Descent 3 Mercenary

For questions, special requests, or any complaints concerning the Descent BB.

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Descent 3 Mercenary

Post by Adrian »

Hi all, well probably quite obvious I'm a newbie :)
It only took me about an hour to figure out how to post this (still dont know if its gonna work or where its gonna end up :? )
Was readin some of the posts (Lurking 4 awhile :) )
attempting 2 give us newbies some encouragement and step forward with the first leap of faith. 2 b honest this is the first time I find myself in a forum and that means im realy needing some help and guidance.
Actually i dont even know if I'm in the right place.
At 1 stage we were all newbies, some more than others, so i am hoping after you have all recovered from your laughter and after reflecting on the past you all my b able help me with a level I'm stuck on in Descent 3 Mercenary (Level 3 - CED Tracking Station ... single player that is !).
Question: After disabling the \"Ventilation shaft fan\" I cannot figure out how 2 disable the \"Primary Cooling Fan\"
Please, is there anyone out there that can help, I have tried for hours on end !
Yours in \"DESPARATION\"
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Post by Krom »

Wrong forum, you want the Descent Single Player forum. =)
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