TheCope wrote:Do you know any Muslims? Any of you on this DBB?
Yep. I also know quite a few Hindu's, one of whom got beaten up after 9/11 because some jerk thought he looked Arabic.
TheCope wrote:Have you ever had a handshake with a Somali?
Nope. We don't get a lot of green card programmers from Somalia for some reason.
TheCope wrote:Life isn't: 1) they are trying to take my guns
It's certainly not the CENTER of my life, but it IS an important issue. I don't own a gun. But they'll take my crossbow when they pry it from my cold dead fingers!!!
But what is your point other than to point out that rednecks are often gunphiles and islamophobes? I've spoken to tree hugging gun hating liberals who wanted us to nuke the entire middle east. And I'm certain there are card carrying NRA members who oppose the mistreatment of Muslims.
TheCope wrote:2) bible quotes
But they can be an important part of your life.
TheCope wrote:3) ignoring genocide and slavery in your great nation that was settled by terrorists.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I THINK I'm with you here.
TheCope wrote:Have you ever hung out with anyone that didn't play descent?
I have to come HERE to meet descent players since most of my "real life" friends don't even know what descent is. I would assume that it is the same for most folks here.
TheCope wrote:Do you know people that don't agree with you?
Uhm, that would be everyone I know.
TheCope wrote:Bring it. Lets see the photos of you with your 1 black friend, your 1 Muslim friend.
What would that prove? I don't even know the nationality (let alone color) of most people on this board. Should it matter? I CERTAINLY wouldn't try to guess the ethnicity and religion of their friends. Not even by their politics. I've known Caucasian people who spewed racist garbage all day long, and yet had good friends from the very ethnicities they so often disparaged. Some kind of strange disconnect there.
TheCope wrote:You are just a bunch of clownbags.
That's not a bad description. But it does seem odd that you would try to lump us all into one pigeon hole when we are a rather diverse group. When we have a political discussion, there are opinions expressed from all over the political spectrum. And in the religious debates we seem to be short of religious folks other than Christians, but we have a very wide variety of Christians, as well as a good selection of Agnostics and Atheists.
We all seem to have in common that we like descent, and that we enjoy talking to, debating, and learning from each other. I don't see that as a bad thing.