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Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:08 am
by Richard Cranium
We have to have more than 50 some people coming by now. Whats the count? How about an update?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:13 am
by Suncho
54 so far!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:02 pm
by kurupt
bought my tickets 2 days ago!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:03 am
by Ferno
My payment will be on it's way by the 15th.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:23 pm
by Dedman
Done. See you there.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:41 pm
by Richard Cranium
Looks like the last update to the Califest site is over a month old. Something has to have changed in that amout of time.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:07 am
by Birdseye
Rock hasn't been playing d3 and suncho moved out ;p

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:58 pm
by Suncho
But Califest is still on! =)


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:05 am
by The_Rock
hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates, and such. I need everyone who has already bought their plane tickets, to drop me an email.

I've been real busy lately, with work, life, family, and the new house. So for those who have purchased their plane tix already, please drop me an email, with all your itenerary.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:50 pm
by Richard Cranium
What the plan for monitor rentals?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:14 pm
by Suncho
I think there's a graphical glitch on her left boob. I mean... what?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:33 am
by Richard Cranium
I'd have to say Rock has a nice Rack.

Suncho wrote:I think there's a graphical glitch on her left boob. I mean... what?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:13 pm
by Richard Cranium
Richard Cranium wrote:What the plan for monitor rentals?
Still waiting for an answer to this.

Update on Califest =(

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:13 pm
by The_Rock
Okay, here we go peeps.. and i'm sorry to drop this on you. But here it is.. Califest will indeed be cancelled, due to things I have no control over.

Travelodge promised me that there was enough power in the room to support our event. However, the lady i was working with ended up quitting. There was about a 2 week gap, were travelodge hadn't replaced the lady. I had already made a deposit, and signed the contract. I then started to work with the Hotel Manager to see what was going on. She got an electrician out there, and comes out that they don't have enought power. They also wont allow me to get a subpanel installed, by a Licensed and bonded electrician. Not to mention they wont give me the deposit back. In an case, this has become a legal battle that i'm not pleased about.

I'm kind of pissed about the whole situation, considering the last two califests have been most excellent!! For those what know me, and know my heart.. Know that i bust my tail every year to bring an awesome lan!! Unfortunately i'm done throwing LAN's, and i'm finally through with D3. After these recents events with Califest 2k4, its just put a sour taste in my mouth. I will no longer be playing D3, nor throwing anymore lans. I'll be taking down.

I'll be refunding everyone that paid with pay pal, through their pay pal accounts. For those that sent me a check, please send me an email with your check #. Then i'll go ahead and reimburse you with a money order.

If you have any questions or concerns, just drop me an email:

I hope everyone understands I did not want this to happen. If you bought a non-refundable plane ticket, let me know. I will definitely entertain you, and show you around the bay area, including SF. Even put up a small lan at my house, for those that wanna still play. For those that know how tough it is to throw a LAN, i'm sure you feel my pain. The past two califest lan parties, have been awesome. I have so many great memories, and have met so many great friends. I truly will miss all the great times, and fun matches.

For those that are my close friends from the d3 community, we will always keep in touch.


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:22 pm
by Grendel

/me is stunned.. :cry:


Thanks for all the effort Rock -- I really appreciate it and wish it would have happen since I had such a blast last year.. GL !

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:45 pm
/me falls over laughing!

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:48 pm
by Pun
umm, April Fools?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:55 pm
by Grendel
If it is he sure got me -- and I don't think it's very funny..

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:12 pm
by WarAdvocat
I don't understand why you'd cancel over something like that...Line up another venue, I can get a coalition of people together who are willing to invest to make up the lost deposit until such time as it is refunded.

I can help! I'm personally willing to invest time and bucks to make it happen bro. Don't get discouraged and just call it off!

I was REALLY looking forward to this, it was going to be one of the highpoints of my miserable life this year! I'm sure there's lots of others who feel the same way! (At least they feel that I have a miserable life..)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:18 pm
by Gooberman
its a joke :P

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:25 pm
by The_Rock
WarAdvocat wrote:I don't understand why you'd cancel over something like that...Line up another venue, I can get a coalition of people together who are willing to invest to make up the lost deposit until such time as it is refunded.

I can help! I'm personally willing to invest time and bucks to make it happen bro. Don't get discouraged and just call it off!

I was REALLY looking forward to this, it was going to be one of the highpoints of my miserable life this year! I'm sure there's lots of others who feel the same way! (At least they feel that I have a miserable life..)
bro it's not even the money, I make enough money to take the loss. I mean i have two choices, one is I refund everyone. Or two, I postpone the event til sometime later this summer or fall. It's really all up to you. For those that think I'm a joke, or think I'm a flake. Whatever, I done stop caring what other people think a long time. All i can say, is in the past two years, the biggest and baddest LAN's where Califest LAN Parties.

In any case, depending on what the people want!! If ya'll want refunds I can do that, if ya'll want me to postpone to a later date. I WILL! You guys tell me, refund or postpone. If it's postponed, it will take me some time to find another venue. It wasn't the money War, never was. It was the place lying to me about the power.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:46 pm
by Grendel
Postpone pls ! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:50 pm
by Gooberman
For those that think I'm a joke, or think I'm a flake. Whatever, I done stop caring what other people think a long time. All i can say, is in the past two years, the biggest and baddest LAN's where Califest LAN Parties.
You just don't go silent for 15 days then decide to post this on April fools day Rock :P

Maybe its real, but if it is you should of posted this yesterday or tommarow.

Regardless, your lans were, and will still be ;), the biggest and baddest lans.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 3:53 pm
by The_Rock
Jazzy_Jet and I, are going up to the Travelodge to doublecheck on power.. and see if there's anything we can do, to make this happen.


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:06 pm
by The_Rock

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:07 pm
by [AuDiO]
postpone it! I was really looking forward to coming, and hope I still can!

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:07 pm
by Richard Cranium
The_Rock wrote:Jazzy_Jet and I, are going up to the Travelodge to doublecheck on power.. and see if there's anything we can do, to make this happen.
Contact me, maybe I can help.


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:49 pm
by Pun

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 5:38 pm
by Vander
I just cancelled my plane tickets. :(

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:57 pm
by kurupt
i cant cancel mine, if it doesnt go down at the already scheduled date, i won't be going

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:48 pm
by Suncho
Ok everyone. Here's the official word. Cali Fest is back on! JazzyJet fixed it. Yay!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:28 am
by Ferno
april fools jokes only work up til noon Jeff. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:08 am
by kurupt
any way you look at it, rock is catching extra jizz in the next circle jerk.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:09 am
by WarAdvocat
The_Rock wrote: bro it's not even the money, I make enough money to take the loss. I mean i have two choices, one is I refund everyone. Or two, I postpone the event til sometime later this summer or fall. It's really all up to you. For those that think I'm a joke, or think I'm a flake. Whatever, I done stop caring what other people think a long time. All i can say, is in the past two years, the biggest and baddest LAN's where Califest LAN Parties.

In any case, depending on what the people want!! If ya'll want refunds I can do that, if ya'll want me to postpone to a later date. I WILL! You guys tell me, refund or postpone. If it's postponed, it will take me some time to find another venue. It wasn't the money War, never was. It was the place lying to me about the power.
I wasn't sayin that you're a joke or a flake...or even broke...

Just that I am willing to help, I really want this to happen. Please email me if you need a hand, or catch me on PXO! I do a lot of facilitation for projects, and deal with vendors all day long for my job. Sounds like you have a cranky vendor/service provider, which is what I have to deal with every day.

Let me know!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 11:37 am
by Birdseye
What did Jazzy do to fix it?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:28 pm
He pulled out his guitar and starting to sing in the lobby. They yielded to get him to stop ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:33 pm
by Suncho
He went down there and figured out the electricity.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:19 pm
by Pugwash

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:20 pm
by Suncho
He's an electrician... and he likes helping people. =)

thank god for Jazzy

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:31 am
by The_Rock
Jazzy is indeed a life saver!! Everything is a go, start calling the place and making your room reservations. 50 bux a night plus tax, Califest room special.