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Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:52 am
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
why on Earth WOULDN'T they? Neither eliminates the possibility, but both are proven to LIMIT births and abortions.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:02 am
callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.
and what planet do you live on???????

your delusional if you think those things will limit babies and abortions.
why on Earth WOULDN'T they? Neither eliminates the possibility, but both are proven to LIMIT births and abortions.
Ya, maybe you should 're read TC's comments before you jump into the conversation. Her words were "NO MORE"

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:05 am
by Spidey
I think some people have problems differentiating absolutes, coughslickcough but CUDA should have said “eliminated” instead of “limit”.

But it was tc that declared the absolute.

I don’t have any problem with insurance covering birth control for adults, but when it comes to children, I do believe that because of the way the immature brain works, it could be seen as encouragement, and yes…lead to even more abortions, because children are more likely to be irresponsible in regards to using it.

Only a possibility, and certainly open to debate.

And of course once insurance covers birth control the price will skyrocket, making it hard to afford for those without insurance.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:36 am
Spidey wrote:I think some people have problems differentiating absolutes, coughslickcough but CUDA should have said “eliminated” instead of “limit”.
You are correct, Auto correct :roll:

living in a hotel for the last 3+ weeks, and work days starting at 7:00 and ending at 6:30 with "NOW" 40 minutes travel each way is starting to wear on me I'm not catching that stuff :P

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:47 am
by Tunnelcat
CUDA wrote:Ya, maybe you should 're read TC's comments before you jump into the conversation. Her words were "NO MORE"
Oooooh Kaaaay. What if I say that having the government's help in giving all women access to cheap birth control helps "reduce" the number of total abortions, what say you then? I know you are against all abortions and I don't fault you for that, but are you against just plain "reducing" the number of abortions period in the face of such staunch resistance from women across the country? The birth control method is using a carrot to get what you want. Banning abortion outright is using a stick to get what you want. Carrots always work better than sticks.

Even if you were to succeed in banning all "legal" abortion, it's not going away in the "illegal world". You'd still have backyard doctors killing babies because people will keep having unprotected sex. I think that good education and easy access to birth control would go a long way to putting an eventual end to the practice.

On a similar note, what do you think of this little tiff, all over a fetus? ... index.html

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:36 pm
by Spidey
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.

You'd still have backyard doctors killing babies because people will keep having unprotected sex.
Gotta love the consistency here... :P

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:48 pm
by CobGobbler
It's quite consistent, unless you're a f.ucking dolt. Keep living in abstinence-only fantasy land or just take two separate sentences and put them next to each other and act like you made some novel argument.

Like gay marriage, you all are on the losing side of this. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it's going to be done and you will still be the fat old man that hates it when kids play in his yard. Quit acting like you actually give two shits about these fetuses and just accept the fact that other people get the power to make their own decisions.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:57 pm
by Spidey
I wasn’t trying to make any argument…and I don’t live in some abstinence fantasy, you still haven’t figured out we all don’t think the same…have you.

I guess you have to keep it simple…huh.

And I'm not fat.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:19 pm
by CobGobbler
I remember seeing a picture of you. Some fat old white man with a stupid looking beard.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:28 pm
by flip
Do you think the disease knows it's a disease?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:31 pm
by Spidey
The only picture you could have possibly ever seen was the one titled “fear this” and that was a head shot.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:08 pm
by CobGobbler
[removed -- Jeff]

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:04 pm
Spidey wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.

You'd still have backyard doctors killing babies because people will keep having unprotected sex.
Gotta love the consistency here... :P
Ya kinda shot her own argument right in the foot on that one :roll:

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:07 pm
by Tunnelcat
Spidey wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:Easy access to birth control and better education, no more unwanted babies and abortions. Simple solution.

You'd still have backyard doctors killing babies because people will keep having unprotected sex.
Gotta love the consistency here... :P
Well sh*t! I keep saying "no more" instead of "less". My bad. However, I'm not any different than those anti-abortion people that are deluded enough to think banning abortion will stop it altogether. I can only "hope" that cooler heads will make the right decisions about sex education and birth control being the best preventative means to an end. The rest will hopefully follow, like "far less" unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Less may not be "none", but it's better than having abortion as a common practice.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:53 pm
by Ferno
To CUDA and those who disagree with abortions.

Has anyone ever run the decision to have a kid by you that wasn't your wife or daughter?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:57 am
Ferno wrote:To CUDA and those who disagree with abortions.

Has anyone ever run the decision to have a kid by you that wasn't your wife or daughter?
yes. Twice. Your point?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:20 am
by flip
Birth control is treating a symptom and not the disease. Why not teach all people to have the utmost respect for themselves, accountability to your neighbors, and restraint. This whole debate looks to me like giving a monkey a gun and hoping he doesn't shoot himself or others. What's wrong with instilling a high sense of self in people?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:59 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Not to put too sharp a point on it, the stupid/foolish/destructive solutions seem to be the ones which most readily satisfy...

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:15 pm
by CobGobbler
Just as useless as the others I see Jeff. Good for you.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:03 pm
by Tunnelcat
CUDA wrote:
Ferno wrote:To CUDA and those who disagree with abortions.

Has anyone ever run the decision to have a kid by you that wasn't your wife or daughter?
yes. Twice. Your point?
What if the pregnancy was due to rape? Is a several day old zygote a baby in your opinion and would you allow a woman to legally abort that zygote in a case of rape?
flip wrote:Birth control is treating a symptom and not the disease. Why not teach all people to have the utmost respect for themselves, accountability to your neighbors, and restraint. This whole debate looks to me like giving a monkey a gun and hoping he doesn't shoot himself or others. What's wrong with instilling a high sense of self in people?
I like your passion flip. If we could all be installed with a high sense of self, AND, have a healthy respect for the self of others, there would be no wars, no greed, no theft, no murder and no unwanted babies. The world would be a perfect place.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:45 pm
by flip
Yep, that's what I work for until it happens. It's all in our words and thoughts.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:33 pm
by woodchip
tunnelcat wrote:
CUDA wrote:

What if the pregnancy was due to rape? Is a several day old zygote a baby in your opinion and would you allow a woman to legally abort that zygote in a case of rape?
With all the free birth control being handed out like candy, perhaps we should require every female to be on the pill so they won't get pregnant. Being armed with a Glock might help too :wink:

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:27 pm
by Tunnelcat
woodchip wrote:With all the free birth control being handed out like candy, perhaps we should require every female to be on the pill so they won't get pregnant. Being armed with a Glock might help too :wink:
Where? I had to pay for it last I checked, but that was a few years ago. However, it's not my worry anymore, I'm menopausal, so this whole argument is academic to me. As for carrying, I hate Glocks. Plastic gun. Piiiiiish! I'll carry my Sig thank you very much. I'd rather shoot a rapist first and defend myself against a murder charge, than even try to get an abortion under draconian Republican moralist laws. :wink:

By the way, I noticed CUDA hasn't answered my question. But I think I know it anyway. I believe he thinks life begins at conception, which would outlaw most forms of hormonal birth control if the definition of life is taken to mean "at conception" when forming laws to outlaw any type of abortion.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:27 am
by Ferno
CUDA wrote:yes. Twice. Your point?
my point is this: unless you are specifically asked, you can tell them what you believe in, but you have absolutely NO right to make them feel guilty or remorseful because you felt the need to push your beliefs onto them.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't appreciate someone telling you what to do with your life.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:07 am
Ferno wrote:
CUDA wrote:yes. Twice. Your point?
my point is this: unless you are specifically asked, you can tell them what you believe in, but you have absolutely NO right to make them feel guilty or remorseful because you felt the need to push your beliefs onto them.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't appreciate someone telling you what to do with your life.
The government does it every day. They tell me what I can and cannot do with my life. As far as "pushing" beliefs of some, you see it with every post on this forum, and experience it every day of your life with the interaction with others

You deal with it.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:58 pm
by Ferno
I just did.

and just because someone else does, doesn't give you the right to do it either. so stop pointing the finger.

And I know the difference between having beliefs pushed on me and a discussion about beliefs. clearly, you don't.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:20 pm
REALLY are you ignorant enough to think that the left isn't pushing their beliefs on others??

C'mon Ferno don't be a slick. You're smarter then that

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:01 pm
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:REALLY are you ignorant enough to think that the left isn't pushing their beliefs on others??

C'mon Ferno don't be a slick. You're smarter then that
whee! The angry right wing manages to attack, personally, two fellow posters at once. Interesting, the final resort of those who self-identify as Conservatives on this board is to call people ignorant, arrogant, or worse.....Empty words from empty arguments.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:07 pm
by Spidey
Yea right, and calling someone a liar, because you can’t defend the indefensible is called what?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:31 pm
callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:REALLY are you ignorant enough to think that the left isn't pushing their beliefs on others??

C'mon Ferno don't be a slick. You're smarter then that
whee! The angry right wing manages to attack, personally, two fellow posters at once. Interesting, the final resort of those who self-identify as Conservatives on this board is to call people ignorant, arrogant, or worse.....Empty words from empty arguments.
and so speaketh the king of the ad-hominid and back hands.

Physician heal thyself

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:32 pm
by Ferno
CUDA wrote:REALLY are you ignorant enough to think that the left isn't pushing their beliefs on others??

C'mon Ferno don't be a slick. You're smarter then that
No. YOU believe the left is pushing their beliefs on others, and you acted almost proud of the fact you pushed your beliefs on others. So you don't get the right to say that. Nice dodge, though. Shifting it from yourself to your favourite target. That's how I know I have you nailed.

But that's okay though. I know you won't admit fault no matter what.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:44 pm
Ferno wrote:
CUDA wrote:REALLY are you ignorant enough to think that the left isn't pushing their beliefs on others??

C'mon Ferno don't be a slick. You're smarter then that
No. YOU believe the left is pushing their beliefs on others, and you acted almost proud of the fact you pushed your beliefs on others. So you don't get the right to say that. Nice dodge, though. Shifting it from yourself to your favourite target. That's how I know I have you nailed.

But that's okay though. I know you won't admit fault no matter what.
I was wrong.

You aren't smarter then that :roll:

SO what your saying is that it OK in your mind for one side to push its beliefs but not the other. Can't have a discussion with that kind of flawed logic

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:02 am
by Ferno
no that's not what i'm saying at all. come on man stop pulling this ★■◆●.

Are you not seeing things clearly? or is your hate for liberals blinding you? If I thought it was okay for one side to push their beliefs onto others, I would have agreed with you pushing your anti-abortion stance onto others. But I didn't. Because I thought it was wrong.

So what does that tell you? Let's see this awesome logic of yours at work here.

But since i'm curious, give me one example of "the left pushing their beliefs onto others". But something tells me you're going to go right to "liberals promoting contraceptives" or some other horseshit like that.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:42 am
Then you need to clarify because you've been about as clear as mud.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:50 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Ferno wrote:my point is this: unless you are specifically asked, you can tell them what you believe in, but you have absolutely NO right to make them feel guilty or remorseful because you felt the need to push your beliefs onto them.
What's the difference between this and calling someone out because what they're doing is wrong?

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:42 pm
by Ferno
Sergeant Thorne wrote:
Ferno wrote:my point is this: unless you are specifically asked, you can tell them what you believe in, but you have absolutely NO right to make them feel guilty or remorseful because you felt the need to push your beliefs onto them.
What's the difference between this and calling someone out because what they're doing is wrong?
because it's not your place to do that. common sense, really. It's a concept that should have been explained to you when you were a kid.
CUDA wrote:Then you need to clarify because you've been about as clear as mud.
not my fault you can't understand.

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:20 pm
Not my fault you can't innunciate :roll:

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:34 pm
by Tunnelcat
CUDA wrote:The government does it every day. They tell me what I can and cannot do with my life. As far as "pushing" beliefs of some, you see it with every post on this forum, and experience it every day of your life with the interaction with others

You deal with it.
Well, how about this one. In all those Republican States that passed those invasive transvaginal ultrasound procedures in their deluded hopes of getting women to change their minds about having an abortion if they saw the fetus beforehand, have epically failed to change women's minds. So why still do the procedure at all? It's costs more money and it's not recommended by the physicians in charge. Are women who don't want it as part of a still legal procedure supposed to just deal with it too? ... udy-shows/

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:01 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Ferno wrote:because it's not your place to do that. common sense, really. It's a concept that should have been explained to you when you were a kid.
So what I'm doing is wrong? Wait, how did that just happen?... :shock:

Re: Thems Fightin' Words

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:28 pm
by woodchip
tunnelcat wrote:
CUDA wrote:The government does it every day. They tell me what I can and cannot do with my life. As far as "pushing" beliefs of some, you see it with every post on this forum, and experience it every day of your life with the interaction with others

You deal with it.
Well, how about this one. In all those Republican States that passed those invasive transvaginal ultrasound procedures in their deluded hopes of getting women to change their minds about having an abortion if they saw the fetus beforehand, have epically failed to change women's minds. So why still do the procedure at all? It's costs more money and it's not recommended by the physicians in charge. Are women who don't want it as part of a still legal procedure supposed to just deal with it too? ... udy-shows/
How many of those women were into their third trimester? How many got to watch their full formed baby get a pair of scissors rammed into it's worthless skull. And how many were later handed a baby where the abortion was botched but still managed to live and carry the scars the rest of it's life. Yup, those liberal minded Dems are just angels.