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Tell us something different about yourself

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:28 pm
by Sapphire Wolf
The title says it all.

Anyways, wanna know something different about me.
Here it is:
-I've got sick and tired of the whole Pokemon franchise as well as the whole Yu-gi-oh franchise. They both make my head spin(ugh!).
-I've just changed my name from Dark Falcon to Sapphire Wolf(for those who didn't notice about it)

thats all I can think of.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:56 pm
by Topher
I sell \"artwork\".

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:07 pm
by Darktalyn1
I'm thinking about getting lasik surgery. Anyone here done it?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:08 pm
by Krom
My room looks like a mess, except the clean laundry is always folded and put away, the dirty laundry is always in a basket. I know where everything is in my room even if it just looks like it is thrown about randomly. That is making the most out of a very small room.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:27 pm
by Mobius
I have connected tendons on my index and middle finger, which means I can't salute correctly, or count off my fingers like most people can.

My sister who was so short sighted she couldn't find the soap if she dropped it in the shower had lasik on both eyes, in two weeks, and for a time she had 20/20.

4 years she has deteriorated slightly but she only has to wear glasses for reading - so that is pretty good.

She was so short sighted she had to have gas-permeable contact lenses which were banned by the FDA in the USA because leaving them in for 3 days can blind you. So she always wore a medic alert bracelet.

She reckons it's the best 5K she ever spent, if that's any help. Good Luck DT!

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:19 pm
by Unix
I'm an Airborne Cryptologic Russian Linguist in the USAF. Yesterday, I flew on a training mission over the midwest and sat through a 2 hour training aerial refueling. The guy next to me puked through the entire thing.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:28 pm
by Money!
I got my first paycheck ever today.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:04 pm
by Beowulf
I speak 3 languages. I'm double jointed like a pornstar's wet dream. I used to be extremely athletic and played sports all the time. Now I just drink and chase tail and play video games, with the occasional game of softball (drinking with a bat) frisbee (drinking with a disc) or football (drinking with a concussion). My doctor told me at this rate I'll have a fatty liver by the age of 30, to which I responded its about damn time my liver caught up to the rest of me. I smoke hookah all the time - I can blow Bilbo Baggins style smoke rings.


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:15 pm
by SirWinner
Hmmm... Let's see.

Avid gamer... that was a given.

Night Owl... another given.

Miss the nightly Descent 3 games online... doh again!


Perhaps one of these might apply here:

- Love Assembly (Computer) Language but rarely get to use it these days.

- Too busy working, gaming, and sleeping to unpack after moving to a small place. Nearly a month and still have to unpack and move a few things from storage... DOH!

- Drive an almost 14 year old vehicle. Had this car long than my only child is old. (She's 12 now.)



Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:34 pm
by DCrazy
My typical day begins at 1 PM and ends around 6 AM.

I average two all-nighters a week during the school year.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:29 am
by Isaac
I can't tell the difference between a dream and reality. If i try to remember phone calls, they might not be real. Or if i remember someone asking me to do something, it might not have really happed. I don't understand people most of the time, causing me to come on to strong or inconsiderate. I've almost killed 2 of my friends because i play too rough and i've made every female supervisor i ever had cry, because i have no since if a joke is inappropriate.

They thought i was mentally retarded in elementary school, but when my iq results came back they put me in 'gifted' classes. I failed to start a single assignment, even on the new medication. I was put back in my old class so i could pass with a C average.

I wanted to be a professional firefighter, then a fighter pilot, robot engender, then finally an architect. My mind was so comfortable with autocad i could finish 3 week projects in 4 days. I finally had a teacher that talked to me like a human being. He was going to send me to a high school state drafting competition, but i was failing in every other subject. No pass no play.

When i was a sophomore in highschool i loved autocad, then someone next to me turned on a program called 3dstudomax. After that i failed my drafting class, but i became the best 3d artist in the whole school. The problem was there was no 3d classes offered. In august i'll have my associates in 3d animation.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:49 am
by Duper
I spend too much time here.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:50 am
by Hunter
I still can't bloody drive.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:57 am
by Duper
Unix wrote:I'm an Airborne Cryptologic Russian Linguist in the USAF. Yesterday, I flew on a training mission over the midwest and sat through a 2 hour training aerial refueling. The guy next to me puked through the entire thing.

aaand now you have to kill us?? :shock:

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:05 am
by Unix
HA! Naw, none of that is classified. In fact, you can find out a an amazing ammount about my job at It's all rather dry anyway.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:03 am
by CDN_Merlin
I was burned 2nd degree on my chest xmas eve 1970 at 9 months of age. My mom was cooking and had to answer the phone, she put the grease in a cup and put me down, then he realized it and by the time she turned around, I had poured it on myself. She ripped off my ★■◆● and poued vasaline intensive care on me. Doc said luckily she removed my shirt. No scared and grafs.

I just started to drive 3 yrs ago at age 33. Never needed to before.

I'm presently single after 17 years of being with my wife (which I miss).

I'm allegic to dust and I work for a Lumber Company.

My first dream was to be a Locomotive Engineer.

I'm in the Descent 3 credits (book and game).

I used to rollerblade 100KM a week when I worked at Foreign Affairs Canada.

I don't speak to anyone in my entire family (sad but true).

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:29 am
by DCrazy
CDN_Merlin wrote:My first dream was to be a Locomotive Engineer.
Hah, that's what I want to do when I retire.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:05 am
by Kiran
I got my first car three years ago. Busted a tire...several times but no other damage to my car... except for the rollover from the fireworks and the backing into a pole at work (I swear that pole came from nowhere!). :mrgreen:
In late April I suffered a complicated type of mononucleosis... I recovered and started getting my life back when the doctor told me I have a baseball sized cyst on my spleen. Not only that, but I have \"wandering\" spleen, which means my spleen is hanging all the way down in my belly instead of its protected spot under the left rib. There are about 40 reported cases of the wandering spleen in the world. :oops:
This Monday I'm due for a surgery to remove the cyst. I may also lose my spleen if the surgeon deems it's too dangerous to be left there. I'm rather nervous since the outcome of the surgery is uncertain. :|
I met a man in Kali whom I fell hard for and am now seeing him. I feel so lucky to have him. He's doing what he can to transfer to Tennessee to be closer to me :D (Sorry guys, I think I might be taken for good. ;) 8) ).

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:53 pm
by dissent
I bought a new car a couple of months back. Mazda 3. Very nice. I really like it. Replaced my '92 Protege with 193K on it.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I spilled coffee all over the front seat.

I was not amused.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:31 pm
by Top Wop
I keep myself busy, though recently its been getting to me:

Right now im in summer school retaking Calc Two for the upteenth time with the help of a Motorola engineer for my tutor, hoping to god that I get at least a D so I can transfer in a month to NIU to complete 2 more years towards my degree in computer science. Besides summer school, I work for Motorola where I do quality control for prototype phones in a lab (if you think the Razr is cool and couldn't get any smaller then you aint seen nothin' yet!)

In my off time I dick around on the computer, mostly games. I also tinker around with my two Pontiac Bonnevilles, a 93 SE and a supercharged 96 which needs some work but is the sweetest ride ever made by GM. I am setting up a website for my cars, and the gallery doesn't actually showcase the outside of the cars (didnt have a chance to) but there is only a couple and some interesting stuff like an oil pan gasket fix and such:

That's pretty much it. In about a month my lifestyle will change and most of what I have typed up there wont be true since ill be adapting to university life.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:26 pm
by Ferno
I might end up having a job ending the life of a bunch of rocks.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:05 pm
by Cuda68
Ferno wrote:I might end up having a job ending the life of a bunch of rocks.
Your going to be a politician in Washington?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:15 pm
by HighOctane_Jared
I just worked the hardest day of my life (12 hours of digging trenches and laying down sod). Feels good ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:45 pm
by Kilarin
Unix wrote:I'm an Airborne Cryptologic Russian Linguist in the USAF.
How incredibly COOL! Cryptography is one of my hobbies!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:02 pm
by aldel
I have no car, TV, or kids, and I like it that way.

Except I sort of have a TV now, since I have a tuner card in my PC that picks up a few stations, but I don't watch it.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:35 am
by Isaac
aldel wrote:I have no car, TV, or kids, and I like it that way.

Except I sort of have a TV now, since I have a tuner card in my PC that picks up a few stations, but I don't watch it.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:20 am
by Sirius
I currently work as a developer for a web design/hosting company, and have done so on and off since November last year. This will probably be my last month though thanks to studies.

I also consider myself extraordinarily arrogant sometimes ... but just try not to let it show. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:06 am
by Flabby Chick
I reckon i'm hitting male menopause or somthing, cause i'm high as a kite one moment then in the depths the next. Pain in the ass for people around me.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:17 pm
by Tricord
I have three full time occupations (working for univ, partying/working for the univ student club, and running a company). Now a girlfriend has been added to the mix, reducing sleeping time even more :)

In a year I will graduate (again) and will probably be over-qualified for most jobs ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:23 pm
by Mobius
Beowulf wrote:I speak 3 languages. I'm double jointed like a pornstar's wet dream. I used to be extremely athletic and played sports all the time. Now I just drink and chase tail and play video games, with the occasional game of softball (drinking with a bat) frisbee (drinking with a disc) or football (drinking with a concussion). My doctor told me at this rate I'll have a fatty liver by the age of 30, to which I responded its about damn time my liver caught up to the rest of me. I smoke hookah all the time - I can blow Bilbo Baggins style smoke rings.

Dude - you and I need to get out for a round of Disc Golf: I'm a real fan. Dunno about the drinking on course though - what's the etiquette there? The only thing I know to do is smoke-up: it doesn't make you careless, but it does make you care less. It doesn't make you play any better, but it does make you feel better about the way you play. ;)

Love the "football (drinking with a concussion)" thing - that's a keeper!

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:50 pm
by TechPro
I'm writing a novel.

I also participate in writing a story that several other people are all writing. Each contributer has one or more characters in the story and we all contribute to the story online by posting our character's part of the story.

Completely different from what I do for a living.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:14 pm
by TIGERassault
Ok, lets see:

-I'm allergic to milk, aspartame, yeast, dust, mixed moulds, sugar, spices, mint, garlic, coffee, tea, a bunch of food colourings, and chalk.
-I amn't supposed to let water get in my ears.
-I have a terrible yeast infection. (and is responsible for some of my allergies)
-I can't... uhh... reproduce. (I think it's the yeast infection)
-I have a constant earache and blocked nose, and can often hear ringings. (responsible for the rest of my allergies and the water thingy)
-If I run for about 2 minutes, I get a terrible pain in my lungs. It occurs much sooner after eating. (Which is a real annoyance, sports wise; I'm still thin though, because the yeast infection also includes weight loss)
-My girlfriend, and the first I ever had, happens to live in Canada. At least I'll be able to see her in summer.

On the other hand, there are also bonuses:
-I'm in the top 1% of my age-sex group in my the country (Ireland) for both abstract reasing and spacial awareness.
-Apparently I'm incredibly popular, and I have no idea why. I even got banned from flipping a bottle because it made too many people cheer.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:56 pm
by FunkyStickman
-I answer useles threads like this one :)
-I can juggle balls, clubs, rings, and flaming torches.
-I went to college for Music, was playing saxophone professionally when I was 14. I can play 15 different kinds of instruments.
-I now own my own business, doing courier driving for a pathology lab in the mornings, and fixing computers in the afternoons. I carry no less than 4 sets of breasts to the lab weekly (from sugeries).
-I'm 32, and I have 4 kids. I've been married almost 10 years.
-None of the computers in my house run Windows anymore (I have about 6).
-I know how to make balloon animals.
-I have severe ADD and only missed passing high school with honors by one tenth of a grade point, because I didn't do ANY of my homework.
-I scored a perfect 36 on the English part of the ACT (college placement test) the first time I took it.
-I love Descent!! Oh, wait, you knew that...

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:44 pm
by Dakatsu
-The males in my family, including me, never read manuals to anything, and in most cases, we do it correctly.
-I am the second male to have blue eyes in the family.
-I converted my dad from Lutheran Cristianity to Atheism, something hard to do, especially for a kid.
-My girlfriend & my family are both from germany, but take spanish. We both get better grades in spanish than english, but barley know how to speak it.
-I have been playing musical instruments since I was 7, but the only one I know how to play good I have been playing for only one year (the electric guitar)
-I have mixed hair all colors all over my body, either blonde or brunette. For instance, my mustache and head hair are brunette, but my beard hair is blonde.
-My most favorite color is purple, my least favorite color is pink.
-I am addicted to caffeine, and headache relievers. If I go without either, I will go through withdrawl.
-I have seven broken ribs and a scar on my right arm, the only visible damage to me.
-I am masochistic, but I play videogames where you kill many people.
-I have one bible in my household, and it is a Gideons bible I took from a hotel room. I am up to Genesis 36. I started reading it over five years ago.
-I fly in mathmatics and technology. I hate social studies due to a really bad teacher in social studies.
-Although I have always thought my girlfriend was older and smarter than me, I found out she gets way poorer grades than me, and I am a month older than she is: I dont fell worthless anymore. She is still a foot taller than me however.
-I am the only one in my family with no problems related to my eyes.
-I can never find the remote, but I can find the smallest line of code in the largest file of a mod that I am making.
-I am not attracted to blonde girls at all, but brunette girls seem to stand out. Could it be all those blonde jokes?
-I am afraid of bugs, but not anything else
-I have the longest hair of anyone in my family, even the females. It only goes down to shoulder length, barley touching it.-My sexiest feature, according to girls, is my \"retty blue eyes that sparkle\". Ironically my hair covers up my eyes.
-I sleep eighteen hours a day on weekends (average). On weekdays, I sleep three hours a day (average).
-I spoil my girlfriend. I buy her shoes, dinners, toys, games, stuff, jewelery, clothes, and even trips to themeparks like Busch Gardens, Disney, etc. So far my receipts say over $2000 dollars, in 6 months. I have no job, and I have been saving up that money since I was nine. I sure hope I get a good job when I grow up :P

There, that is about as random as it gets.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:30 am
by Jon the Great
I live in a house with curved stone walls. It looks vaguely like mickey mouse from above.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:35 am
by De Rigueur
My mother was recently diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and will be taking chemotherapy for the next few months. The doctors seem pretty sure that the drugs will be able to control the problem so we're not too worried about it. Cancer treatment has come a long way.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:20 am
by Testiculese
I had a vasectomy.
I have Cheers Seasons 1-8. 32 DVD's total (it was on sale...)
I'm highly attracted to girls who are over 21 but look 17. (Not underdeveloped-looking though, 'cause then they look too much like 17.) Needless to say, Asians are my women of choice. My gf is 4'11, 105lbs. She fills out her clothes like she's 25, almost the biggest boobs I've seen on her size, but her face looks the shy side of 16. I get strange looks. Of course she doesn't help any when I grab her ass and she yells \"Mom said not in public!\"

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:23 am
by Sir Sam II
-I'm getting married in 24 days.
-Going to have sex for the first time in 24 days and yes very proud of it because it is the freaken hardest thing i've ever done.
-Have a goal to be be the first in my family to, not get divorced over anything except abuse or adultery, not be abusive, not be an alcoholic, to change my familys history & tradition to one that pleases & honors God
-I own a Lexus SC400
-Have flown a Cetabria
-Was hired as a Network & Server Administrator at the age of 17 & still doing it.
-Have been the brokest financially I've ever been since I've had a job, but the happiest :)
-Would like to be upon the first to fly Personal Manned Spacecraft in Space
-Would like to invent something as important as the wheel or ingenius as sticky notes for todays use
-Would like to invent a propulsion system that revolutionizes interstellar & interplanetary travel
-Would like to know why these threads intrigue me

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:56 am
by TIGERassault
Sir Sam II wrote:-I'm getting married in 24 days.
I do believe some huzzahs are in order for you!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:39 pm
by Kilarin
Indeed, Huzzah Sir Sam!
And De Rigueur, we'll keep your mother in our prayers.