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Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:13 pm
by Lothar
vision wrote:It's difficult trying to unlearn 15 years of muscle memory.
In my experience, it takes about a month to get comfortable enough with a new setup that you can do whatever you used to be able to do.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:04 pm
by Kilarin
Mickey1 wrote:Keyboard, mouse and four foot buttons works for me.
Woah! That is a cool setup! How did you build it?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:33 pm
by Mickey1
It is easy to make. I shorted the shoulder buttons of the Gravis GamePad Pro with press and hold switches I mounted on the board. The pedal is a rocker so I use Left toe- down, Left heel-up, Right toe- rotate right, Right heel-rotate left. With the four extra buttons I don't have to hunt and peck only twitch. You can get a GamePad for about 10 dollars.


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:22 pm
by Ashes
vision wrote:Thanks guys. Last night I started reconfiguring for KB+Mouse. It was pretty comfortable, but I'm thinking I might have to go KB+Stick or Stick+Mouse to fly like I imagine.

It's difficult trying to unlearn 15 years of muscle memory. Once I feel comfortable flying again, I'll start looking into online games again. In the meantime I'll read some of the fighting tutorials on the Net and see if I learn a trick or two.
I've seen great players use all of these configurations. One thing from me about configurations: Tweak them early. Ive been using numberpad and mouse sonce Day1 and I haven't edited it in over a year.
A lot of the tutorials make me laugh, they say things like "Tips for beginners: Try sliding, it helps" and stuff like that. Once you get the config down, start practicing your trichording.
Keep in mind that nothing beats playing better pilots in terms of getting better. Don't get discuraged, everyone is a poor pilot at one point.
As soon as you get used to your config, it'll come back.