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Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:31 am
by Weyrman
I have noticed this myself and have found that if you change the socket (page up/down) it reverts to the word IPX

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:54 am
by Weyrman
Not sure if this is a level bug or d2x bug.

Playing BELIAL secret level off level 16 I have got this error message that then shuts down the game.

Error: Robot Number (65)
Out of Range in (16tria2.rl2)
Range [0...64]

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:00 am
by Diedel
If you cannot join MP games with the new menu style, turn it off by adding '-menustyle 0' to d2x.ini. For some reason, joining with the new menu style takes longer (the menu screen is constantly rebuilt like an in-game screen at whatever fps your system allows, maybe that eats a lot of resources).

The strange number is however definitely a bug.

Not-so-cool palette problem

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:38 am
by Neumaennl
this doesn't look as it's supposed to look:

when playing the mine-leaving movies you can see parts of the game screen above and below the video

you said that you added support for 2 Joysticks as a feature, but I have 4 Joysticks and can only choose two of them - unfortunately not the two I'd want to use. Would it be too complicated to raise the joystick limit to four? I got a Joystick, a Spaceorb, a racing wheel an a Gamepad for the different types of games I play and I don't want to plug them in and out each time I want to play another game.

Re: cloaking

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:08 am
by Escorter
Diedel wrote:... a 'Vertigo folder' in the Windows version of D2?
No, I don't have the Win95 version of D2...

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:10 am
by Diedel
  • Version #? What map? What did you do before (like open menus, pressed pause, loaded games, finished the level before and went through exit movie and score message box, etc?)

    I need to know this as exactly as possible because palette problems depend on these things: Game and menus use different palettes (palettes serve to create the actual on-screen gfx from the game-internal gfx data), and I need to know where setting the proper palette failed.
  • there is no Vertigo folder in any DOS/Windows version of D2. The Vertigo data is in missions/d2x.hog.
  • this looks like Belial requires the Vertigo data. Do you have them?

Re: D2X-XL crash on "customize keyboard"

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:14 am
by Szpak
Szpak wrote:I noticed that d2x-xl crash with "Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)" on "customize keyboard", "customize above" and "weapon hotkeys".
Is it normal behaviour?
Tested with 1.5.65 and the previous one version under Windows XP.
Has anyone similar problem?
Maybe customization isn't currently implemented?
Is there way to custimize keyboard by hand (e.g. by editing config file)?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:21 am
by Diedel

go to my D2 site, read the D2X-XL version history, then get the newest version. ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:06 pm
by Szpak
Diedel wrote:go to my D2 site, read the D2X-XL version history, then get the newest version. ;)
Thanks, last time I checked it yesterday.
I didn't know you're so fast ;)

Joystick problem

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:46 pm
by wpp
I have a Saitek X52 setup. When I try to setup the controls it will not detect movement. In the game it will use the main joystick movement because it is on by default. Only once I was able to get it to recognize my twist function and now that is used in the game. My throttle movement is not seen at all. I am using v1.5.68 in WinXP.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:41 pm
by Escorter
Diedel! I saw a Medium Hulk in Vertigo level 3. Is it normal? D1 robot in D2 Vertigo? I don't think so...

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:08 pm
by Weyrman
Yes, I have the Vertigo series and I assume that i have everything in the right folders Chaos.hog and .msn in data folder and vertigo mission shows up under single.

One small thing, the pre-game munus are missing the mouse-click exit boxes that used to be there.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:22 am
by TechPro

1. After finishing a level, the next level's gamma seems to be \"off\" and way too dark. Have to save my place, exit the game, reload, and then the gamma is back to normal.

2. After running a D2 level, then attempting to load a D1 level, the game crashed (no error message). Reloading the game and opening a saved place was OK, but then exiting that level and loading another brought about another crash.

3. In Descent 1, if player already has all the keys when exiting to a secret level, player keeps all the keys.

4. Occasionally, the menu graphic displayed when paused doesn't show.

I'm sure you're tired of hearing about Descent 1 issues in D2X-XL ... but these are things I'm seeing.

As always, excellant work you do with this.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:07 am
by Escorter
I have that gamma problem, too. But the Hulk in Vertigo is more annoying.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:55 pm
by Escorter
Today I discovered a physics bug in Vertigo level 4...
In the yellow key room I stuck in the corner. I tried to afterburning myself out and kick myself with a missile, but without success.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:18 pm
by Kirby
1) menus are alot faster and more responisive now :) still a little slow though :/
2) damage indicator still not showing after the first death
3) D1 exit bug still there
4) Briefing and Automap still slow as hell
3) NEW: I noticed that after flying around for a little while, I saw that the Afterburner and Energy levels goes to 100%, then back down to where it was before (happens in D1 and D2 levels....but random). This only happens in the 2nd cockpit view (the one that shows the graphical weapons and energy bars, but does not have the ship window)
4) ummm..........


pretty cool, but not suppose to happen :P

5) are the menu exit squares suppose to be in the top left corner of the screen?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:19 pm
by Kirby
I FINALLY got the change to test out UDP/IP multiplayer with someone...everything plays perfect up to exiting the mine after the reactor blows up:

1) I was playing Cooperative on the first Descent 2 level....when we both exited the mine after blowing up the reactor, the next level loaded with this error:


2) I was playing Anarchy with the same person on the Descent 2 level 'Dogfight!'. When we both left the mine after blowing up the reactor, D2X-XL immediately quit without any error messages or windows application errors

all in all...I'm just glad this netplay code works anyways ^^

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:25 pm
by Diedel
Enable the old menu style by adding '-menustyle 0' in d2x.ini when playing MP games until I have resolved this problem.


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:37 pm
by TechPro
Diedel wrote:Enable the old menu style by adding '-menustyle 0' in d2x.ini when playing MP games until I have resolved this problem.
THANK YOU! :lol:

I'm doing multi-player with my boys New Year's Eve.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:45 pm
by Kirby
some more netplay stuff:

1) Using the old menus do not cause exit crashes in Coop or Anarchy....
2) Most of the time, my opponent's text messages appear black, which makes it really hard to read in low light areas
3) The 1-9 keys on the keyboard for changing primary/secondary weapons do not work. I could only cycle through weapons with the ',' and '.' keys

I'll send the IRC log I had with my opponent in a PM to you ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:01 am
by TechPro

1.5.70 unable to open saved game positions saved under previous D2X-XL versions. Crashes the game, no error reported. My most recent saved positions were with 1.5.68 (both Descent 1 and 2 games) and 1.5.70 crashes when attempting to load them.

However, a fresh game saved under 1.5.70 re-loads just fine.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:31 am
by Weyrman
also, in addition to the above, the menu option exit square now appears, but in the top left of the total screen, rather than the top left of the menu box frame.

The mouse select of game to restore also doesn't work. Have to use arrow keys to select game

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:44 am
by Diedel
  • I don't need an IRC log. Your bug report is sufficient.

    Edit: From the IRC log I read (fortunately it wasn't that long :P):
    1. old style menus invisible most of the time: Cannot reproduce.
    2. Brightness slider has no effect: Cannot reproduce
    3. Weapon hotkeys: Configure your weapon hotkeys (Options -> Controls -> Weapon Hotkeys)
    Thanks for your test run though, I appreciate it. ;)
  • I had to change the save game format due to a bug it had, rendering somewhat older save games incompatible.
  • had noticed that already, thx.


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:14 am
by TechPro
Diedel wrote:Techpro,
  • I had to change the save game format due to a bug it had, rendering somewhat older save games incompatible.
Bummer... but good, too.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:45 am
by Diedel
The faulty format lead to some random memory being overwritten ... which is a very bad thing (tm). ;)


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:54 am
by Snake785
Diedel wrote:
  1. old style menus invisible most of the time: Cannot reproduce.
  2. Brightness slider has no effect: Cannot reproduce
  3. Weapon hotkeys: Configure your weapon hotkeys (Options -> Controls -> Weapon Hotkeys)
Thanks for your test run though, I appreciate it. ;)[/list]
It seems that after you complete one level and you are in the next one, that is where the brightness gets reset to the lowest and will not have any effect. The brightness will go back to what was specified in the first level of a new game.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:34 am
by Neumaennl
This happened after loading the level Magnacore - the shots don't move, the powerups aren't animated (the wall textures are, though) and the upside of the powerup pictures is always in the same direction where the ship's upside is - v1.5.70

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:14 pm
by TechPro
  • As you know, there has been some issues with D2X-XL crashing when finishing Descent 1 levels...

    It looks like that started between ver 1.5.30 and 1.5.33 (Windows).

    I've desperately wanted to proceed past a level I'm at in the missions set (level 11) and backed off the versions until I was able to successfully move on to the next level. At ver 1.5.30 I was able to go to the next level, but at 1.5.33 (don't have 1.5.32) I cannot.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:50 pm
by Kirby
Netplayed with 1.6.71:

1) I know what he means now with the brightness not working.....when you die or enter another level, the brightness resets to 0 until you start a new netplay game. Guess that intertwines with the damage indicator HUD problem too...

1a) Also, after you die or enter another level, the pretty transparent menus over the game do not show anymore. Instead, the menus show over the main menu background.

2) In Coop games w/ new menus enabled, leaving the mine works fine now, but there are no more stats before the next level starts

3) I notice that his ship name disappears sometimes in Coop mode (his name right on the ship). Does not show in Anarchy mode, but I think that's normal.

4) The timeout value for auto-downloading new levels is way too low...should be at least 15-20 seconds, but downloading from him had a timeout value of 2 or 3 seconds

5) We got the number keys to work....I guess they were set already, but we had to select the 'weapon hotkeys' ratio button, then go back to the mouse, and it worked for the rest of our testing

6) My partner has a crashing problem when I left the game with him still in it. I guess after I left, his D2X-XL crashes.....writing \"Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)\" in a stderr.txt file. I, however, do not experience this. I am using Windows 2000 and he is using Windows XP

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:58 pm
by VR7

It might just be with custom robots, but in Entropy 2, some of the robots exhibit strange behaviour I don't recall when I played it in the original Descent 2 versions, like just idling there, doing absolutely nothing. Some of them do attack, but when they do, they spit robots as projectiles.

As shown in the screenshot.


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:07 pm
by Diedel
Kirby wrote:Netplayed with 1.6.71:

1) I know what he means now with the brightness not working.....when you die or enter another level, the brightness resets to 0 until you start a new netplay game. Guess that intertwines with the damage indicator HUD problem too...

1a) Also, after you die or enter another level, the pretty transparent menus over the game do not show anymore. Instead, the menus show over the main menu background.
Did he happen to play with Fast Respawn *on*? If so, please turn it off.
Kirby wrote:2) In Coop games w/ new menus enabled, leaving the mine works fine now, but there are no more stats before the next level starts
I had tested that today with a two player LAN game (Linux and Windows box - anarchy though), and found no problems here.
Kirby wrote:3) I notice that his ship name disappears sometimes in Coop mode (his name right on the ship). Does not show in Anarchy mode, but I think that's normal.
I anarchy, that depends on a setting the game host can make.
Kirby wrote:4) The timeout value for auto-downloading new levels is way too low...should be at least 15-20 seconds, but downloading from him had a timeout value of 2 or 3 seconds
I have added a slider to control the timeout in the toggles menu (1,2,3,5,10,15,20,30,45,60 seconds).
Kirby wrote:6) My partner has a crashing problem when I left the game with him still in it. I guess after I left, his D2X-XL crashes.....writing "Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)" in a stderr.txt file. I, however, do not experience this. I am using Windows 2000 and he is using Windows XP
I will check that.

Thanks for your testing and bug reports. :)

VR7 wrote:It might just be with custom robots, but in Entropy 2, some of the robots exhibit strange behaviour I don't recall when I played it in the original Descent 2 versions, like just idling there, doing absolutely nothing. Some of them do attack, but when they do, they spit robots as projectiles.

As shown in the screenshot.
I don't see much in the shot, but I had noticed this idling too occasionally. It's really hard to pin down though.



I just cannot reproduce that (using delshiftb cheat though), and frankly cannot be bothered playing through 11 levels of the D1 mission. Have a savegame for me? :)

Snake785 wrote:It seems that after you complete one level and you are in the next one, that is where the brightness gets reset to the lowest and will not have any effect. The brightness will go back to what was specified in the first level of a new game.
Doesn't happen for me; I've tried that numerous times with varying constellations. Does this happen during multiplayer?


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:24 pm
by Snake785
Diedel wrote:
Kirby wrote:2) In Coop games w/ new menus enabled, leaving the mine works fine now, but there are no more stats before the next level starts
I had tested that today with a two player LAN game (Linux and Windows box - anarchy though), and found no problems here.
I guess it's different in a co-op game cause when we tried, we didn't get a stat screen at the end of the level. We also did anarchy and we got the stat screen.
Diedel wrote: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Snake785 wrote:It seems that after you complete one level and you are in the next one, that is where the brightness gets reset to the lowest and will not have any effect. The brightness will go back to what was specified in the first level of a new game.
Doesn't happen for me; I've tried that numerous times with varying constellations.
That is weird because that happens on two machines (one being a P4 2.6Ghz /w GF FX5700, the other being a Pentium-M 1.6ghz /w Ati Mobility 9200).

>> Does this happen during multiplayer?

It happens both in single-player and multiplayer, in any mode (co-op, anarchy are the two I have tried)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:00 pm
by Diedel
Stats in MP Coop work now.

Still couldn't get brightness to get reset and stuck.

Currently uploading v1.5.72.


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:04 pm
by TechPro
Diedel wrote:Techpro,

I just cannot reproduce that (using delshiftb cheat though), and frankly cannot be bothered playing through 11 levels of the D1 mission. Have a savegame for me? :)
;) Sent via email

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:36 am
by Escorter
I had the D1 mission problem again. When I try to start a new D1 game, D2X-XL crashes without any message. When I try to load a D1 savegame, it makes abnormal program termination.

And when I try to load a Vertigo savegame:


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:12 am
by Kirby
Diedel wrote:
Kirby wrote:Netplayed with 1.6.71:

1) I know what he means now with the brightness not working.....when you die or enter another level, the brightness resets to 0 until you start a new netplay game. Guess that intertwines with the damage indicator HUD problem too...

1a) Also, after you die or enter another level, the pretty transparent menus over the game do not show anymore. Instead, the menus show over the main menu background.
Did he happen to play with Fast Respawn *on*? If so, please turn it off.
I was having the same problem too, and I am 100% sure that Fast Respawn is not on.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:41 am
by Snake785
I tested netplay on my LAN using version 1.5.72 when I found a nasty bug where if you are dealt enough damage at once when you die, you'll respawn in the same spot where you died, but you'll die again and again and you can't leave the game until you close d2x-xl forcefully (via task manager). It's easier to reproduce this bug during an entropy game and you are in enemy territory (if you are attacking the other guy continuously until their ship blows up). I have had this happen to me once in an anarchy game but haven't been able to reproduce it again. I figure since you're in enemy territory in an entropy game, you're already getting damaged x number of shields per second and then having another ship attack makes the game go berzerk or something. :p

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:17 pm
by spud
With .72 I do:

multiplayer -> start ipx network game -> pick a level -> crash to dos



Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:04 pm
by Escorter
spud wrote:With .72 I do:

multiplayer -> start ipx network game -> pick a level -> crash to dos

"crash to DOS"?!
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:06 pm
by Diedel

i tried this: Started Entropy MP game, flew into a hostile room, fired a Shaker against the nearby wall, died. Game waited till I pressed a key, I did so, respawned, no problem.

I can only guess you had fast respawn on for some reason. As this option has been causing trouble enough in MP in the past, I have completely removed it from the next version of D2X-XL.


the brightness stuff is a palette manipulation problem. Palette manipulation had been suppressed when in a menu until and including v1.5.71, but will be executed even if in a menu from v1.5.72 and up.

I simply cannot reproduce your problems.


I tried this, no problems here. Can't tell what's going wrong for you.

I am not saying there is no bug, it's just that unfortunately I cannot fix it if I don't run into it in the debugger.