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Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:24 am
by flip
United States still has diplomatic relations with each member nation individually, which wouldn't be the case if the European Union was like the US itself or the Russian Federation in terms of structure.
individual states share a common government and the union is recognized internationally as a single political entity.
No, it is setup almost exactly like the The United States. The individual 'states' retain some autonomy, while collectively acting as one on the world stage. No matter how loose the connection right now, the direction is clear.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:26 am
by flip
No, I had no intention for this to go this far. We can go back to discussing Palin.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:08 am
by Lothar
woodchip wrote:The way the newsy's jumped on Palins PR comment shows they are looking for nothing more than some gaffe they can use to diminish her.
Yes, and I think that's why Democrats aren't afraid of her: the narrative has worked. Perceptions of Palin are fairly negative among just about everybody. She'd have a hard time beating Dan Quayle in an election. Both she and Quayle are fairly bright people (as are most successful politicians), but that's not the perception that's been generated. And the media keeps hammering on that point, partly I think to sustain the narrative, but mostly because they personally find her goofy speech entertaining.

W responded to the same sort of media treatment with his memorable "in Texas, we call it 'walking'" speech, where he played up "talking like a Texan" as a strength. I don't see Palin as having the ability or the gravitas to respond in such an effective way.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:11 pm
by Tunnelcat
CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:No, I'm not sexist, I'm a realist.
no your a sexist and every word you posted after this confirms if. and by your own admission you fit the definition
Sexist: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
Ok, I've got a few examples of perceived stereotyping, both parties:

Anthony Weiner
John Ensign
Mark Souder
Eric Massa
John Edwards
Chris Lee
David Vitter
Mark Foley
Tim Mahoney
Jack Ryan
Gary Condit
Bill Clinton

You notice that these examples of sexual indiscretion are MEN, not women? Should I call all men "sex offenders" or "philanderers" because of this? No, because it would not be a fair representation of ALL men. Besides, women have been guilty of it too. But there IS a correlation between being male, in a position of power and having sexual indiscretions, so the stereotype of men in power being oversexed could easily be made, not that it's fair.
CUDA wrote:so back on topic

you mean like Obama did with all that hope and change? dogma that you swallowed hook line and sinker and chose to vote for? Are you one of those gullible people?
You call me a sexist because I dislike Palin when it seems most men like her? Why? Are you implying that I think all women are too stupid to run for office? Not by a long shot. Are you implying that I think men are attracted to her sexually, enough to cloud their judgement of her suitability to run for office? Yep. As for Obama, he came off smart and smooth during his campaign, but ended up a wussy, butt kissing and inept President, so who's to say first impressions are always correct. Not in Obama's case. Maybe Palin is really an Einstein inside, but she sure doesn't come off as that, and that's BEFORE she's even gets elected to something. She comes off as a woman using her sex, not her brain, to get something in return, power and prestige. Woman do it all the time boys, because men are gullible in that department. First impressions, whether we like it or not, will get most likely someone elected, and sex is a big seller.

By the way, if Hillary Clinton hadn't been carrying all the baggage that was her husband, I would have voted for her long before I chose Obama in a heartbeat.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:40 pm
by callmeslick
tunnelcat wrote:[ But there IS a correlation between being male, in a position of power and having sexual indiscretions, so the stereotype of men in power being oversexed could easily be made, not that it's fair.
actually, TC, I heard a discussion of this very topic on NPR and learned that research has been done on the matter. It turns out that POWER, not gender, is the driver. Given sufficient levels of the feeling of power, women tend to be as philandering and untruthful as men. The reality, however is the VERY few women come close to the level of power men can achieve in our society.
By the way, if Hillary Clinton hadn't been carrying all the baggage that was her husband, I would have voted for her long before I chose Obama in a heartbeat.
you are one of so many women I have heard say similar, that I am starting to suspect that single act to have been what doomed Hillary's campaign.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:31 pm
tunnelcat wrote:
CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:No, I'm not sexist, I'm a realist.
no your a sexist and every word you posted after this confirms if. and by your own admission you fit the definition
Sexist: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
Ok, I've got a few examples of perceived stereotyping, both parties:

Anthony Weiner
John Ensign
Mark Souder
Eric Massa
John Edwards
Chris Lee
David Vitter
Mark Foley
Tim Mahoney
Jack Ryan
Gary Condit
Bill Clinton

You notice that these examples of sexual indiscretion are MEN, not women? Should I call all men "sex offenders" or "philanderers" because of this? No, because it would not be a fair representation of ALL men. Besides, women have been guilty of it too. But there IS a correlation between being male, in a position of power and having sexual indiscretions, so the stereotype of men in power being oversexed could easily be made, not that it's fair.
poor analogy on your part, you claimed ALL men think about when they vote for a pretty women is with their little head. when you made the statement, you said Nothing about men in power taking advantage of women and just the fact that men in congress and the senate out number the women by almost 25-1 would potentially allow for more male discretion than female.

here ya go 158 pages of women convicted for sex crimes. it seems that men aren't the only ones thinking with their pants.

TC wrote:
CUDA wrote:so back on topic

you mean like Obama did with all that hope and change? dogma that you swallowed hook line and sinker and chose to vote for? Are you one of those gullible people?
You call me a sexist because I dislike Palin when it seems most men like her? Why? Are you implying that I think all women are too stupid to run for office? Not by a long shot. Are you implying that I think men are attracted to her sexually, enough to cloud their judgement of her suitability to run for office? Yep. As for Obama, he came off smart and smooth during his campaign, but ended up a wussy, butt kissing and inept President, so who's to say first impressions are always correct. Not in Obama's case. Maybe Palin is really an Einstein inside, but she sure doesn't come off as that, and that's BEFORE she's even gets elected to something. She comes off as a woman using her sex, not her brain, to get something in return, power and prestige. Woman do it all the time boys, because men are gullible in that department. First impressions, whether we like it or not, will get most likely someone elected, and sex is a big seller.
you mean like back in the 60's when women voted for Kennedy.
You call me a sexist because I dislike Palin when it seems most men like her
NO, I call you sexist because of your stereotyping of any man that would vote for her. remember these comments
As for Palin, the testosterone brain muddle is the only reason I can find for the attraction that most males have towards this woman.
Men use their pants brain more than they like to admit.
it's just the testosterone talking.
those comments are no different than me saying. All women are stupid and if it wasn't for their boobs they'd starve. :roll:

She comes off as a woman using her sex, not her brain
Honestly I don't see it. I see a woman that dresses smartly, with no overt sexuality. I have not seen her wear anything inappropriate. I don't know how you came to this conclusion.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:46 pm
by Spidey
I must be a woman, because I can’t see the attraction to Palin.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:58 am
by Tunnelcat
So little time, so much to say. I'll be back.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:42 pm
by Tunnelcat
After mulling it over, here's what I came up with, short but sweet. So I ask you this CUDA, why is she doing THIS?


And why did she spend so much of the Republican Party's money, and receiving their ire, on great looking, expensive clothing? To look smart or look good? A woman can look good, and smart, without breaking the bank.

Yes, I agree women can be power seekers and abusers, I never said it was impossible. I just said that the trait of power seeking is usually male, thanks to testosterone, but Palin clearly violates that maxim. Maybe she's high T. It's possible.

Peruse THIS CUDA. What's your opinion of these paradoxes? Would corporations and governments be better off with more women and less men at the helm?

callmeslick, women don't have high loads of testosterone normally. Estrogen is the real power seeking downer for women. I think the purpose of that little chemical is to promote the motherly nurturing of infants, and a person has to be patient and calm to raise an infant. Sure woman can, and want to, seek power, that's not in disagreement. I think that every woman's hormone levels are different, more testosterone, more desire for power and competition, more estrogen, more mellow and cooperative. That's not a stereotype either CUDA, it's nature. But you have to realize these are generalizations. The fact is we are a mix of our brains and hormones, which cause a wide range of personalities. When I was young, I was meek and shy, now I have to watch out in my old age. I'm now androgen dominant and a raging maniac at times. Feels like I want to kill something occasionally. :mrgreen:

Spidey, you don't like Palin because you use your main brain.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:37 pm
by Spidey
Well, lets be clear, I never said I don’t like her…I said I’m not attracted to her.

And I’m not a supporter…but we could do worse, in my opinion.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:40 pm
tunnelcat wrote:After mulling it over, here's what I came up with, short but sweet. So I ask you this CUDA, why is she doing THIS?


And why did she spend so much of the Republican Party's money, and receiving their ire, on great looking, expensive clothing? To look smart or look good? A woman can look good, and smart, without breaking the bank.

Yes, I agree women can be power seekers and abusers, I never said it was impossible. I just said that the trait of power seeking is usually male, thanks to testosterone, but Palin clearly violates that maxim. Maybe she's high T. It's possible.

Peruse THIS CUDA. What's your opinion of these paradoxes? Would corporations and governments be better off with more women and less men at the helm?
you couldn't dance around the subject faster if you tried. this is not about your perception of Palin. it never has been. I don't care what you think about Palin. this is about YOU. this is about YOUR perception, opinion and demeaning attitude towards men, this is about the fact that YOU have implied more times than I can count that men would only vote for Palin because she gives them an erection. your own words condemn you, and pulling the quintessential DNC tactic of deflecting from this issue because you can't defend it doesn't work with me.

And why did she spend so much of the Republican Party's money, and receiving their ire, on great looking, expensive clothing? To look smart or look good? A woman can look good, and smart, without breaking the bank.
who cares how much she spends on clothes?? I'm sure Hillary, and Michelle Obama, and the like all buy their clothes at the thrift store don't they? ya nothing inexpensive about their clothes. Jealous? :roll: You probably would have condemned the Woman as a slob or Low class Trailer trash if she had done that.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:40 am
by Will Robinson
You would think a woman would be mad at the campaign handlers for deciding Palins wardrobe wasn't good enough so they sent her off to buy some 'appropriate' clothing with party funds instead of blaming Palin for wearing them. As far as the cost, that rests squarely on the shoulders of who ever allocated the funds and sent her off to buy them.
You take a down to earth type person from Alaska, tell her her wardrobe is not up to par and send her into New York City to dress herself like the other power brokers and she's not going to look for a WalMart if she's smart.

I doubt seriously she pulled a diva and demanded a new wardrobe or else she wouldn't take the job!

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:00 pm
by Tunnelcat
CUDA, you're rationalizing your defense of Palin by calling me a sexist. I'm just pointing out the tactics women will use to get what they want from men. I don't hate men for that at all. Women can fall victim to the charms of men too. Wake up and smell the coffee. Palin is a charmer who is using her feminine wiles to get what she wants, attention, and maybe even elected to office. Wink, wink. :wink:

Now, Michele Bachmann, who just announced her candidacy, IS a woman who is very smart and cagey, and is definitely NOT using her feminine charms to attract her electorate. She puts out her talking points and ideas clearly and actively engages the mainstream press, unlike Palin who avoids all confrontations like a scared child, and although Bachmann slips up as well occasionally when speaking, she is NOT afraid of confronting and dealing with the press. Although I think her ideas are crackers, she's more of a strong, principled woman than Palin will ever be. In my opinion, she scares me.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:55 pm
tunnelcat wrote:CUDA, you're rationalizing your defense of Palin by calling me a sexist. I'm just pointing out the tactics women will use to get what they want from men. I don't hate men for that at all. Women can fall victim to the charms of men too. Wake up and smell the coffee. Palin is a charmer who is using her feminine wiles to get what she wants, attention, and maybe even elected to office. Wink, wink. :wink:
ya. you keep telling your self that
Now, Michele Bachmann, who just announced her candidacy, IS a woman who is very smart and cagey, and is definitely NOT using her feminine charms to attract her electorate. She puts out her talking points and ideas clearly and actively engages the mainstream press, unlike Palin who avoids all confrontations like a scared child, and although Bachmann slips up as well occasionally when speaking, she is NOT afraid of confronting and dealing with the press. Although I think her ideas are crackers, she's more of a strong, principled woman than Palin will ever be. In my opinion, she scares me.
so what your saying is that Palin's wardrobe is Bad but Bachmann's is good. her I'm no Versache but they seem to dress very similar care to explain what the difference is?
personally I love the fact that Palin is leading the press around the country by their Nose. she's running things on her terms not theirs. I find it Brilliant. No Itinerary it you want to talk to me hop a buss and follow me around. it's not enough that they subpoenaed 24,000 emails trying to find some dirt on her. and what did they find NOTHING. which it unprecedented. it's never been done before. to any politician. it's also bad enough that when she first came on the spotlight they accused her son Trig of not being her's. Classy people. I dont blame her one bit. you want to talk to me. buy a bus ticket.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:18 pm
by Will Robinson
tunnelcat wrote:...
Now, Michele Bachmann, who just announced her candidacy, IS a woman who is very smart and cagey, and is definitely NOT using her feminine charms to attract her electorate. ...
I haven't seen Palin act anymore feminine than Bachmann and in overall feminine appearance she takes a back seat to Bachman at least until Bachmann gets her flannel on and goes snowmobiling or fishing with some hip waders on or something!
I'd love to see you provide examples of Palin using feminine charms, anything beyond what Bachmann does. From what I can remember of watching her she was quite the antithesis to the proverbial Bimbo. I think you are just making stuff up to suit yourself.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:45 pm
by woodchip
TC, not to burst your bubble but I don't think a lot of men are thinking with their little head when they see Palin. Instead, like me, they see the wife they would like to have, a women they could visualize as their mother or their sister. Saying men look at Palin as a sex object is like saying they saw the same thing with Barbara Billingsley when she played June Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver. Show us a overt example of Palin using sexual overtones to promote herself or kindly apologise for being no better than the bloggers trying to say her last child was really her daughters. Stay away from MSNBC and the Huffington Post and you'll have a better grasp of reality.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:40 pm
by Tunnelcat
Will Robinson wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:...
Now, Michele Bachmann, who just announced her candidacy, IS a woman who is very smart and cagey, and is definitely NOT using her feminine charms to attract her electorate. ...
I haven't seen Palin act anymore feminine than Bachmann and in overall feminine appearance she takes a back seat to Bachman at least until Bachmann gets her flannel on and goes snowmobiling or fishing with some hip waders on or something!
I'd love to see you provide examples of Palin using feminine charms, anything beyond what Bachmann does. From what I can remember of watching her she was quite the antithesis to the proverbial Bimbo. I think you are just making stuff up to suit yourself.
Considering Palin can't answer a simple policy question off the cuff, she resorts to running from the media, then blames them for making her look stupid like it's some plot. Well, it's probably because she IS stupid. Give me some policy issues that she has intimate knowledge of and supports, other than the simplistic, dogmatic, feelgood, patriotic claptrap she blathers at her speeches. Bachmann will at least stand up and give an answer when asked one, even though it's the usual Tea Party BS. There were a couple of other women that ran from the media like rats because they couldn't blither out reasonably coherent answers when asked relevant questions about their policy ideas, Angle and O'Donnell. They lost their races by a mile.
woodchip wrote:TC, not to burst your bubble but I don't think a lot of men are thinking with their little head when they see Palin. Instead, like me, they see the wife they would like to have, a women they could visualize as their mother or their sister. Saying men look at Palin as a sex object is like saying they saw the same thing with Barbara Billingsley when she played June Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver. Show us a overt example of Palin using sexual overtones to promote herself or kindly apologise for being no better than the bloggers trying to say her last child was really her daughters. Stay away from MSNBC and the Huffington Post and you'll have a better grasp of reality.
Why in the Lords name would you want her as a wife, or a sister (eeuuwww)! What appeals to you about her woodchip? Point out to me what it is that you think makes her a good wife and mother, I'm curious. And other than Palin's little "winking" episodes, which I recall many men swooned over after she did that during the debates, all she has to do now is look pretty and pretend to be smart and resourceful to attract men. As I recall, June Cleaver looked good as ever doing all those house chores and working at raising 2 children, all in perfectly styled hair and unruffled fancy clothing to boot. Now THAT'S a sexist image. :roll: (By the way, I never visit the Huffington Post's site. Maybe you should wean yourself off of Fox News. :P )

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:54 pm
LOL this is comical :mrgreen:

I sense a severe care of Palin envy

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:00 pm
by Will Robinson
tunnelcat wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:...
Now, Michele Bachmann, who just announced her candidacy, IS a woman who is very smart and cagey, and is definitely NOT using her feminine charms to attract her electorate. ...
I haven't seen Palin act anymore feminine than Bachmann ...
I'd love to see you provide examples of Palin using feminine charms, anything beyond what Bachmann does....
Considering Palin can't answer a simple policy question off the cuff, she resorts to running from the media, then blames them for making her look stupid like it's some plot. Well, it's probably because she IS stupid. Give me some policy issues that she has intimate knowledge of and supports, other than the simplistic, dogmatic, feelgood, patriotic claptrap she blathers at her speeches.
So feminine charm is blathering political claptrap in a dogmatic fashion with no real understanding of the issues....hmmmm....
I guess you and Palin are sisters in feminine charm.
I wonder if this perception of yours, defining feminine charm that way, belies your claims to not be sexist though?

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:33 pm
by Top Gun
She named her kid "Trig." That's enough for me to think of her as a shitty parent. :D

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:28 pm
by Tunnelcat
CUDA wrote:LOL this is comical :mrgreen:

I sense a severe care of Palin envy
First of all, GAG ME! Second of all, Palin is a moron with gullible followers. Tough tooties. You'll get what you deserve if she's ever elected President. I've already gotten burned with my choice of Obama, my bad, but she'd be worse IMHO. She's why I didn't vote for McCain, and I was actually leaning towards McCain back then. But one has to pick their poisons...............
Will Robinson wrote:So feminine charm is blathering political claptrap in a dogmatic fashion with no real understanding of the issues....hmmmm....
I guess you and Palin are sisters in feminine charm.
Alright smartie pants, enlighten me as to what she's EVER said that makes half an ounce of sense that shows she's got a handle on what it would take to fix this country. What would she DO that to make this country better for everyone, not just conservatives and not just some nonsense patriotic or tax cut dogma given to her by handlers from Americans for Prosperity? I can't stand to listen to her long enough to make a judgement call.
Will Robinson wrote:I wonder if this perception of yours, defining feminine charm that way, belies your claims to not be sexist though?
Feminine intuition is very real. Too bad guys don't have it. :P

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:09 pm
by flip
Intuition may refer to:

Intuition (philosophy), the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas
Intuition (knowledge), understanding without apparent effort

Intuition= a hearing ear and if women had the market cornered on it, they would have run at the sight of me :P

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:15 pm
by Tunnelcat
You either have it or you don't. And sometimes it's wrong, I'll admit it, but most of the time it's right. :wink:

Isn't this the next holy grail step for computers and software, fuzzy logic?

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:20 pm
by Will Robinson
tunnelcat wrote:...

Alright smartie pants, enlighten me as to what she's EVER said that makes half an ounce of sense that shows she's got a handle on what it would take to fix this country. What would she DO that to make this country better for everyone, not just conservatives and not just some nonsense patriotic or tax cut dogma given to her by handlers from Americans for Prosperity? I can't stand to listen to her long enough to make a judgement call. ...
I thought we were discussing your allegation that she was using her feminine charm? Somehow out of that you demand I defend her qualifications?!?
You are amazing.
You are the DBB political version of a Hezbollah rocket launching crew, you just toss attack after attack up to see if you might get lucky and score a hit once in a while!

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:22 pm
by null0010
Moving the goalposts is an Ethics & Commentary tradition, Will.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:24 pm
by Will Robinson
null0010 wrote:Moving the goalposts is an Ethics & Commentary tradition, Will.
Well I'm disappointed, I was hoping she would prove me wrong with some youtube clips of Palin shaking her rack or something!

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:45 pm
by null0010
Will Robinson wrote:
null0010 wrote:Moving the goalposts is an Ethics & Commentary tradition, Will.
Well I'm disappointed, I was hoping she would prove me wrong with some youtube clips of Palin shaking her rack or something!
Careful, she'll use that statement to justify her argument.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:13 pm
by Will Robinson
null0010 wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:
null0010 wrote:Moving the goalposts is an Ethics & Commentary tradition, Will.
Well I'm disappointed, I was hoping she would prove me wrong with some youtube clips of Palin shaking her rack or something!
Careful, she'll use that statement to justify her argument.
She's never really bothered trying to support her rants before...
Besides I can distract her. Here, watch this:

....Ronald Reagan was a great american!....Boo! :mrgreen:

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:06 pm

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:01 am
by woodchip
tunnelcat wrote:

Feminine intuition is very real. Too bad guys don't have it. :P
I can dowse for water...does that count :wink:

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:34 pm
by Tunnelcat
Will Robinson wrote: I thought we were discussing your allegation that she was using her feminine charm? Somehow out of that you demand I defend her qualifications?!?
You are amazing.
Well? There are only 2 reasons that she's popular. She's either just attractive window dressing or secretly-but-hiding-it smart. I'd like you to prove that she's got the secretly smart option and that I'm just missing it because I'm blind or something. Can you Will? It is valid to this thread. I can prove she is an idiot by showing just one interview with Katie Couric. If she's NOT smart, then it's got to be a sexual attraction thing, there's no other explanation for the mass attraction people have to this unqualified woman.
Will Robinson wrote: Besides I can distract her. Here, watch this:

....Ronald Reagan was a great american!....Boo! :mrgreen:
He was a great American, but a crappy President. There. Short and to the point. :mrgreen:

woodchip wrote:I can dowse for water...does that count :wink:
If you can do it reliably in the desert, you're magical and should get a job doing it! You're in the wrong profession. :P

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:37 pm
by Will Robinson
tunnelcat wrote:
Will Robinson wrote: I thought we were discussing your allegation that she was using her feminine charm? Somehow out of that you demand I defend her qualifications?!?
You are amazing.
Well? There are only 2 reasons that she's popular. She's either just attractive window dressing or secretly-but-hiding-it smart. I'd like you to prove that she's got the secretly smart option and that I'm just missing it because I'm blind or something. ..
I reject the premise of your question. Your two-only-possible-reasons are useless hyperbole (to me) so if you're feeling the need to do some partisan Palin bashing please invite some of your liberal friends to join you because, based on your rules, what you are asking me for isn't a discussion.

If you are willing to abandon your silly game then try considering she's popular simply because she's charismatic and taken up the role of spokesman for some ideas that resonate with a lot of people. That can make someone very popular. You don't have to be very smart to do that, you just have to seem genuine and know the audience...not at all unlike some politicians who have won your support.
If she wasn't serving so successfully in that role you and many like you wouldn't hate her and search for her every little stumble. You need to hate her no matter what her characteristics, if she was black you would say she's an uncle Tom, if she was a brilliant intellectual you would say she's out of touch with the common man... you need to hate her because of your ideology not because of anything she inherently is, it's what she represents. Good little ideologue drones serve the hives need.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:39 pm
by Tunnelcat
Will Robinson wrote:I reject the premise of your question. Your two-only-possible-reasons are useless hyperbole (to me) so if you're feeling the need to do some partisan Palin bashing please invite some of your liberal friends to join you because, based on your rules, what you are asking me for isn't a discussion.

If you are willing to abandon your silly game then try considering she's popular simply because she's charismatic and taken up the role of spokesman for some ideas that resonate with a lot of people. That can make someone very popular. You don't have to be very smart to do that, you just have to seem genuine and know the audience...not at all unlike some politicians who have won your support.
If she wasn't serving so successfully in that role you and many like you wouldn't hate her and search for her every little stumble. You need to hate her no matter what her characteristics, if she was black you would say she's an uncle Tom, if she was a brilliant intellectual you would say she's out of touch with the common man... you need to hate her because of your ideology not because of anything she inherently is, it's what she represents. Good little ideologue drones serve the hives need.
Hmmm, the third reason, she's charismatic. That may be true, but that's probably the same reason Obama got elected. Young, eager, promised the moon with a very charismatic personality as icing on the cake. Yep, that's it, and we were snookered too. Are you saying that's a good basis for electing someone, based only on charisma? I got suckered in 2008, how about you with Palin? Would YOU vote for her in 2012, if she ran?

Searching for her stumbles? Well, until she ran from the media spotlight, she practically fell on her face every time she opened her mouth. Now that she's relegated herself to tweeting, we still get numerous loo loo tweet-flops. Hating her, well yeah, it's a free country. As for intelligent ideas, what she espouses in all her little speeches is only same old red meat that those extreme right-wingers and Tea Party types want to hear, and they don't make up the majority of this country. I'll give you that Will, she knows what her base wants to hear, so she is smart in that department. Oh, but last I looked, most mainstream Republicans would like her to just GO AWAY. Maybe that's a bonus marker for her, never thought of that. :wink: However, she hasn't put forth any substantive intelligent ideas on fixing the mess this country's mired in that sound even halfway viable. The fact you can't point out even a few nuggets of Palin wisdom shows me you've got nada on your Palin plate and are dancing around the subject by dissing me and all liberals.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:09 pm
by Will Robinson
tunnelcat wrote:..The fact you can't point out even a few nuggets of Palin wisdom shows me you've got nada on your Palin plate and are dancing around the subject by dissing me and all liberals.
why do you assume I'm interested in proving she's qualified for the job?
I was taking issue with your idea that she is using feminine charm!
you are the one doing the dancing
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Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:57 pm
by woodchip
tunnelcat wrote:

Searching for her stumbles? Well, until she ran from the media spotlight, she practically fell on her face every time she opened her mouth. Now that she's relegated herself to tweeting, we still get numerous loo loo tweet-flops. Hating her, well yeah, it's a free country. As for intelligent ideas, what she espouses in all her little speeches is only same old red meat that those extreme right-wingers and Tea Party types want to hear, and they don't make up the majority of this country. I'll give you that Will, she knows what her base wants to hear, so she is smart in that department. Oh, but last I looked, most mainstream Republicans would like her to just GO AWAY. Maybe that's a bonus marker for her, never thought of that. :wink: However, she hasn't put forth any substantive intelligent ideas on fixing the mess this country's mired in that sound even halfway viable. The fact you can't point out even a few nuggets of Palin wisdom shows me you've got nada on your Palin plate and are dancing around the subject by dissing me and all liberals.
First off, I suspect we can quite a few Obama and Biden stumbles that are every bit as egregious as Palins....especially where Obama sans teleprompters speaks. As far as nuggets of wisdomes would you care to point out some that the other Rep. contenders issued? How about Obama? Any nuggets there, beyond his hope and change mantra. All Palin has to say is she'll cut taxes to stimulate small business and reduce govt. waste and she'll be as brilliant as anyone out there. The one thing Palin does do better than the rest of the pack is make you feel good about being an American...unlike the guy sitting in the White-house.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:12 pm
Will Robinson wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:..The fact you can't point out even a few nuggets of Palin wisdom shows me you've got nada on your Palin plate and are dancing around the subject by dissing me and all liberals.
why do you assume I'm interested in proving she's qualified for the job?
I was taking issue with your idea that she is using feminine charm!
you are the one doing the dancing
she should be on "So you think you can Dance" or "Dancing with the Stars"

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:22 pm
by Top Gun
woodchip wrote:The one thing Palin does do better than the rest of the pack is make you feel good about being an American...unlike the guy sitting in the White-house.
Yeahno. The only emotion Palin elicits in me is severe depression that a significant portion of this country would actually support someone like her. Oh 'Murika, you so dumb.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:41 pm
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:[The one thing Palin does do better than the rest of the pack is make you feel good about being an American...unlike the guy sitting in the White-house.

really? Seriously? I think if you went and asked a representative sample of your fellow citizens, you would find just the opposite. Most would likely tell you that she makes one embarrassed to live in a nation that would consider her for high office, and that Obama brings the nation back some of the dignity lost by the disaster that was George Bush. Differences of opinion? You betcha.

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:59 pm
by Will Robinson
callmeslick wrote:... and that Obama brings the nation back some of the dignity lost by the disaster that was George Bush. ...
Exactly how does he give us dignity? Lets start with his promises in that vein shall we?

Stop the wars?
Shut down Guantanamo?
Shut down the extreme interrogations?
Restore the economy?
Shovel ready jobs just waiting for his election...
Unemployment won't top 8% if we give him another 800 billion to pass out to...who again was that for?
Become the post partisan, post racial President?
Begin delivering that transparency in the administration?
Stop the so called illegal wiretaps?
Quit engaging in unilateral military excursions?
Stop pushing the envelope in the War Powers arena?
Stop catering to lobbiests?
Stop using class warfare to divide the country?

nope....he's not there yet....maybe he needs a few more years huh?

I've got dignity but it doesn't come from any of his efforts. I've got some indignation he can claim though!

Re: Revenge is a Mother

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:07 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:[The one thing Palin does do better than the rest of the pack is make you feel good about being an American...unlike the guy sitting in the White-house.

really? Seriously? I think if you went and asked a representative sample of your fellow citizens, you would find just the opposite. Most would likely tell you that she makes one embarrassed to live in a nation that would consider her for high office, and that Obama brings the nation back some of the dignity lost by the disaster that was George Bush. Differences of opinion? You betcha.
Just what dignity did Obama bring back? Where? Who? When? Obama makes me embarrassed to be an American and if you take a representative sample of your fellow citizens you'll find a significant portion feel the same. See...I can play the game also.