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Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:28 pm
by Grendel
I don't think Hoard is supported by SD..

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:41 pm
by Bet51987
But Bettina ! don't forget: press F6, scroll down a bit, right and down to TURN OFF AUDIO TAUNTS !
Thanks anyway :wink: .....but I like clean audio taunts from Ingus and the rest of the good guys. I don't care how annoying it is. It's fun and part of the D3 experience that I enjoy, and to keep playing with it turned off tells the lowlifes that I'm ok with fwords.....I have the names of each one who show no respect for the young kids playing, and just go to another game when they come in.
If there are no games, I go play Online Slingo. I like both games.
many know ingus is the abominable noob
:? I didn't know........I never played you before. So you didn't win anything. You can try to convince your other BIGHEAD clan members that you won, but sooner or later they will question your Bigness and boot you out. But don't worry. If that time comes, you will always be welcome as a "Dancer Probationary Player" till we deem you acceptable.

PINGS.........when the BIGHEADS leave the game screaming about ping levels not being optimum, just remember that Dancerites work with the ping and stay in the game. We don't run away :arrow: crying.

I'll be looking for you tonight Ingus...... :x

Subway Rules!........I wish Spaceprincess would show up.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:48 pm
by Sarge
indika :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:19 pm
by Beowulf
Ingus at half strength is still twice as good as any of the Dancerites will ever be.

End of story. Props to the Ninja way.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:04 pm
by Bet51987
Well....I just got finished playing the mighty :?: INGUS :?: for over an hour and I have him 15-12. (I think this makes it 3 in a row)
I have to do some homework and I told him that. I will be back to play at 9.
But, I just had to post this.....hehe :D


P.S. he really is a good player....I broke a nail fighting him...hahahaha

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:18 pm
by TheCops
bet51987 wrote:P.S. he really is a good player....I broke a nail fighting him...hahahaha
how can you tell he is any good at all? it's subway dancer for the love of DESCENT3! play him in SLW or something that is remotely related to the weapons that come with the game.

of course, all of this could be boss man playing another clever trick.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:53 pm
by Clayman
and to keep playing with it turned off tells the lowlifes that I'm ok with fwords
No. You have to understand that a great number of pilots don't fly with taunts on, and anyone who uses taunts should understand that the only person they can know for sure is hearing them is themself, if theirs are turned on. At best it tells them you're not paying any attention to them.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:54 pm
by melvin
best thread ever.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:10 pm
by Bet51987
Clayman wrote:
and to keep playing with it turned off tells the lowlifes that I'm ok with fwords
No. You have to understand that a great number of pilots don't fly with taunts on, and anyone who uses taunts should understand that the only person they can know for sure is hearing them is themself, if theirs are turned on. At best it tells them you're not paying any attention to them.
Then I won't be able to play or hear any audio tuants. That makes the game boring to me.......

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:12 pm
by Bet51987
TheCops wrote:
bet51987 wrote:P.S. he really is a good player....I broke a nail fighting him...hahahaha
how can you tell he is any good at all? it's subway dancer for the love of DESCENT3! play him in SLW or something that is remotely related to the weapons that come with the game.

of course, all of this could be boss man playing another clever trick.
Because Ingus is the one who started this war by saying he was going to kick all of us in SD. But he isn't doing that with me....hehe


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:01 pm
by kurupt
forrest wrote:Now this is what the game needs, sounds like it will be fun to play any of you pro. fighters. I just want to watch.I am no good at any level.I just join a game in progress,and have fun.
you see, this is the kind of subway dancer who has my respect.

bettina, do you play on the weekends? saturday evening i plan to install d3 and play a little. maybe i shall venture into SD and see what you are made of. i play under [D3k]kurupt so you know its me. cya then ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:37 pm
by Infamous Ingus
well well here we go again. Ingus is now officially the landlord of Subway Dancer. He jaw-jacked a lot of tenants tonight.

380 mofos including betty , whom deciding to leave once she "caught up and tied" ingus like anybody with some sense would. now of course shes going to reply with something spiffy, chicks always want the last word so fellas don't argue with them. leave it to ingus.


and if it were a lvl with default weapons it would be 64 times worse.

Gregory Ingus the 1st has reached GREAT NINJA status after slap boxing with sd jelly beans.(korrupt/swiftboat/sliger/sub not included, they actually used guns)

betty wont 1on1 ingus so thats out of the question
go ahead and drool betty, you know you dig ingus you know you got a crush on ingus! you like his mystique and his butterfly collar! and you just like the way ingus's pyro shakes its ass. OH YEAH!

then have the nerve to continue to speak down on ingus! Betty, when ingus started playing descent you were still in elementary school walking in a line with your class to the lunch room or field trips and still coloring in coloring books n stuff :P

and after ingus ran everyone out, he cocked his leg up and spread the place with his "Go-Go Juice"

now if you will excuse ingus, he's steppin in his unidentified flying object with his bowl of grapes and crusing away to some place that makes sense.

pizza! ingus wants some pizza!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:45 pm
by Skyalmian
41 suicides? God-damn, I didn't know the weapons were that overpowered!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:02 pm
by El Ka Bong
Yeah ! Ingus was Rollin' in it ! I bet it was that damn green hissy stuff ?!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:01 pm
by TigerRaptor
Skyalmian wrote:41 suicides? God-damn, I didn't know the weapons were that overpowered!
Overpowered and very little skill to use them.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:29 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
bet51987 wrote:It was from one of your top players that asked for asylum.
It's Spaceboy, isn't it!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:41 pm
by Bet51987 wouldn't believe it..

And Ingus, stop bragging. You played for FIVE hours.
Other players have also had scores in the 300's too.

I didn't leave because we were tied, I left because I have to get ready for School the next day. Geez your head is getting bigger each day.

and......oh yeah...out of three games with me you lost two and tied the third.


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:45 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
You could be right, but I'm pretty confident it wouldn't take me by surprise. ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:53 pm
by Bet51987
Sergeant Thorne wrote:You could be right, but I'm pretty confident it wouldn't take me by surprise. ;)
No, it's not's someone much bigger in the ranking. hehe.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:20 pm
by Grendel
Probably New_one :P

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:40 pm
by Skyalmian
Fusion moths...all of them.

Code: Select all

11) freddy
Total Time In Game: 36:56 minutes
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
cleaner                       6         0 
Jawah Hunter                  8         1 
k9                            7         2 
bettina                       1         0 
tree frog                     6         1 
Hellbent                      6         1 
smiddy                        1         1 
{SDK}Ugly ★■◆●               0         1
Topher or Xciter, fix the code. It's not supposed to add blank lines.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:47 pm
by Bet51987
Skyalmian wrote:Fusion moths...all of them.

Code: Select all

11) freddy
Total Time In Game: 36:56 minutes
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
cleaner                       6         0 
Jawah Hunter                  8         1 
k9                            7         2 
bettina                       1         0 
tree frog                     6         1 
Hellbent                      6         1 
smiddy                        1         1 
{SDK}Ugly *****               0         1
Topher or Xciter, fix the code. It's not supposed to add blank lines.
How did you do that.....get a list like that?


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:54 pm
by Krom
F6 D3 multiplayer menu, game stats to file --> autosave stats on level end + autosave stats on dissconnect, set to yes. Descent3\netgames folder (default is c:\games\descent3\netgames). All files named *.stats, open then with Notepad. Best way to find a recent game is to sort by date (in windows explorer hit view in the "file | edit | view | favorates | tools | help" near the top, select "details", then in the top of the right window where all the files are shown click on the bar that says "date modified").

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:40 pm
by Bet51987
The INGUS war is over. I'm not playing the type of game that [SDK]Freddy and [SDK]Billy tried to play with me.....I have more class. Ingus...your ok though.
No more posts on this subject for me.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:08 pm
by Spaceboy
wat ranking? lol 41 scuicides? 5 hours? im not exactly siding with the "dancerites" here, cause they stick in that same level. but ingus, your a creep going out attacking "dancerites" i played a game with you and i killed you bout 3:1 and it was ctf, i also scored like 4 points wich was second place. along with most kills, least deaths... (and for me i always have 8 more sucuiceds then other person with 2nd most :roll: )

sergent throne- why thank you for reffering to me as one of the "top" players, which there is no such thing. I have no idea how to pm. :x it looks like youve been a "dancerite" for the past week now. hows it feel, playin along with people your skill level?

Edit: that one when u had 400 kills, big deal. you cant exacly saying your the king cause you only got 2 kills a min. thats really low. and you didnt exactly own bet either, cause it was TIED. if your proud for owning noobs woohoo. i own u everywhere, elsewhere. ive seen you 3 times and i killed you about 10 times , when you only killed me twice.each time i saw you. it took about 15 minutes beofore you left.

edit: edit: crap some of your mentalness is going to my typeing :P

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by Infamous Ingus
who in the blue hell is spaceboy? ingus doesnt give a bag of boogers about how many flags you score.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by Admiral Thrawn
The majority of my deaths were from that cheezy homing acid missile. Since I'm new to subway dancer, I haven't learned to dodge it effectively yet. It seems the other pilots like to launch it and then leave the room immediately afterwards, hoping it will kill the enemy before the enemy kills them.

I think the main issue with subway dancer is that pilots use those cheezy fire and forget tactics in order to get kills. Most of my kills were chasing someone down who would launch some missiles and then leaving the room. Little did they know that it's futile to run from Korrupt.

The pilots, like Ingus, etc... that actually use weapons like fusion, vauss, etc... rather than relying on their fire and forget missiles are few compared to the ones that fire and run.

I guess this is why the a lot of the aces have a problem with this level. Remove that cheezy acid missile and those homing dingleberries and those pilots won't stand much of a chance against the aces and Elite. Unfortunately, the other games are completely empty so if you WANT to fight, you have to go where the other pilots are, which unfortunately, they are all packed into subway dancer.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:38 pm
by Infamous Ingus
sorry betty with whatever happened with fred and bill. most fun ingus has had in a while. we're cool.

now if you will excuse ingus, he has a dinosaur bone to pick with some guy known as:

" S P A C E B O Y "

Space boy I hope you're ready for this because this is going to be a doozy.

'cause ingus is coming for ......... that dude behind you and that other pilot on the other side of you until your little bad news bear @ss is left!

oh yeah!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:47 pm
by Spaceboy
lol one of the times i owned u, i was under the name unidentified flying stuffed animal. thats the name when i go around doing stupid stuffs like hitting myself with concs on the wall to 2 shilds then ramming into someone. somehow i onwed u. the reason why u "lost your skill" in 1999 is cause mabye you didnt get better, stayed the same, but everyone else advanced. im lookin forward to beating your buttcrack in the mines .... again. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:52 pm
by Lothar
Bettina, what exactly was wrong with the "type of game" Billy and Freddy wanted to play with you? Is it that they wanted to dogfight? Is it that they flew tanks? Were they using too many taunts? I popped in there while they were flying, and they didn't seem interested in doing anything lame. They just fought everybody and made everybody die a lot.

Oh, and for those of you who know me... I'm a pretty average pilot. Nothing special. Yet check out the subway performance:


Maybe you subway pilots would learn a thing or two if you ventured out into the wider world of Descent. Subway encourages tactics that never really make you a better pilot. Some of you have really mastered Subway -- and it does take a while to master -- but I seriously doubt most of the Subway pilots could hold their own against me outside of Subway, and I'm not anything special as a D3 pilot.

Not that there's anything wrong with never getting good at the game, of course... but if you were interested, playing in other levels would be a good step in that direction.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:05 pm
by Infamous Ingus
actually after 99 ingus entered mating season because it was time to breed. 1999 was like d1/d2's prime. Ingus didnt play d3 until a year later cause his heart was never really in it. he only plays because of the entertaining peeps around the d3 community that provided ingus with loads of giggles.

then he stopped playing and started writing like sirian the greatest descenter ever. then he decided to come back to d3 for shits ang giggles 2 years later which is now.

So here ingus is in all his glory ready to OBLITERATE a new newbie that boast about kills that nobody cares about.

and just the simple fact that you post about scoring 4 flags. DUDE CONGRATULATIONS!

how about you and ingus fly into a level based on a town with a population of "2" which will be you and Ingus if you arent that smart.

Then once ingus puts on his "hot damn shades" and the population changes to 1, with only MAYOR INGUS remaining.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:39 pm
by Skyalmian
Ungh. Long game. I was Freddy. Krom was Billy.

At the end, it was just us and Breezy. And guess what? That little acid cyclone-only using plick decided to fly outside the level.

[quote="Lothar]Were they using too many taunts?[/quote]
Krom and I don't use audio taunts. At all.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:48 pm
by Krom

Code: Select all

21) {SDK}Billy
Total Time In Game: 2:26:44 hours
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
bettina                       18        2   <--- Neener! Neener! Neener! HEHE!
{SDK}Freddy                   11        8   <--- Oops
{SDK}I_SUX                    6         5   <--- Oops #2
Seabreeze                     5         1   <--- "Seabreeze says: WTF?"  ~ nuff said
Breezy                        17        7   <--- Hacked & flew outside shell... PWNED! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:48 pm
by Spaceboy
hmm mm. if i see u in the mines, bring it on.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:51 am
by JMEaT
Heh, I was playing a game of SD last night because it was the only server that wasn't full and had people in it. :P

Needless to say I had a negative score afterwards, but now I know who was shooting me. :lol: All of those names shown above were there. Krom, were you going easy on me? :lol:

It has been so long since I activly played Descent, I think it is too late for ol' JMEaT. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:06 am
by Krom
JMEaT wrote:Krom, were you going easy on me? :lol:
Me, go easy on someone? :wink: :P

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:32 pm
by JMEaT
How silly of me! That would never happen!

*Maxes out Krom's FTP bandwidth*


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 3:53 pm
by Krom
*Caps JMEaT to 347 bytes per second*

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:42 pm
by Spaceboy
ha i fought ya ingus. i got acouple screenies of me owning ya pretty bad 1 on 1 if u try to deny it. also owning u 3-4 on 1 me being the 1. if i figured out how to post them on here id post the final score 13-9...

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:54 pm
by Zero!
SB 1v1 is different. dont come in here braging that u killed him more just by 4 points. ive killed many of guys like that too in an open game, but get my ass raped on 1v1.