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Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:03 pm
by Spidey
Sorry, already know…

Lets work off the premise that God was justified to kill all the Canaanites, ok…

God could have simply took all of their lives with a snap of the fingers, bang very merciful, but instead chose to have the Jews do the dirty deed, with implements of war, in the most brutal way possible.

If that is your definition of mercy, then fine. Case closed.

WHY is not the issue here! Mercy is, try to keep up.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:17 pm
Spidey wrote:try to keep up.
Nice 3rd grade response. try acting like an adult next time.

you obviously do not understand nor do you wish to understand, so I shall not waste any bandwisth trying to explain it to you.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:39 pm
by Spidey
That response was in direct response to your 3rd grade comment , about needing to study up on the story.

Insults beget insults…

And now you are going to cop out using a dumb excuse.

Why don’t you just resort to the old tried and true…
“God works in mysterious ways, and who are you to challenge him. :roll:

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:15 pm
by Bet51987
You guys have brought up something that has always been on my mind about God. I've mentioned Job's children more than a few times in other threads but this is the much bigger picture. ... ted-total/

Is this the bible God?


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:37 pm
by Spidey
He created 2, and killed 32 million, that’s a pretty good track record! Right?

14,700 for complaining because God doesn’t like to be criticized…that’s rich.

I’m going to shut up now…


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:42 pm
Spidey wrote:That response was in direct response to your 3rd grade comment , about needing to study up on the story.
it was a valid comment. so I will ask you. WHY did God tell the Israelites to goto war and kill ALL the Cannanites.
Insults beget insults…
WOW so if tell you to study up on something. It's an insult, you must get insulted alot in life
And now you are going to cop out using a dumb excuse.
Cop out???? Hardly
Why don’t you just resort to the old tried and true…
“God works in mysterious ways, and who are you to challenge him. :roll:
and this would correct your opinion to scripture how??

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:27 pm
why are you guys worried about such Small numbers, if your going to talk about genocide and complain about God killing people why not get out of the little leagues. it has been estimated that when the Flood occured that there were approx 4 Billion people on the earth.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:56 pm
by Spidey
Alright, lets both just cut the crap, before this gets ugly.

Are you saying that the “why” justifies the “how”?

Why = the reason God ordered the killing of all the Canaanites.

How = the method used to accomplish said act.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:00 pm
by Duper
CUDA wrote:why are you guys worried about such Small numbers, if your going to talk about genocide and complain about God killing people why not get out of the little leagues. it has been estimated that when the Flood occured that there were approx 4 Billion people on the earth.

Could you link me to that figure Cuda? I'd be interested in reading it.
just skimming from work atm. I'll reply to earlier later tonight.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:59 pm
Spidey wrote:Alright, lets both just cut the crap, before this gets ugly.

Spidey wrote:Are you saying that the “why” justifies the “how”?
in the case of the Cannanites yes.
Spidey wrote:Why = the reason God ordered the killing of all the Canaanites.
God ordered Israel to kill the Cannaites as an atonement for their sins. and there are almost too many to list, they were a brutal Waring nation that were burning their children alive on Pagan Altars and had their Temples filled with whores, just to mention a few
Spidey wrote:How = the method used to accomplish said act.
it was used as a teaching tool to show the nation of Israel what would happen if they strayed and followed the Pagan gods.

@ Duper, I had seen this number many times in the past but this is the first search that I clicked on and it says 7 billion not 4 billion
Wiki Answers wrote: How many people died in the flood of Noah's day?
In: Old Testament

This depends very much on a number of variables which need to be clarified in order to understand the conclusion reached. It must also be remembered that it never was the intention of any Biblical author to satisfy the modern thirst for detailed information and statistics. However, using various assumptions an answer can be arrived at which must be seen for what it is - our best estimate based on available information. Others may come up with different estimates based on other assumptions. The assumptions used to come up with the figure below all take the Bible to be an accurate record of the events it describes - although of course not at all directly addressing the question we here have in hand.

The first of these is the acceptance that the flood was worldwide. This is made clear by the Biblical record repeatedly.

Secondly is the time frame from creation to the flood. A number of figures are available on this - even people like Newton and Keppler did their calculations and came up with similar time periods. The best known calculation is of course Ussher's time of 1656 years.

Thirdly, the rate of reproduction - using conservative figures of population growth based on the information provided in the Biblical record, then the figure arrived at would be around 7 Billion people.