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Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:45 pm
by El Ka Bong
... hmmm .. since Subway Dancer is so lame, and it crashes my PC every time I exit a game, and this thread has run it's course, maybe I can afford another "dig", off topic....

Stryker ... you sound like Meathead... or Dark Falcon....!

You young Christians these days it seems are "offended" by anything from bikinis to the Fossil Record or Evolutionary theory .... !

But as you grow older, and if your sheltered, shepherded, upbringing ever lets you discover what being free really is, who knows...(?)!... you might not ever be offended again !... And then you can play any D3 level you want ! ... Or walk down the beach on a summer day without panicing.... !

Sorry, .. ... Stryker, ... A reflex I have, ...But, I make good in the mines... I blow up Real Good !

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:31 am
by Neo
El Ka Bong, Stryker said that his parents would ban him from D3. He didn't say he would cringe every time he saw that low-res poster in SD. :)

We don't have 'upbringing' that compels us to be holy, we have love...and grace. :) How can you be free if you have no self-control? That's like saying a drug addict is free from his addiction. "As long as the Matrix exists, the human race will never be free." ^_~

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:04 am
by Testiculese
Self-control is not lying to yourself that seeing a woman with less than 10 pounds of clothing is somehow 'wrong'. Self-control means not getting another 15yo pregnant.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:42 am
by Neo
Seeing a woman "with less than 10 pounds of clothing" isn't wrong, but purposefully looking at her because of lust is wrong.


Subway Dancer is played out. The end. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:08 am
by TheCops
Neo wrote:Seeing a woman "with less than 10 pounds of clothing" isn't wrong, but purposefully looking at her because of lust is wrong.
have fun denying you are an animal, not above.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:36 am
by Sapphire Wolf
*the red angry thing that appears on my head just like in any Animes*

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:27 am
by RSDx
TheCops wrote:
Neo wrote:Seeing a woman "with less than 10 pounds of clothing" isn't wrong, but purposefully looking at her because of lust is wrong.
have fun denying you are an animal, not above.
LOL !!! Hey, y' new to DBB, but been Descenting since D1. Just for the record, I happen to like SD (moreso than some of the popular box levels, anyways...) Hell, I'll try most any level several times b4 decicing if I like it or not...although, after all these years, I still rather suck at D3 (heh.....we finally have a comp capable of running it at highres/full detail..)

- RSDx

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:25 pm
by Bet51987
Well, I'm Catholic raised, obey my Dad, and abide by all the good rules. But no religion is going to tell me I can't wear a bikini or have to wear a veil as a shroud over my head. :x I'm in SD, posters or not.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:37 pm
by Suncho
Neo wrote:Seeing a woman "with less than 10 pounds of clothing" isn't wrong, but purposefully looking at her because of lust is wrong.
Is it wrong to lustfully look at a woman who is wearing 10 or more pounds of clothing?

Hooked on SD

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:58 pm
by Trauma
Hi, haven't been around for a while. Anyway... I'm one of those that's hooked on SD, awesome level. A good break from the others.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:33 pm
by Nightshade
It still sucks.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:33 pm
by Xamindar
:cry: :cry: It doesn't work on Linux D3. :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:15 pm
by WarAdvocat
Subway dancer, the LEVEL is 'ok' no better and no worse than many. It plays 'ok', and it has a very clever design and execution.

Subway dancer, the weapon mod, sucks and deserves to go away. It removes any thought of using primary weapons for a kill, and any skill from using secondaries.

Quad frags? Area effect, tight turn radius, acid earthshakers? Small, almost claustrophobic level?

No wonder newbies never get any skill these days...

Its either Halcyon and Veins (instant death, no kills and much frustration for them), or it's subghey dancer, a level that requires maybe 2 of the multitude of skills required to play D3 elsewhere.

It's just a shame that this level attracts newbies, then cripples them in such a way that they are unable to play descent 3 in any other level.

I see the Subway Dancer people play in other levels. They last 3, 6, 10 deaths, and leave.


Because they can't buy a freaking kill.

Heck, even I can kill these suckers. They have cyclones at the top of their weapon select, and they don't even bother with primaries.

It's pathetic.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:30 pm
by ArcherOmega
Subway Dancer pilots are experienced gamers and exceptional pilots. If you hate a level, that's your business, but don't stereotype & flame the pilots.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:29 am
by WarAdvocat

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:48 am
Basicly i don't care what level i play in, if it's overplayed or not. I have some level that i really like, but all i learn in those levels is to wait, wait and wait even more.

I don't play Subway Dancer, though. I tried once, but i didn't understand a squat. I learned the D3 weapons in singlplayer and in multi i learned a bit more, how to use them and avoid them...etc. In Subway i must learn it all over again. But there's no point, because Subway is really a diffrent game.

If peeps find Subway to be funny to play, fine by me. I see no problem in that. If peeps brags about their dance skills in Subway, not my problem. It's really their own problem. Let them play and let them brag. :)



Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:45 pm
by Tangaroa
The only real problem with subway dancer that I have is that its a little unpretty in places, there is one spot with a procedural texture that is murder on my framerate for some unknown reason (have to turn procedural textures off for it, crappy video card, wont be getting an ew one on this computer, wont be gettign a decent computer for myself for quite a while probably) and the acid nuke seems a little overpowered.

And Ive gotten myself addicted to varicose veins.

But as there has been so much discussion about it, I will definatley be giving it another go, killing and getting killed in Descent 3 is fun in almost any shape and form. (cheating not included, cheating is the true path of the lamer)