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Post by Vertigo »

Ya know, mobius IS right, and i'll even extend his statement...

50% of the people in the WORLD are dumb uneducated fucktards :p
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

Hey, can anyone pull up some info about the water found on Titan? I was curious about that.
It wasn't water, it was liquid methane and the like. Interesting, but not life supporting.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Hey Vertigo, I would have to agree with that statement. At least that statement is just. :)

I guess I just managed to get ticked off a little about the stereotypical attitude toward the US. It seemed that the attitude was that if you live in the US, you are an uneducated loser. And if you believe in the existence of other life in the universe you are among the said 50%.

Because you believe in the possibility of other life existing in the universe or that maybe we are even being visited, does not make you a dumb uneducated loser. :) It just means that you keep your mind open to other possibilities. I know there are the hicks of the world out there too, I've met some of them and personally I felt pretty nervouse around them after they fed me an uber bowl of BS about ghosts and aliens. :\ They seem to jump in after the most convincing cases though like they think its going to make them "popular or l33t." :D I usually hear them out and after they leave I usually break out laughing.

In this world, there is the good and the bad, the intelligent and the dumb, the educated and the uneducated. To say 50% of the WORLD are uneducated losers is a fair statement. :) Yes, this includes the US but it also includes other countries as well.
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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Hey Nitro, I was referring to the Peter Jennings show. I sort of missed that part since I was out of the room for a few minutes and walked in at the end of it so I didn't catch if it was water but I thought they said something about it. Guess I was wrong. I half-suspected.
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Post by woodchip »

Nitrofox125 wrote: It wasn't water, it was liquid methane and the like. Interesting, but not life supporting.
Not exactly true. Titan has a chemical pre-organic mix that scientist figure the only thing holding back life is the extreme cold temperature.
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Post by Ned »


A great book about similar matters:

"Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer

a very very good read. the book rocks.

Aliens are possible. Why should we be special?
I just hope they dont treat us like we treat chickens, cows and pigs.... Hmmm reminds me of a twilight zone episode: the cookbook.
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Post by dissent »

[spoiler] Blueberry, blueberry, blueberry [/spoiler] Yes!

Of course, in the absence of extreme cold temperatures, you no longer get to have oceans of liquid hydrocarbons, unless the planet were massive enough to support an atmosphere dense enough to give you some pressure at sea level. I still think copious liquid water is what made the earth a wellspring for complex organic life; some really amazing solvent properties. Probably a larger factor than some consider relevant in the Drake equation. N(sub e), number of planets per star capable of sustaining life, is considered to be around 1-5?? Ha, could be lower by orders of magnitude.
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Post by Testiculese »

You didn't understand a single word I wrote, did you, Messenger.
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Post by Ned »

In 50 years there are going to be McMartians Restaurants everywhere. The aliens are going to be pulling up and asking for "Human Wings with honey mustard dipping sauce" constantly.

no, no, not THAT WAY, noooooooo
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Post by roid »

human's with WINGS!!! mate that'd be so worth it :D
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Re: UFO's

Post by halo monkeycheif »

dude , the covanent are coming!dont worry i play halo , I shall save you all! :D hehe.
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