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Accidental email

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:56 pm
by BigSlideHimself
So my sister's been talking to this guy for 2 months, and she's considered dating him. Anyway, today she sent him an email, and about 15 minutes later she gets her email forwarded back to her - and her email is edited to only have the \"juicy\" parts - with this potential guy making comments about \"time to make my move\" etc.

Anyway, under the forwarded email, is an ongoing email conversation with what appears to be his accountability partner. Apparently this guy is struggling with a porn addiction, and has told my sister \"small lies\" and \"even though her body type isn't the kind he usually goes for, he likes her personality\"

Couple of questions. First, should she confront him about it? it's awkward since it's a private conversation with an accountability partner about porn use.

Also, is there any chance there's foul play involved? As in someone else sent it? It came from his email address and she received it 15 minutes after she emailed him. What do yall think?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:59 am
by Duper
Honestly, I'd dump the guy if he sees her that way. Nothing lasting will come from a relationship built on skin. She might also want to forward the the email to the correct person with the original ans simply say \"laters!\".

By the guy editing the email and sending it that way, it sounds more like obsession of a 16 y/o. Not really healthy.

(my 2 bits) wish ya the best. some potential for ugliness there. But perhaps I'm over reacting.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:40 am
by Grendel
I'm w/ Duper here. I wouldn't trust the guy.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:47 am
by Gekko71
X3. Everything about this stinks of false pretence to me.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:13 am
by BigSlideHimself
What do you mean gecko? the guy? an intruder? me?

Re: Accidental email

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:36 am
by AlphaDoG
BigSlideHimself wrote:
Couple of questions. First, should she confront him about it? it's awkward since it's a private conversation with an accountability partner about porn use.
She should not confront the man, it may be all it takes to provoke him into an even more "confrontational" mode. Also as it is a private conversation it should remain so.
BigSlideHimself wrote: Also, is there any chance there's foul play involved? As in someone else sent it? It came from his email address and she received it 15 minutes after she emailed him. What do yall think?
There's always a chance that the man may already be in a relationship and the other person in said relationship found the email and edited it and added the other bits to dissuade your sister from further pursuit.

People with porn addiction usually have other issues and some of those issues can cause them to be obsessive, compulsive, and downright dangerous.

My $.02

Re: Accidental email

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:20 am
by Duper
AlphaDoG wrote: People with porn addiction usually have other issues and some of those issues can cause them to be obsessive, compulsive, and downright dangerous.
I can vouch for that personally as that was me somewhat at 17. I was VERY obsessive, although I never did anything terribly stupid, dangerous or violent.