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Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:16 pm
by Bet51987
Flip... I know this is off topic but it determines how I vote.

I agree with you, and what you're describing is murder in the first degree which is totally immoral and disgusting but the real blame (as how it affects my decision) is squarely on politicians and the religious extremists for not allowing reasonable exceptions. That reasonable exception is called \"emergency contraception\". Take note of the word emergency.

I'll repeat the scenario. A young 12 year old girl is riding her bike home from school. The only things on her mind are games, soccer, tv, and talking to her friends but for this girl boys are not on her radar yet. On the way home she gets pulled into a van by two men who brutally rape her but before they get a chance to end her life and bury her in some field, she mangages to escape. She runs home and her parents take her to a hospital where doctors treat her for the bruises and punches she had to endure.

However, because the fundamentalists have gotten into the supreme court and overturned all of the abortion rules, the doctor cannot administer anything to stop a possible pregnancy. The girl goes home and waits to find out if she's going to get pregnant while coping with the trauma of rape. In her case pregnancy follows and her childhood is ruined. She will be ridiculed in school and if she is unfortunate to have parents that force her to keep the baby then her teen years will be ruined too. I find this just as disgusting and immoral as the first problem.

I'm pro-choice now because I'm afraid an ultra conservative supreme court won't allow me to terminate an invisible cell to protect an innocent real live girl.


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:02 pm
by Spidey
Well if her parents force her to go term, what does the government have to do with it? That’s also a very extreme case, and I don’t see Roe vs Wade being overturned anytime soon.

My other point was not to let politics affect your personal views, so I can respect voting for someone who you think will protect rape victims rights. But changing a personal belief because of it seems silly.

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:02 pm
by AlphaDoG
Bettina, do you have any way to substantiate your claim that extremists are in the hospital preventing anything?

I don't for one second believe that \"her\" parents are gonna allow \"her\" to take an unwanted pregnancy to term. Cite us an example please.


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:41 pm
by Bet51987
Spidey wrote:Well if her parents force her to go term, what does the government have to do with it? That’s also a very extreme case, and I don’t see Roe vs Wade being overturned anytime soon.

My other point was not to let politics affect your personal views, so I can respect voting for someone who you think will protect rape victims rights. But changing a personal belief because of it seems silly.
I haven't changed my personal belief. I've changed the way I would vote to protect my personal belief which is pro-life with limits. If I vote for the pro-life candidate they could affect the supreme court which then could pass laws banning all types of abortion except when the life of the mother is at risk. This would hurt my 12 year old rape victim who would have no say. That part is all political.

As far as the parents.. I can't help the religious right from forcing their beliefs on their daughters against their will. I'm stuck with that. :(
AlphaDoG wrote:Bettina, do you have any way to substantiate your claim that extremists are in the hospital preventing anything?

I don't for one second believe that "her" parents are gonna allow "her" to take an unwanted pregnancy to term. Cite us an example please.
Hi AlphaDog

This was the abortion thread that will cite examples where some people on this forum alone have said that they would force their daughters to carry to term. I have respect for them but what they would do is wrong.

If you want outside proof, just lookup "faith healers", or even Sarah Palin here.. ... 22924.html.

Believe me, I hate all of this. I just don't know how I can vote otherwise.


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:50 pm
you really are confused Bett, you say your pro life yet your going to vote pro abortion on the Chance that the prochoice candidate \"MIGHT\" out law abortion????? and cmon the Huffington Post?!?!?!?!? geez do you have any more slander sites you'd like to quote?? say the Daily Kos, or maybe firedoglake??


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:06 pm
by Bet51987
CUDA wrote:you really are confused Bett, you say your pro life yet your going to vote pro abortion on the Chance that the prochoice candidate "MIGHT" out law abortion????? and cmon the Huffington Post?!?!?!?!? geez do you have any more slander sites you'd like to quote?? say the Daily Kos, or maybe firedoglake??
:) You win on the sources I gave but you know I can get it anywhere. It even states here that she would choose life even if her daughter were raped.

If McCain wins then she has a good chance to change the supreme court. That's what I object to because she has no right to tell a 12 year old girl that she has to carry a rapist's child.

Please understand that I'm not trying to kill a baby or a fetus. I want to stop a single cell and it will never happen if the court goes conservative so I have no choice.



Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:51 pm
by Gandalf Stormcrow
Bet51987 wrote:
CUDA wrote:you really are confused Bett, you say your pro life yet your going to vote pro abortion on the Chance that the prochoice candidate "MIGHT" out law abortion????? and cmon the Huffington Post?!?!?!?!? geez do you have any more slander sites you'd like to quote?? say the Daily Kos, or maybe firedoglake??
:) You win on the sources I gave but you know I can get it anywhere. It even states here that she would choose life even if her daughter were raped.

If McCain wins then she has a good chance to change the supreme court. That's what I object to because she has no right to tell a 12 year old girl that she has to carry a rapist's child.

Please understand that I'm not trying to kill a baby or a fetus. I want to stop a single cell and it will never happen if the court goes conservative so I have no choice.

I wonder what people did a hundred years ago when a 12 year-old was raped and impregnated... I'm guessing abortion wasn't an option.

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:59 pm
by Gooberman
Not sure, but I can assure you a hundred years ago the rapest once caught wasn't sent to a prison to watch cable TV.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:09 am
by AlphaDoG
Bet51987 wrote:
AlphaDoG wrote:Bettina, do you have any way to substantiate your claim that extremists are in the hospital preventing anything?

I don't for one second believe that "her" parents are gonna allow "her" to take an unwanted pregnancy to term. Cite us an example please.
Hi AlphaDog

This was the abortion thread that will cite examples where some people on this forum alone have said that they would force their daughters to carry to term. I have respect for them but what they would do is wrong.

If you want outside proof, just lookup "faith healers", or even Sarah Palin here.. ... 22924.html.

Believe me, I hate all of this. I just don't know how I can vote otherwise.

Thanks for the link to the thread Bettina, however I do have to agree with CUDA that "The Huffington Post" is not a valid site reference. It is after all an editorial blog with left leanings.

As far as the link to "On The Issues" go Sarah Palin - Abortion should be states' issue, not federal mandate. (Oct 2008)

I tend to agree with that.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:02 am
by Jesus Freak
Gooberman wrote:Not sure, but I can assure you a hundred years ago the rapest once caught wasn't sent to a prison to watch cable TV.
Apparently you can read books in prison too. I could get a lot accomplished in prison versus here at college with all these distractions! :P


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:25 am
by woodchip
Bet51987 wrote:
If McCain wins then she has a good chance to change the supreme court. That's what I object to because she has no right to tell a 12 year old girl that she has to carry a rapist's child.Bee
Last time I checked, a VP has zip, zero, nada ability to get any law changed that has been already heard by SCOTUS. I could use your logic and say I'm not voting for Obama because I fear he will enact laws mandating abortions. Not only abortions but enact laws that will encourage the termination of the elderly and infirm. Makes as much sense considering Obama see's no problem with partial birth abortion. Welcome to the Brave New World.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:52 pm
by Praetorian
woodchip wrote:I could use your logic and say I'm not voting for Obama because I fear he will enact laws mandating abortions. Not only abortions but enact laws that will encourage the termination of the elderly and infirm. Makes as much sense considering Obama see's no problem with partial birth abortion. Welcome to the Brave New World.
Not a New World, a new twist of the old.

Aktion T 4

Sieg Heil

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:34 am
by Praetorian
I see history is not taught in our schools just liberal propaganda. Goebbels would be proud.

Aktion T 4,\" the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate \"life unworthy of life\". This program hit the goal of 70,000 people but continued on in a second phase.