end-users won't have major browsing issues.

I too browse web pages and appreciate all the hard work that people do to make them work.

If everyone would have the common courtesy to make their web pages do the same, the internet would be a little more "user friendly".

Hope this helps someone.

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Post by fliptw »

yes, proper closing of html tags is always a good thing.

So is making proper use of http://validator.w3.org

If you can give the proper name for this "Javascript End Tag", people might think you know what yer talking about.
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Post by DCrazy »

The page was missing the </script> tag?! That should not have rendered in any browser, because the display style of the script tag is defined to be none. IE was the only browser to handle it properly.
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Post by Destiny777 »

Miscounted the number start and end script markers. I would have preferred having only 1 set of them. (Long Story.)

It didn't work in MSIE but all other browsers worked fine with the web page.

New to doing some things on web pages.


We did this neat process of parsing a subdirectory structure on an FTP Site using VB Script in ASP and dynamically making links to those directories. (Meaning that the directory structure is dynamic and will be rebuilt each time that page is loaded.)

When the end-user selects any of those links, the URL has a passed parameter to another ASP file that gets that parameter and shows all the pictures on that selected directory in descending name order on a web page.

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Post by DCrazy »

Hopefully the Javascript was merely decorative ant not instrumental to the functioning of the ASP pages. If the Javascript is critical to how the ASP page works, you're doing it wrong. If you're using the Javascript to build a menu system or something, okay.
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Post by Instig8 »

You're forgetting about Lynx and Konqueror. And, ASP? Don't get me started.
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Post by iten »

Lynx doesn't look as good as Links. Links actually positions stuff the way it should (no CSS though.)
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Post by Destiny777 »

The Javascript was something that my friend was using for that page.

I came along after he had started the page.

We were using the VBScript for most of the code on an ASP file.

It works well now... Perhaps when the product goes to market, I'll post a link here!

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