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Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:09 pm
by Diedel
v1.5.129 (Win32) online now which fixes most of the bugs Suncho reported.

I cannot reproduce the exit tunnel view black until switch to external view and the mine exit texturing bug.

The mouse visibility bug is a peanut for me. Maybe connected to the grabmouse setting? (me makes mental note.)

I don't think the mouse affects frame rate.

Door frame bug may be fixed together with the invalid door texture bug Suncho reported.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:16 pm
by D3Phoenix
Heh, srry bout that diedel... I typed a post up in notepad and realized that 129 just came up AFTER i posted it.... I got rid of that other unnecessary post.

*opens 129 to start finding buggers...*
Glad to help anytime I can, tho.

BTW... If you need a network testing buddy sometime, diedel, I can provide... just hit me D3Phoenix on MSN or AIM

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:35 pm
by Suncho
Phoenix, I wouldn't post your email address on a public forum. Spambots may start snarfing it up.

Bug in version 1.5.129:

In the D1 Multiplayer level Black Rose (blakrose.msn), there are some brown secret walls that appear bright gray before you open them for the first time:


Then after I shoot it and it opens and closes, it looks normal:



The other hidden door that has this problem has a different normal texture:


EDIT: Also in 1.5.129

#2: \"frametime\" is still penalizing me in D1.

#3: In D1 multiplayer, I se the reactor life to 50 minutes, but I was still able to kill it.

#4: The exit mine sequence doesn't play in D1 multiplayer after the reactor is destroyed.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:41 pm
by Escorter
Now another bug: the D2 demo briefing music played during the D2 robot movies, instead of the humming.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:51 pm
by Suncho
Also in 1.5.129:

#5: When starting a new game, if I back out of the \"Select Mission\" screen using the escape key, it cancels my game setup altogether and kicks me back out to the multiplayer menu.


#6: If I start a multiplayer game by myself, I get the warning message that says, \"You must select at least two players to start a network game,\" but the game starts anyway.


EDIT: Also in 1.5.129

#7: Some missions come as MSN files and RDL files instead of MSN files and HOG files (with the RDL inside the HOG). These missions don't appear on the list when I go to start a multiplayer game. For example, I wanted to start a game of Minerva, but it wasn't on the list. I tried putting minerva.rdl in a hog file and it appeared on the list, but when I selected it, I got an \"error loading mission file\" message.

EDIT: Also in 1.5.129

#8: Some of the missions that don't have a separate RDL file give an error too. These are the mission names:



It appears that the mission file loading failure is unrelated to missions without HOGs not appearing on the list. I was able to create a HOG for one of the HOGless missions, and the mission loaded fine. The mission that it worked with was \"The Newest Threat\" (NEWEST.MSN)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:49 pm
by Diedel
#3: Doesn't reactor life only affect when the mine auto destructs, and not whether you can kill the reactor prematurely?

#4: Afaik there are no exit sequences in multiplayer (I may be wrong though).

#5: That's intentional.

#6: It's a warning, not an error, you know? ;)

#7: D2X-XL only looks for hog files. Put the mission files into one, how it should be anyway.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:14 pm
by D3Phoenix
heh, nice catch suncho 8)
I was thinking of it more as my IM addy... considering that that is pretty much all I use it for... Still, I don't need my IM client screaming about mail all the time, thx :)

Anyway... No real bugs to report, except that I had the wierd doors / initial texture thing happen on D1 level 1. I Could not reproduce it a second time. Seems very, very random to me... reloading/advancing in level seems to fix it???

In response to current topics:
#3: Reactor life should make the reactor invulnerable for X minutes... while Max Time sets the autodestruct for the level... With a reactor life that is not zero, it should message all players \"Reactor invulnerable for M:SS\" when it gets hit by weapons fire.

#4: I don't really care, but others obviously do.

#6: I always thought it needed to be reworded as a WARNING - it says you MUST do something when in fact you do not. Make it say something more useful, like, DIEDEL RUELZ!! and check for a new version of D2X-XL, I see it enough. :P

Now... back on a serious tone...
I noticed a couple other things (I'll letter if suncho keeps numbering, lol -- The next guy has to do roman numerals!!! :P )

A) Go to D1 level 1's reactor room. Don't kill all the bots, hide behind the reactor so they try to follow you... Basically go for the concussion 4 pack and dodge a bit. Sometimes the bots will fly right through the reactor to get you. Not a serious bug, but utter wierdness that makes you go \"WTF\"...

B)This one is CRITICAL: The credits still don't have \"D2X-XL\" at the top followed by a big bold \"Improved descent 2 by the amazing Diedel\" or something otherwise adequate to describe the amazingness that diedel has given the D1 & D2 community 8)


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:46 pm
by ToxicFrog
Diedel wrote:I cannot reproduce the exit tunnel view black until switch to external view and the mine exit texturing bug.
I can, but only if I set my cockpit MFDs to map and rear view (not sure which one of these causes it; I set left to rear view and right to map). If they're set to weapon view/missile view as normal, the exit sequence plays fine.

It's worth noting that even though the main screen is black, you can still see the rear view.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:20 pm
by D3Phoenix
Now there's a helpful post if I ever saw one 8)

With info like that, I'm sure we'll get this sorted out soon; somebody who has time will have to run thru having each type of MFD up while blowing a D1 mine.

On a related note... found an odd glitch on a couple d1 exit tunnels... They get lit in a \"spiral\" pattern, as best i can describe it... with each wall face having 2 corners lit full bright, 2 corners complete black. you get the effect of a light strip of color from corner to corner, the rest black... multiply this thru the tunnel and you get a wierd spiral. Can't reproduce regularly. Perhaps related to the above \"blackout\" issue??

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:12 pm
by Pumo
I noticed a few bugs in 1.5.129:

The same about the door textures that everyone says above, but i see it only happens if i check only \"Play D1 missions\" in the main menu and uncheck \"Play D2 Missions\".

Another, if i use a custom BG picture, it works right when i'm seeing the main menu, but everytime i select an option, the menu gets back to the original Descent 2 one.

And at last, if this is a bug, some D1 textures (like the gray rock of Level 1 and some others) doesn't seem like the original ones because they are using the GROUPA.256 palette instead of the original DEFAULT.256.

And still, the Spreadfire,Helix,Phoenix and many others like Smart Mine and Smart Missile blobs doesn't cast colored light at all.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:50 am
by Geist
-random crashes without error msg when you enter an exit in D1
-random crashes in D1 with windows error msg (XP SP2)
-when you load a saved game it takes the skill level from the last game instead of the one you saved the game with
-sometimes homing missiles in D1 are impossible to dodge (?)
-when you enter the secret level after Lv10 in D1 you spawn with all 3 keys


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:08 am
by Suncho
Diedel wrote:#3: Doesn't reactor life only affect when the mine auto destructs, and not whether you can kill the reactor prematurely?
Reactor life is the time it's invulnerable.
Diedel wrote:#4: Afaik there are no exit sequences in multiplayer (I may be wrong though).
In D1 there is.
Diedel wrote:#5: That's intentional.
Diedel wrote:#6: It's a warning, not an error, you know? ;)
Diedel wrote:#7: D2X-XL only looks for hog files. Put the mission files into one, how it should be anyway.
So every time someone downloads a level he has to manually create a HOG file to play it?


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:30 am
by Diedel
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:#5: That's intentional.
Don't ask. Ok, here's the answer: If you are selecting a mission in the mp options menu, and chose to backout from selecting a mission, I assume you want to leave the mp options menu, because why should you want to quit from the mission selection but stay in mp options?
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:#7: D2X-XL only looks for hog files. Put the mission files into one, how it should be anyway.
So every time someone downloads a level he has to manually create a HOG file to play it?
Aren't most levels in hog files?


I cannot reproduce these.


texture differences maybe due to D2X-XL converting all textures from the D1 to the D2:groupa palette. This must be, as even for D1 missios some D2 textures are used (cockpit, robot textures, shots, explosions, etc.)


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:18 am
by Escorter
Geist wrote:-sometimes homing missiles in D1 are impossible to dodge (?)
Hmmm... Are you sure it's a bug? :twisted:


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:00 am
by Geist
Escorter wrote:Hmmm... Are you sure it's a bug? :twisted:
I'm not sure if it's a bug or a "feature", notice the question mark at the end of my line. But I'm certain I was always capable of dodging homers, if given enough space, even playing with keyboard only. Now every third or so is impossible to outmaneuver in open rooms and follows you until it hits or you manage to get a wall in between.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:41 am
by Suncho
Diedel wrote:Ok, here's the answer: If you are selecting a mission in the mp options menu, and chose to backout from selecting a mission, I assume you want to leave the mp options menu, because why should you want to quit from the mission selection but stay in mp options?
I accidentally selected the missions option, but I didn't want to change my mission, so I backed out, my settings got reset, and I had to connect to the tracker again to start a new game. =(
Diedel wrote:
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:#7: D2X-XL only looks for hog files. Put the mission files into one, how it should be anyway.
So every time someone downloads a level he has to manually create a HOG file to play it?
Aren't most levels in hog files?
No. Minerva and Nysa are too extremely popular D1 levels and they didn't come in HOGs.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:00 am
by Diedel

pressing esc in mission selection will not kick you back any more, and D2X-XL can now read rl2/rdl files directly.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:17 am
by Peterix
Hi, not a bug of D2X-XL this time, but the javascript on your d2x version history is broken.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:39 am
by Diedel
Fixed, thx.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:05 pm
by Suncho
The game just crashes when I try to run it now... =/ (Version 1.5.132)


#1: The game only crashes when I start it if I don't have a default player specified.

EDIT: Also in 1.5.132

#2: When my framerate hits around 500 my ship movement starts stuttering. When it's 1000+ I can barely move at all.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:57 pm
by Diedel
#1: What do you mean with not having a default player specified?

#2: I know. Time slices get so short then that rounding errors occur when computing the movement deltas. But I think 150 fps is good enough. ;)


#1 fixed now. Currently uploading v1.5.133 (Win32).

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:52 pm
by Suncho
Gah. Now my player file is corrupted. Had to make a new one. =P


#1: I'm still getting the view turning black while I'm in the exit tunnel in D1. I use the reduced cockpit bar at the bottom of the screen with the rear view in the left viewport and the radar in the right viewport. See screenshots:



#2: The D1 Mission briefings don't play.

#3: Certain D1 missions don't load properly in D2X-XL. I get a message that says \"Error Loading Mission File.\" I tried loading them in standard D1 and they work fine, so the mission itself is not corrupted. Then I found out if I select \"New Game\" then pick the mission, it'll give me the loading error and if I subsequently select \"New Game\" and then select \"Descent: First Strike\" it plays the mission that failed to load the first time.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:58 pm
by Diedel
#1 Man, you're a good tester. You usually give very good hints. It's the rear view that causes this.

#2 Play for me.

#3 Which missions?


Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:14 pm
by Suncho
Diedel wrote:#1 Man, you're a good tester. You usually give very good hints. It's the rear view that causes this.
Diedel wrote:#2 Play for me.
I figured it out. It skips the D1 mission briefings if I don't have the "Play D2 Missions" box checked on the main menu.
Diedel wrote:#3 Which missions?
It happened with Athena, Minerva, and Nysa among others.

Here's an example:

1. I start a new game.
2. I select "Athena"
3. I get the error message.
4. I'm back at the main menu.
5. I start a new game.
6. I select Descent: First Strike
7. I end up in Athena

Note: This happens in both Multiplayer and Singleplayer.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:11 pm
by Lovo formerly Alieo

Everytime I play D1 on D2X-XL and I'm on level 4, RIGHT when I get into the reactor room, the game locks up. I have tried RESTRUCTURING it thru level editor, but that new DLE for XP that I use does no good. Anything I TOUCH on a level thru DLE, it makes it think it has no exit. Any suggestions?

I like to play D1 on D2X-XL because I can use the redbook audio feature... with ANY CD I want!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:44 pm
by D3Phoenix
D2X-XL crashes when I try to run it from the command line, CMD.EXE in either Windows 2000 (SP4) or Windows XP (Professional, SP2).

Both systems that I have attempted this on have Visual Studio 2005 installed, which is the debugger that will pop up in response to the so-called 'error.' Conflict with VS2K5 debugger??

Also, the W2000 machine is a Compaq armada E500 with an ATi Rage Mobility P.... D2x refuses to run, command line or no. (However, with the commandline I know it is an even sooner error than normal... it doesn't even blank the screen like it does if I just double-click d2x-xl.exe -- instead I just get this infernal debugger error. \"Do you wish to start Just-In-Time debugging with the selected debugger?\")

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:10 pm
by Suncho
Oh yeah... whaddya know. (command line crash confirmed in version 1.5.133)

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:16 pm
by D3Phoenix
Question: Do you have any form of Visual Studio installed? Is that a common thread or is it just D2X... might help diedel to know that.

EDIT: Note also that d2x-xl.exe CAN be safely run from a batch file, using \"START <d2xpath>\\d2x-xl.exe\" -- it's apparently only CMD.EXE that is having troubles launching it.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:30 am
by Geist

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:49 am
by AndyX
When i put 'descent.pig' into my d2-folder and start the game, i get a black screen :oops:

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:20 am
by Diedel

the (special) file info D2X-XL uses for rdl files doesn't get reset obviously. Strangely enough, I could start such missions right away.

Edit: Cannot reproduce #2. D1 mission briefings play for me regardless whether play d2 missions is checked or not.


I have MS Visual Studio installed, doesn't interfere with D2X-XL.


you find out everything, don't you? :P


Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:11 am
by ToxicFrog
Lovo formerly Alieo wrote:D1 on D2X-XL: LEVEL 4 REACTOR ROOM LOCKUP:

Everytime I play D1 on D2X-XL and I'm on level 4, RIGHT when I get into the reactor room, the game locks up. I have tried RESTRUCTURING it thru level editor, but that new DLE for XP that I use does no good. Anything I TOUCH on a level thru DLE, it makes it think it has no exit. Any suggestions?
There's no need to shout.

First, confirm that you're using the latest version. This is a known bug related to robot spawnpoints (of which there are two in the L4 reactor room), and was fixed several versions ago.


Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:31 pm
by Suncho
Diedel wrote:Suncho,

the (special) file info D2X-XL uses for rdl files doesn't get reset obviously. Strangely enough, I could start such missions right away.
In version 1.5.134, I just can't play those levels at all because they fail to load. The only time I was able to play them before was when I selected "Descent: First Strike"
Diedel wrote:Edit: Cannot reproduce #2. D1 mission briefings play for me regardless whether play d2 missions is checked or not.
I figured out that the D2 movies are playing instead of the D1 briefings and escape sequences. I just had -nomovies checked before so it didn't play anything. It's weird that it's not happening on yours. As before, if I have "play d2 missions" checked, it works normally.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:42 pm
by Peterix
... continuing from suggestions thread as this doesn't belong there.

Yes, I know how additive light works, but when total_darkness (0,0,0) + red laser (1,0,0) = total_darkness (0,0,0), something isn't right. Just look at the screenshots.
And light_from_laser_impact (0.25,0.25,0.25) + red_laser (1,0,0)= dim_red_light (0.25,0,0) got me thinking...
But light_from_laser_impact + light_from_flares seems to render right.

All i was able to determine up to now is, that the code in render.c is OK, so it must be somewhere else.
Look at the first screenshot. Normally the lights are (1,1,1). When lit by lasers, they darken a bit when they shouldn't.

I hope i said it clear enough this time :)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:55 pm
by Diedel

there is a heck of a lot happening with dynamic light before the rendering code is reached. Look into lighting.c. It might even depend on when a light source is evaluated (though it shouldn't).

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:00 pm
by Escorter
1, The subtitles in the intro movie doesn't work at all
2, The subtitles in the ending movie works if I exit from the last mine, but doesn't work if I play the movie from the main menu.

But -of course- it's not D2X-XL's fault. Right? :evil:

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:01 pm
by Geist
I don't have a endgame briefing at all anymore besides the first two or so screens.

Plus, I don't see crosshair/control elements anymore without the cockpit.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:25 pm
by ToxicFrog
@Peterix: I'm seeing the same thing. The overall effect is as though it's doing (weapon_light & ambient_light) rather than (weapon_light + ambient_light) or (weapon_light | ambient_light).
It's highly disconcerting to fire an L1 laser and suddenly only be seeing the R channel of your surroundings.

Also, when I go to \"join UDP game using tracker\", it says \"0 trackers found\" - is this an issue with the tracker, with build 133, or with my network?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:39 pm
by Diedel

I have to apologize. I am a bit tired from fixing so many bugs in such a short time, and what you said really wasn't too apparent to me. I have now built a small unlit test level with black walls and could observe what you reported, and could fix a few problems - one being the 'blocky' moving light effect with colored weapon light enabled (compared to the smooth lighting caused by moving weapon light - e.g. white laser - if it's disabled).

Actually you've brought me to a significant improvement of D2X-XL's visuals.

You receive the Medal 1st Class Of The Order Of The Knights Of Perseverance from me. ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:14 pm
by Pumo
Yes, i think Peterix deserves that Medal :D

Because i had the same lighting problem but i was not so good at describing it or suggesting how to fix it :( . But Peterix was very good indeed to make this job :) (in place of me, because i'm not so good programmer and don't understand too well the source code as Peterix do).

So, thanks to Diedel and Peterix :wink: