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Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:29 pm
by AlphaDoG
Duper wrote:The Mass driver IS a rail gun. It's just called that because Quake had it.
Derailment starts here.

Ok Stats vs rankings.

I'm all for stats it's a good deal.

Rankings, hmmmm, not so much.

I don't NEED to be called Alpha, I am.

Keep your rank to yourself, and I won't say you smell.


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:54 am
by Ferno
TA One wrote:Why does every topic on the DBB have to degenerate into posts about phoenix whining, black pyro whining, tank whining, airbus whining, unbalanced-teams whining, I-hope-Chuck-Norris-doesn’t-start-playing-D3 whining, easy-camp-kill whining, spew-stealing whining, spawn-killing whining, Ferno-is-a-butthead whining, massdriver whining, fusion whining, my-ISP-sucks-and-yours-doesn’t whining, haxor whining, Megan-Fox-has-man-thumbs whining, you-have-a-supercomputer-and-I-don’t whining, why-does-everyone-play-this-level whining, server-op whining, I-spent-3-years-creating-a-level-with-5000-polys-in-view-at-all-times-dropping-your-framerates-to-negative-10-fps-but-no-one-wants-to-play-my-level whining, and whining-about-people-whining whining?

Seriously, let’s try and stay on topic. :D

hey! i'll show you butthead, you.. you... poopymouth!


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:58 am
by TheWhat
Bring back stats and rankings and bellbottoms. What difference does it make? No one plays anymore.

I haven't seen most of the names in this thread in a descent 3 game either never or a very long time. Get real will ya or play.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:09 am
by Duper
5 pages of input with everyone from the community posting twice? heh. I think staying \"on topic\" isn't a major deal. ;)

Chuck plays Descent?? :o

Who knew?!??


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:39 am
by S13driftAZ
Duper wrote: Chuck plays Descent?? :o

Who knew?!??
He actually plays as all the BOZ at once.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:51 pm
by Burlyman
Rail gun is supposed to penetrate thru wallz. :P And it's supposed to come with an x-ray scope. :P And it's not supposed to apply a torque to the player's ship. So there. :P

Well, thank you. Now I know I have humanity to blame for the devs eliminating the Spreadfire Cannon, the Phoenix Cannon, and the Helix Cannon. :P

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:42 pm
by TA One
Damn.. Ferno may be a good moderator afterall. He catches everything! :shock:

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:30 am
by Ferno
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

yeah it would be pretty cool to see PXO in a new form. maybe get a few new players to just simply jump in without thinking that the service is dead and tossing the software.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:21 pm
by WarAdvocat
Bring PXO back - Rank or no rank. I don't care, it will bring in new players. To me rankings are useful tool but anyone who thinks they matter in the grand scheme of things, also a tool.
Make sure there is a working \"3rd party chat/game browser\"

Everyone is happy.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:07 pm
by Nightshade
Maybe Descent 4 will come out first? ;P

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:04 am
by Xamindar
Yeah, we lost Kevin again. This seems to happen every year or so. Someone posts about patch 1.5 being in testing but it never surfaces. Oh well.

These threads always end up with some complaining because the poster got their hopes up again and then disappeared while others defend the poster by saying he has a personal life besides descent and can do whatever he wants.

Just learn to not care any more. :lol:


Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:19 am
ThunderBunny wrote:Maybe Descent 4 will come out first? ;P
That seems to be the most likely case because Kevin disappeared. :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:02 pm
by D.Cent
I can understand if he does not have time to work on D3 or if he wants a break - but, please, would it be too much to leave a little message to tell people what is going on?

<--- disappointed

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:52 am
by CDN_Merlin
Sometimes life keeps you busy and you just don't have time. Give the guy a break and credit. He's doing this on his OWN time and OWN money. He doesn't owe us anything yet he continues to please us.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:07 pm
by Xamindar
Dissapointed: 3
Defenders: 1

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:18 pm
by Nightshade
Meh- could at least leave a tiny note.

It could be left as \"Yep guys, I'm working on it. Check back in 6 months\"

or: \"Nah, don't have time right now, sorry guys.\"

Either would be better than complete silence. lol

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:56 pm
by Floyd


Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:42 pm
by Insurrectionist
Pong 8)

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:58 pm
by Stroodles

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:26 pm
by Xamindar

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:14 am
Any news on this?

I voted yes, bring back PXO and stats. I just loved the little fanfare playing when you got either a promotion or a degradation.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:34 am
by D.Cent
Forget it - he won't come back so fast.
I always see people disappearing without saying a word - it's just the same as in 2004.

No really, please tell people before you leave and also tell them about your plans.
Nobody would complain about a \"Sorry guys, I'm busy - check back in a year\".

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:45 pm
by Duper
wow, what a cheerful bunch.

What's to say he isn't lurking to see what you guys would say?

x2 what Merlin said.


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:57 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Duper wrote:wow, what a cheerful bunch.

What's to say he isn't lurking to see what you guys would say?

x2 what Merlin said.
This is a jaded community with a pretty substantial history of disappointments. Don't act like there's no reason for it.

Putting PXO back up can't be THAT hard. Let's be getting on that ball, Kevin! ;) You could probably even receive support in the effort, if that's feasible from your end. Maybe it would be possible to make PXO even better than before (read less exclusive). Involve the community! Do we have to get a twitter account going? ;)

I almost missed this...
Kevin Bentley wrote:... in working on the D3 patch I'm wondering ...
All right!


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:29 pm
by Duper
Sergeant Thorne wrote: This is a jaded community with a pretty substantial history of disappointments. Don't act like there's no reason for it.
I understand what this community is; I've been here as long as most. But it doesn't give to the right to pitch a fit whenever we don't get our way. Like Merlin said, he's doing this on his time without pay.

Sounds like he's nearly done. That last hundred yards (or meters) is always the most difficult. ;)


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:03 pm
by Krom
Duper wrote:Sounds like he's nearly done. That last hundred yards (or meters) is always the most difficult. ;)
For some reason I read that as "The last hundred years" instead of yards...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:04 pm
by Sickone
It certainly would be great.
You have to figure it would bring new plays.
Make it easier to find games, etc.

I know what it is like to have a real life and then
trying to do something like this. So I Hope it
happens, but I hope his real life is OK too.

Holy Moly.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:25 pm
by Mobius
If PXO Comes back up I promise I will dust off my trusty Logitech 3D Pro and give everyone a good chance to slaughter me ad nauseam.

I really miss playing D3, a Lot. A LOT do you hear me?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:16 pm
by Sickone
if you love it and miss it so much.
Why not come play, download Vortex.
It is easy to chat, see the games, etc.

PXO would be great, but the game is still there, and
like an old horny drunk girl friend (or boy friend) is begging you to come over and do what you do.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:14 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
If PXO is resurrected, it needs to work alongside of the other services rather than in place of them like it used to...

It seems to me that the servers would, in that case, have the be the hub of communication to the PXO service, perhaps after your game validates your login directly... this way people who aren't using PXO could join games as well, and simply be treated as anonymous... in which case their kills and deaths in relation to a PXO player... wouldn't count?

Heck yeah, bring it back!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:17 am
by Pandora
I understand what this community is; I've been here as long as most. But it doesn't give to the right to pitch a fit whenever we don't get our way. Like Merlin said, he's doing this on his time without pay.


Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:39 pm
by Duper
Sickone wrote:...and
like an old horny drunk girl friend (or boy friend) is begging you to come over and do what you do.
And why does "toothless" seem to fit right in with that? o.0