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Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:05 am
by woodchip
"After centuries of mistrust between religion and science, a new website has been set up by the Vatican and Italy's scientific community.
The website has information on everything from astronomy to theology, from space missions to philosophy and art.
It is being run jointly by the Vatican and the Italian Space Agency, AS"

So it would seem that the Catholic high command has decided it would be easier to join the flood of science pouring down from on high than to keep Galileo and Archimedes locked in a closet. My question to you is, how do you think the Holy See will handle the spin once we discover another intelligent species that has no concept of religion? Will they (the church) regard them as lost souls in need of enlightenment and thus have the urge to send out missionaries much like they did in Africa and the Americas 200 years ago? Or would they be forced to accept the fact that another sentient species, whose evolution did not include the need for a religion and works as a whole quite well, as something to be respected? Or a third possibilty of viewing the new species as being something to be avoided lest they contaminate humans with a impure set of beliefs.

Anyway, just a few thoughts off the top of my head when I read the article. Have fun.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:33 am
by CDN_Merlin
I think they would do the same as they did since the dawn of time. Either cast it off as not true, or try and convert them. If this failed, I would say we'd have a revolution and the religious fanatics would end up starting wars over it.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:37 am
CDN_Merlin wrote:religous fanatics

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:44 am
by Spidey
I think it’s highly unlikely that we would find aliens totally without any concept of religion, at least not in its purest aspect…that being a quest for truth, knowledge and the reason for existence.

So the most likely scenario is a radically different kind of religion, then of course…insert any SiFi scenario here.

Of course when we discover aliens (or they discover us) there will probably be a dozen religions started in “their” name.

/ancient aliens movie promo

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:37 pm
by SilverFJ
I'm with Spidey. Aliens probably would have some sort of crazy religon where they would try and convert us or make war on us.
Anybody ever play Halo?

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:07 pm
by Will Robinson
Organized religion has always sought to co-opt anything that can replace it. Science doesn't get an exemption from that conquest/defense mechanism.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:52 am
by WillyP
Of course, you guys are assuming we will be smart enough and open minded enough to recognize a sentient being if we should encounter one. We aren't even qualified to speculate on what form such a creature might take.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:02 pm
by SilverFJ
WillyP wrote:Of course, you guys are assuming we will be smart enough and open minded enough to recognize a sentient being if we should encounter one. We aren't even qualified to speculate on what form such a creature might take.
Good call. If it weren't for the lack of opposable thumbs maybe dolphins would be clapping and cheering at LandWorld while we did tricks for them.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:55 pm
by TechPro
SilverFJ wrote:
WillyP wrote:Of course, you guys are assuming we will be smart enough and open minded enough to recognize a sentient being if we should encounter one. We aren't even qualified to speculate on what form such a creature might take.
Good call. If it weren't for the lack of opposable thumbs maybe dolphins would be clapping and cheering at LandWorld while we did tricks for them.
Of course, as is they are simply thankful for all the fish.

Re: Joining Hands

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:25 pm
by Burlyman
The Romans are trying to trick our schools around the world!
Merlin the mage puts the i back in the religion ...eye <3 Thanks, mate.

Now let's look again:
the roe men are trying to catch the school [of fish] moving around the whirl[ed] pool with the planned net...
TechPro wrote:
SilverFJ wrote:
WillyP wrote:Of course, you guys are assuming we will be smart enough and open minded enough to recognize a sentient being if we should encounter one. We aren't even qualified to speculate on what form such a creature might take.
Good call. If it weren't for the lack of opposable thumbs maybe dolphins would be clapping and cheering at LandWorld while we did tricks for them.
Of course, as is they are simply thankful for all the fish.
I hope you realize what you just said </3