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Fusion pimp
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Post by Fusion pimp »

Will I ever live down that statement?

Testi, let me make myself clear. In a 1v1 I will not typekill.. in anarchy I will typekill without regard.

In a 1v1, if you're typing, you're typing to me.
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Post by Clayman »

There is a difference between me getting accedentaly killed and the person trying to up his kill count, and usually people who do the latter are punks
I'm curious, what other purpose is there in a "first to 50" anarchy game besides upping your killcount?
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Post by Grendel »

Having fun maybe ? :P
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Post by Clayman »

But the fun is in blowing stuff up. Who'd have fun if they stayed at 0 kills the entire game? ;)
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Post by Lothar »

I've had lots of fun in games I've stayed at not-very-many kills the entire game.
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Post by whuppinboy »

who woulda thought a simple request would turn into a 3 page love fest? :lol:
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Barry when was the last time you played D3?...Shhhh you.

I still say typing and expecting not to die is ruder than typekilling...

But on the other hand, I kind of agree with Top Wop in that if you find a corner and type and someone wastes you even though you're out of the way, they're a punk.

I just don't make an issue of it.

I like to use TK's as a tactic sometimes, to get someone worked up and playing hard. :) Keeps the game fun.
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Post by Top Gun »

Clayman wrote:But the fun is in blowing stuff up. Who'd have fun if they stayed at 0 kills the entire game? ;)
I've stayed around 33% for as long as I've been a D3 pilot, which has been a few years, and I still have fun. I may get smeared across the walls of the level, but at least I'm having fun, right? :P
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Post by WarAdvocat »

If your goal is to make pretty explosions and supply orbs and stuff to people...

Then yeah, 33% can be fun.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

Since when has TK which stands for Team Kill in every other game and is also reflected in the scoreboard in the mod TEAMS for D3 become Typekiller ?? Frelling n000bz

AceHolez© need not reply (BTW Ace I said logs as in P/M's)
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Post by AceCombat »

ill reply if i want to. usualy ill get in a corner and try to type. type killing, you make yourself a target for the numbnut trigger happy mofos, its spawn killing that riles me. you see someone spawn, comon now.....ive spawned and the instant i start to move and my inv goes away....BOOM....im dead... not even a change to move. now dying in a crossifre i can handle thats the game's fault for spawning me in a crossfire loaded location.

and bubbleb!tch....im waiting for my match and your soo called bombardment of mirc threats and scripting
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Post by TheCops »

ace grow a sack. spawnkilling doesn't exist.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

heh... I love intentionally spawnkilling people when they whine about it!

It always makes me giggle when I jack some fool up on an accidental spawn kill, and he cries "OMFG D00D I CAN'T EVEN GET A WEAPON YOU SPAWNKILLER FAG"

I just act all innocent and say "but you start with weapons, or are yours broken?"

And then spawnkill 'em with blues and concs.

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Post by Top Gun »

WarAdvocat wrote:If your goal is to make pretty explosions and supply orbs and stuff to people...

Then yeah, 33% can be fun.
Hey, what can I say? Explosions are cool! My ship is just the gift that keeps on giving...:P
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Post by Fusion »

Lothar wrote:In D3, when people type, a keyboard pops up over their ship to inform you that they're typing and therefore not shooting at you.

Some people like to replace it with a target -- essentially, to say "if you're typing, you're not safe."

By the way, guys, how do I use the BP cow skin? (the target had instructions... the BP skin didn't.)
Lothar, thats easy. If it is the same on PC's as it is on Mac, here u go:
open zip file,transfer all skin files to ur Custom/ Graphics folder. Bingo, ur set. Select BP (if you have it) in D3, and u will b able to c it.
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Post by Ferno »

My impression of Ace:

wah! wah! wah!
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Post by Krom »

fusion wrote:
Lothar wrote:In D3, when people type, a keyboard pops up over their ship to inform you that they're typing and therefore not shooting at you.

Some people like to replace it with a target -- essentially, to say "if you're typing, you're not safe."

By the way, guys, how do I use the BP cow skin? (the target had instructions... the BP skin didn't.)
Lothar, thats easy. If it is the same on PC's as it is on Mac, here u go:
open zip file,transfer all skin files to ur Custom/ Graphics folder. Bingo, ur set. Select BP (if you have it) in D3, and u will b able to c it.
Descent3\custom\graphics Incorrect!
Extract the BP skin files directly into the Descent3 root folder.
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Post by Iceman »

Capm wrote:.... a select few diehard polite people with some semblance of sportsmanship left in them refuse to typekill, and I believe the community has lost a valuable part of itself in the process...
I believe whole heartedly in good sportsmanship. I believe that we all should be respectfull of the others in every game we play and that doing so fosters a good online community.

Many players (including myself) work hard at focusing their minds ... concentrating heavily ... evaluating every move by self and opponent. Typing in-game out of observer mode seriously disrupts this highly important part of the game. Expecting others to break their 'zone' and avoid you is SELFISH and downright RUDE ... Players that do this demonstrate POOR sportsmanship.

Such behavior tears down all the good that being respectfull to others builds up. Peeps that exhibit such behavior need to be punished. I believe that the only fitting punishment for such RUDE and SELFISH behavior is the death penalty ...

I'll keep the bullseye.

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Post by Krom »

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