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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:16 pm
by Grendel
Could we please not turn this thread into a manual for hacking ? And Spaceboy, you better believe SuperSheep. He's the author of AntiCheat and is the most knowledable person outside Outrage about the inner workings of D3.


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:20 pm
by Spaceboy
SuperSheep wrote: Why cheat if it's not giving you enough of an upper hand?
Because I don't cheat.

If I actually did cheat enough for it to even be noticeable, your program would have definitely caught me by now. Pyro, Pheonix, Magnum are not editable for me in dedicated servers. They are in games I've started, or single player games.
I actually don't have a single table file that can be run in dedicated servers because my hog2 file wont open, and I don't know the exact settings of the original one.

see above note


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:22 pm
by Spaceboy
Grendel wrote:Could we please not turn this thread into a manual for hacking ? And Spaceboy, you better believe SuperSheep. He's the author of AntiCheat and is the most knowledable person outside Outrage about the inner workings of D3.
Pictures and videos will be the only way of making anyone believe me. Give me a video program and I will show you exactly what happens to my computer if I try to cheat.

It would be a total witch hunt if you had not ever hacked.

This is you now living down your prior wrong doing.

One would hope this small situation would teach you that bad decisions lead to unwanted concequences but looking at your posts in this thread, it looks like you havent learned squat and feel everyone else is to blame for what is happening to you.

Just keep repeating this sentence and maybe it will all sink in eventually.
" I brought this all on myself"
Do you even realize how narrow minded that is? I hacked for a period of about a month 5 years ago and all you can say is "You get what you deserve, hacker!" That is just ridiculous. If I had murdered someone, or burned down your house on purpose then that's probably the correct mindset to have. If you have nothing else better to say, please get off this topic.

EDIT: I've been just working through my table file and tried to make it as close as the original as possible, I changed my thrust in a pyro to 40000.0000 and 10000.0000 (the original is around 5000) to see what would happen, it flew the same speed with each of those settings. It didnt crash me for some reason, but the table file seemed to have no effect on my ship in it, again if I had a video program I'd like to demonstrate it.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:42 pm
by Behemoth
Yeah, for sure trust sheep.
He knows quite a thing or two about this subject.


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:48 pm
by Foil
Spaceboy wrote:actually I know one way that lets you instantly change directions. It's this extremely cheap cheat called...
0 keyboard ramping. Oh no!
Keyboard ramping simply changes the delay for the "repeat" response to a button being held down.

Setting it to 0 helps, but it does not make a ship instantly change directions, because the game still factors for acceleration/deceleration and momentum (unless the ship physics have been altered, that is).

You've clearly learned a lot from playing with the table.gam, Spaceboy, but you still seem to have some misconceptions. As Grendel said, SuperSheep knows more about the inner workings of Descent3 than any of the active people here, you can take what he says to the bank. He built a number of D3 mods and tools that you may have even used, he's helped me with some D3 C++ coding of my own, and he's the guy who originally designed the AntiCheat system. He knows what he's talking about.


Also, as Gren said, let's not turn this thread into a "how-to" for hacking. If you have something that the Server-Ops should see, PM it to them, or post on the ServerOps Forum.


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:30 pm
by Spaceboy
or post on the ServerOps Forum.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:16 pm
by Behemoth
hey let's get candyass in this post and make it a party :)


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:05 pm
Grendel wrote:Could we please not turn this thread into a manual for hacking ? .....
yeah get rid of these pics please

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:24 pm
by Spaceboy
They prove a point, at least try to comprehend it.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:55 pm
by Foil
Spaceboy wrote:They prove a point, at least try to comprehend it.
All they show is that you are messing around in your tablefile and the hog file, Space.

The edits you're claiming aren't possible are quite possible. The fact that you claim you can't do them proves nothing whatsoever.


Spaceboy wrote:EDIT: I've been just working through my table file and tried to make it as close as the original as possible.
Try this:

Quit messing around in the file. Delete it, so D3 can use the original. Like the rest of us.

Hell, delete it all and re-install if you have to.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:16 pm
by Money!
Spaceboy, when I played with you, you didn't seem like you were hacking. But, I am computer illiterate and not one of the old, skilled players. So my saying I didn't see anything doesn't mean much. But I still don't think you hack. I'll give you that.

But stop complaining and bitching! If you don't hack now, that should be good enough for you. Why all these long posts? Why all this crying out? Because you love attention. You love the drama. You hacked in the past, that's your reputation, and that's too bad, you're gonna have to live with it. Nothing you do will change that. So man up, get over it, and let your playing do the talking. I'm sick of all the ★■◆● I hear about you.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:51 pm
by Ferno
this thread is done.