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Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:24 pm
by callmeslick
Spidey wrote:With the economic news I just heard tonight, we won’t need a double dip…we are just going to enjoy this condition for a long long time.

In other words, first you have to get out of a slump, before you can get into another one.

far too many people equate a slump in employment with recession. Two different animals, and folks seem to have lost sight of the realities. As the slump started showing on the horizon(2005 or a bit later) to economists and other business types, most large corporations went into hyper-mode to improve efficiency. They succeeded, many spectacularly, and thus need far fewer workers today than pre-2005 to do the same work. Thus, you get an economic upturn with job growth that is lower than the growth of the workforce. Frankly, we're damned lucky that unemployment isn't heading into the mid-teens, and I won't be surprised if that comes to pass, unless we develop large, core industries around new technologies to address contemporary demands world-wide. Such development is never overnight, and comes real slow to a naton with an aging infrastructure and unfocused population. It might get real ugly out there in the next decade....

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:48 pm
by Spidey
Actually the news I was referring to was more along the lines of the GNP numbers and the continuing fall of housing prices, among others, un-employment was one of them, but didn’t really change much. But feel free to use whatever I say to spew your propaganda any time you want. I don’t mind.

(remember propaganda has more than one meaning)

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:35 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote: Frankly, we're damned lucky that unemployment isn't heading into the mid-teens, and I won't be surprised if that comes to pass, unless we develop large, core industries around new technologies to address contemporary demands world-wide. Such development is never overnight, and comes real slow to a naton with an aging infrastructure and unfocused population. It might get real ugly out there in the next decade....
yeah we're just so lucky we are only at 9.1%. Man, since you put it the way you did Slick I have re-think my whole outlook on what the "New Normal" (as you liberal phrase casters call it). Yeah the aging infrastructure drove companies out of this country to places like China and Vietnam that have really marvelous infrastructure. And blame our population after all the ways the "Progressive's" have made them dependent on centralized federal programs to exist. No wonder people become lost when they see their govt. leaders spending more than what they take in. Good enough for them so I might as well follow the same policy. I will agree with you it may get ugly especially when Moody's down grades our credit and the Chinese say no more loans. To para-phrase a old tv show song, "Whatcha going to do when there's no loans for you, bad boy bad boy".

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:51 pm
by callmeslick
woodchip, you are blaming government as if it wasn't a direct reflection of the electorate. Frankly, I think the American public is good at whining and finger-pointing, all the while remaining clueless about the fundamentals of economics, steadfast in their belief that education isn't really all that important and lazier than hell. And then, some rocket scientist like yourownself comes along and points out how it's all the fault of liberal elected officials. It's really no wonder that so many of the wealthy in this nation in recent years have become ready to just let the feckers sink.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:44 pm
by woodchip
I'm just wonder how 40 years of welfare trained a certain portion of the masses to be good little repeat voters for the liberal agenda. What is a direct reflection today is no where what it was in the 50 after my parents generation came out of the Great Depression and WW2. So I'll refute you and say it is politicians with seemingly good intentions but who are ever only into being re-elected, that have trained a large enough portion of the population to be dependent on and vote for the democrats. These dependent voters contribute nothing and steal from our over-all economic security yet their vote counts equally as a hard working person, who does contribute. Democratic shape shifters such as yourself see nothing wrong with this and in fact keep promoting it with the amnesty for illegal aliens being just one example.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:06 pm
by null0010
Open a bootstrap shop.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:11 pm
by Will Robinson
Here's a little warning of what seems to be our direct reflection for ya'
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” — Benjamin Franklin

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:07 am
by Top Gun
woodchip wrote:I'm just wonder how 40 years of welfare trained a certain portion of the masses to be good little repeat voters for the liberal agenda. What is a direct reflection today is no where what it was in the 50 after my parents generation came out of the Great Depression and WW2. So I'll refute you and say it is politicians with seemingly good intentions but who are ever only into being re-elected, that have trained a large enough portion of the population to be dependent on and vote for the democrats. These dependent voters contribute nothing and steal from our over-all economic security yet their vote counts equally as a hard working person, who does contribute. Democratic shape shifters such as yourself see nothing wrong with this and in fact keep promoting it with the amnesty for illegal aliens being just one example. you know anything at all about people who may happen to find themselves on welfare at some point, or are you just pulling Glenn Beck ranting points out of your ass?

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:59 am
Will Robinson wrote:Here's a little warning of what seems to be our direct reflection for ya'
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” — Benjamin Franklin
here's another one for ya Will
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. ---
Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:08 am
by flip
The ability to create wealth that led to the ability to create Foundations is really what did us in. They create the actual vehicle, then create an entity that accumulates more 'created' wealth in the way of interest yet free from the burden of taxes. At a certain amount of time whoever had the most won. Genius.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:19 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:I'm just wonder how 40 years of welfare trained a certain portion of the masses to be good little repeat voters for the liberal agenda. What is a direct reflection today is no where what it was in the 50 after my parents generation came out of the Great Depression and WW2.
and yet, theirs was the first generation born and raised under Socialist principles within the American system(graduated income tax, Social Security, etc).
So I'll refute you and say it is politicians with seemingly good intentions but who are ever only into being re-elected, that have trained a large enough portion of the population to be dependent on and vote for the democrats.
I suppose you can also demonstrate how these insidious forces have 'trained' the public to:
1. Not value education anywhere near enough.
2. Become a pool of drooling morons who can name American Idol contestants, yet not be able to
name their own Congresspersons, focus on the every move of Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton, yet not
be able to name any recent Supreme Court appointee.
These dependent voters contribute nothing and steal from our over-all economic security yet their vote counts equally as a hard working person, who does contribute.
And who, by way of description, would you place in this supposedly huge group of 'non-contributing' members of society? Sure, there is a small percentage who can always be found to be taking unfair advantage of Social Safety nets, but wouldn't you agree that the vast percentage of your fellow citizens work fairly hard to provide for their family, and that most people contribute back to the society to about the same degree(essentially nothing, IMHO, but that's another thread topic for later)?
Democratic shape shifters such as yourself see nothing wrong with this and in fact keep promoting it with the amnesty for illegal aliens being just one example.
ooh, the scary, scary aliens! Once again, another topic for another day. :D

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:21 am
by callmeslick
flip wrote:The ability to create wealth that led to the ability to create Foundations is really what did us in. They create the actual vehicle, then create an entity that accumulates more 'created' wealth in the way of interest yet free from the burden of taxes. At a certain amount of time whoever had the most won. Genius.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:31 am
by flip
Yep. Who has the most influence and power in this country or the rest of the world even? It's not the common working man, although that's the line of ★■◆● we keep getting fed. No, the direction of this country and the conditions we live under are decided by the wealthy and influential. Hell, 3 people divided up the world after WWII. How did most of those people amass huge amounts of wealth and thus the power to influence and direct? By creating ways to manipulate the very system they created and offering yourself a deal to be able to stash a lump sum of cash, that magically keeps growing just because it sits there.

Re: Republican 2012 primary candidates

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:45 am
by callmeslick
flip wrote:Yep. Who has the most influence and power in this country or the rest of the world even? It's not the common working man, although that's the line of **** we keep getting fed. No, the direction of this country and the conditions we live under are decided by the wealthy and influential.
Hell, son, when hasn't that been the case? Any fool who actually buys the line that the 'common working man' has the power is a damned fool. Go back in history far enough, and you will find the working men consisted of slaves and servants. Neither was all that powerful a bloc, as I recall. Likewise, through the centuries, I fail to see the massive, sustained power of serfs, peasants, sweatshop workers, share croppers or the like. What is so different about your scenario from the course of human history?
Hell, 3 people divided up the world after WWII. How did most of those people amass huge amounts of wealth and thus the power to influence and direct? By creating ways to manipulate the very system they created and offering yourself a deal to be able to stash a lump sum of cash, that magically keeps growing just because it sits there.
Actually, it could be argued that at the present, the 'common man' has more influence, both in this nation and at other places on Earth, than in any point in human history. It can be argued, and believe me, I've spent a lifetime hearing this one made, that that very fact is the main explanation of how the world and civilized society is going to crap.