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Diablo 3 announced.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:54 am
by CDN_Merlin

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:43 am
by Aus-RED-5
That's awesome! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:08 am
by DarkShadow
I have been waiting a long time to hear that.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:21 am
by Aus-RED-5
Check out the Gameplay video. ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:23 am
by DarkShadow
I did much improved over 2

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:46 am
by CDN_Merlin
I want it NOW!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:25 pm
by Darktalyn1
Hm, maybe I should install it on my work machine and play it :P

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:28 pm
by Money!
Haha, me and Sirius were just talking about this new event over PM. The gameplay video looks sweet. Anybody here play Diablo 2 online? I was an avid player. My accounts were stoakland, UbR-Romanak, etc. I use CC-Comp and used to use the old Bnet forums.

My thoughts on Diablo 3:
This game reminds me of a much better version of Dungeon Siege. The gameplay itself looks sweet enough to keep one very entertained through the whole singleplayer. I never even got past act1 singleplayer in diablo 2. I love the graphics, the same overhead view, and most of all the reused sound effects! Here's the thing I'm worried about: PVP online. PVP is what made Diablo 2 great and kept so many users on for so long. The Diablo 3 movie made the gameplay seem a lot slower, and if PVP is the same way it will suffer. The great part about d2 PVP was its fast and furious pace. However, the game isn't out yet so not much can be assumed.

Now what do you guys think? Will it be pay to play or a flat price at the beginning? If it's pay to play I don't think I'll be buying it. A college student can't afford losing 15-20 bux a month.

When it comes out we should all post our accounts and help each other out if we end up buying the game. And it'll be funny: now \"D3\" describes two awesome games!

I'm excited.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Diablo 3 makes me think of Titan's Quest. Looks the same but better. I played Diablo 2 but rarely online. To many hacks.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:31 pm
by Sirius
Very much doesn't sound pay to play.


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:43 pm
by Ferno
CDN_Merlin wrote:Diablo 3 makes me think of Titan's Quest. Looks the same but better. I played Diablo 2 but rarely online. To many hacks.
heheh. I played diablo2 online once for about two minutes.

lost a maxed out barbarian with an ungodly amount of gold and rare items.

died from a hacked ranger with this 360 degree arrow that must have had 10,000 damage.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:16 am
by Money!
The hacks are fixed. The dupes aren't... You guys must have played back in 1.09

10k damage isn't that much for elite online players. With legit gear:

Sorc's Fireball can get to 14k
Sorc's Lightning can be like 1-40k
Necro's Bonespear can be like 7k
Paladin Hammer can be 16k
Amazon Guided Arrow can be like 7k

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:15 pm
by DarkHorse
I'm hoping the world is much more interesting than Diablo 2.

And if there's any PVP, it couldn't possibly be worse. Diablo 2 simply wasn't balanced at all for PVP.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:58 pm
by Sirius
I can believe the fireball stat. My highest-geared fire sorc has 10k fireballs, and that's without SoJs, Enigma or a Hellfire Torch.


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:06 pm
by Money!
DarkHorse wrote:I'm hoping the world is much more interesting than Diablo 2.

And if there's any PVP, it couldn't possibly be worse. Diablo 2 simply wasn't balanced at all for PVP.
Are you kidding? Diablo was super balanced. Every single character build had another character build that could defeat it. Maybe in the past it was different but for the last 4 years at least it's been pretty evenly matched.


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:01 am
by Sedwick
Money! wrote:And it'll be funny: now "D3" describes two awesome games!
E-e-e-eh...whaddaya say we call it "Di3"?