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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:28 am
by Wheeze87
Hi, after reading through the free software thread, i thought i would give synergy a try, although i can;t get it to work.
I have a windows machine, which i would like to use as the server. It has a ps2 keyboard and a usb wireless mouse.
To the left of it i have my mac book.

So far i've followed all the intstructions and it seems to be setup right on the windows machine, but i dont think im getting it right on the mac.

I follwed the directions given in this video, and i still can;t get it to work!

any synergy users out there help me out?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:23 pm
by Sllik
Sadly, I haven't tried using Synergy on OSX yet, so I can't offer much advice. But as long as you map both server and client configs to each other, that should be good enough. Make sure that you use computer names in the configs, and then make sure that each computer can ping the other by the same name you put in the config. Turn off Windows firewall briefly if you have it running, just to make sure that's not the root cause.

In the Windows config, be sure to explicitly map that it (for example) will be left of the OSX box, and add another piece to the config that dictates the OSX box will be to the right of the Windows box. You'd think you only need it one way, or only in one machine's config, but you do have to spell it all out.

Beyond that, your problem may prove to be OSX-specific, and I'll be useless to you for that for now. I don't remember having to do anything special with regards to permissions in Ubuntu, so I wouldn't think OSX would require root privs or anything, but I could be wrong. Let me know what you find out!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:47 pm
by TechPro
I use it, and for the most part love it.

The Mac setup described in that video is waaaaay more difficult that what I used. I had a simple install which put in a control panel in the Mac's system preferences ... and the Mac side was easy.

The thing that gave me \"fits\" when setting up the first time is actually pretty easy once you've seen it done. You have to tell the Windows system what side of your screen will jump to the Mac, and also tell the Windows system which side of the Mac will jump to the Windows system. ... Then tell the Mac essentially the same things.

Also, the names you put in to represent the computers MUST MATCH the IP name or IP# of the computer.

Can't get you any screen shots at the moment, maybe tomorrow (in between meetings) if I remember.