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Mapped Network Drive Issue..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:38 am
by TOR_LordRaven
Very odd network drive issue...

I have a user who, after mapping a network drive, when he tries to access it, a DOS window flashes across the screen then goes away.
Open My Computer, double-click the drive.. DOS window flashes, then nothing. No errors, just sitting there staring at My Computer.

I managed to get a couple of screen shots of it.. it appears as soon as you attempt to open the network share, it calls to NTVDM.exe, that runs for maybe 1/10th of a second, then it goes to either.. HAIHAEP.exe or HALHAEP.exe (can't tell if the third letter is a lowercase L or an upper case i).

This is a fresh install of windows XP with all updates, Anti-virus is installed, and nothing is on that network share that should cause this (No autrun files or anything). Other users are able to open it fine. If the user effected tries to open the share by typing in the network path: \\server\share_name it works fine.

Disconnected it, reconnected it.. no effect. And it only does it on this specific share. Other network shares work okay too.

Very strange. I even turned off autorun in the local group policy.. Any ideas?

Re: Mapped Network Drive Issue..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:59 pm
by Canuck
Redo your Network with the wizard on the affected machine.

Re: Mapped Network Drive Issue..

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:33 pm
lmhosts file setup?