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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:40 pm
by Suncho
Beautiful camera work! The man who took that picture is my hero.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:52 pm
by Isaac
That's a nice set up, but what do you think of my new controller?

are you talking about the pics i just posted?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:22 am
by World War Woodi
Right now I'm using 2 logitech extreme 3d pro's, I use the new one on the right hand and the broken hat one on the left [lol], in a continuing rotation. Until I feel like fixing the broken ones.

I'm considering buying two of Grendels gameport to usb mods to support two 3d pro's. Or learning to use the keyboard on the left hand. Hate keyboards for gaming though.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:03 am
by Sligar
Isaac: Looks like an interesting controller, i'd have to actually hold one to see how it felt though. It looks like with all the buttons on there you might need some 'dead' space where you can just hold it without pressing a button down. What might be cool would be to have two more sticks on the bottom for the index fingers, then you'd have 8 analog axes. Might be a little confusing to use at first, but it would be good for d3.

BFDD: did you give up on the logitech wireless? I see you're using one in the photo, but I keep exchanging mine at circuit city whenever it goes bad, which is often if I'm playing D3 a lot. What's your control map on the nostromo? I use my left thumb for forward (space bar), but I couldn't find a way to do this on the nostromo without getting carpal tunnel.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:34 am
by BfDiDDy
Sligar wrote: BFDD: did you give up on the logitech wireless? I see you're using one in the photo, but I keep exchanging mine at circuit city whenever it goes bad, which is often if I'm playing D3 a lot. What's your control map on the nostromo? I use my left thumb for forward (space bar), but I couldn't find a way to do this on the nostromo without getting carpal tunnel.

Yeah, screw the logitech wireless, I've got about 6 FFpro2's that I just switch out the switches on the hat (i.e what krom does). As far as using my thumb, what I did on the nostromo, I chopped a bouncy ball in half and super glued it on the d-pad. Turns it to an 8 way directional hat.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:02 am
by will_kill
A fellow once stopped me from buying a wireless mouse claiming fierce lag issues for gamers....

(things that make ya' go hmmmm....)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:41 am
by Sligar
Hmmm interesting, I tried sticking various things on there but couldn't come up with anything that felt right. Maybe I'll revisit.

will_kill, the wireless js has great performance - its pretty much lag free. Problem is the durability. I really don't care about the wireless part anyway, I like it because of the precise feel. I think logitech makes a non wireless version, but the durability is even worse.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:56 am
by will_kill
wireless joystick....hmmm, yeh, I have trouble using the j/s so I use the mouse :(

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:57 am
by Tancients
I'm not sure if I should post the question here or make a new topic, since its fairly related.

I actually have a bit of a cockpit setup (Not just for Descent or flight sims) Where basically I recline back, my legs are straight out, and the screen is above my lap or slightly behind, depending on position.

But I'm trying to figure out what sort of accesories would be good for this kind of setup? I currently use just a keyboard, as I don't have room for joystick and keyboard in my lap.

Something like BUBBALOU's setup seems really great, other than I'd need to modify/remove the feet pedals.

Funkystickman's is what I was initially looking for. A control panel type Joystick that I can sit on my lap, and not have to figure out where to put the keyboard.

Or maybe something like the nostromo + lap joystick. I guess I'm mostly not sure what would be the best setup, and I'd rather not buy the good equipment only to find out its not comfortable or not suitable.

Also been thinking about getting some VR goggles and use my screen for when I'm actually working. heh

Right now I use the default keyboard setup in trichording with ease for me. o.o

i use keyboard

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:06 am
by fhqwgads
i use keyboard.

fore: a
aft: z
up: home
down: end
left: delete
right: pgdn
ptch up: down arw
ptch down: up arw
guns: space
bombs: rshift
flare: f
light: l
bank left: q
bank right: e
chng weapon: w
counter: enter
map: tab
audio taunts: r,t,y,u

thats all i can remember other than the number keyz

Enzo03 was here.
All your face are belong to us.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:07 am
by fhqwgads
not perfect but it works for me and i can still get some kills off the pros and some points in team games.

i suck but i rool

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:28 pm
by Ned
Sometimes I daydream about making an arcade shell for D3. Lay back lawn chair style, LCD above your head, etc. Ah, if only!

You all are in serious trouble if I ever map things tha make ANY sense :P