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Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:04 pm
by Enzo-03
Ok I have a problem with making exit tunnels - they don't work anymore.

I make the tunnel with the exit in the front and the final cube marked with "end of exit tunnel" or whatever it is, and I also make sure to provide the .txb file with the same name as the level file.

Here is a dropbox link to a test level I made that seems to have this problem:

Is there something missing? If so, I do not know what.

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:32 am
by Aus-RED-5
It works for me and everything seems to be fine with the trigger setup.

Who's program are you using? XL or Rebirth?

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:27 pm
by Enzo-03
Rebirth, latest stable (0.57.3).

There are other levels in which I had made working exit sequences. These levels still work in this version of Rebirth. I even made some of those levels using the exact same version of DLE-XP (it's an older version, before open GL rendering, cannot remember exact version number, and unable to reach the computer I used for it - don't ask) that I used to make this test map, and used the exact same hog editing tool to create the .txb and put it in the hog (Yahoma 2.0, non beta). So I tried using a newer (not the latest but I can try this as well once I get ahold of my computer again) version of DLE-XP. Didn't work. I have yet to try (*shudders*) DMB2, which I used to swear by.

Blarget was apparently able to get this to work by simply going into SDLDEVIL and selecting the side marked as the end of the exit tunnel, then unmarking it and re-marking it.

I shouldn't have to do that - I cannot for the life of me determine anything significant that has changed between the levels that worked and the levels that do not work. In all honesty I hadn't tried using SDLDEVIL just for this, but that's not fixing the problem.

The level editor used between working and nonworking exits is a constant, so I should be able to say that's not what's causing it.
The hog editor used between working and nonworking exits is a constant, so I should be able to say that's not what's causing it.
I have even tried the same .txb files from working exits for use in levels with exits that do not work (the .txb files appropriately renamed of course), but to no avail, so I should be able to say that's not what's causing it, either.

One thing that has "changed" that I can think of is versions of Rebirth. But levels with working exits still do work. I'm not confident that version change in and of itself has much, if anything, to do with the problem - if it was, I wouldn't be sure why.

I also never tried the levels with nonworking exits with D2X-XL, but I don't make exits just so I can watch my ship get chased by a gratuitous fireball. I make exits so everyone can watch their ship get chased by a gratuitous fireball. But if it doesn't work in Rebirth while it works in D2X-XL, then people can only watch their ship get chased by a gratuitous fireball when they're using XL (or possibly DOS Descent -- I should have tried it with that as well!).

I assume you used XL when it worked? Maybe it would be a good idea to hit up the Rebirth forums about this then since the problem might indeed be Rebirth itself. This would bring up the question of why some level exits work while others don't.

But I'm not confident that this is really the problem, especially since Blarget gets them to work without problems.

So why can't I?

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:10 am
by Aus-RED-5
Well I used D1X-Rebirth to test the lvl.

My XL version is out dated for some time and just didn't feel like updating the files at the time... :|

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:30 am
by Enzo-03
Aus-RED-5 wrote:My XL version is out dated for some time and just didn't feel like updating the files at the time... :|
Haha same here :lol:. I guess I can try using SDLDEVIL sometime later today.

Alternatively, I can try reinstalling D1 and/or D1X-R, and maybe test this level out on DOS Descent.

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:37 pm
by Enzo-03
I still have this problem.

I think there may be a problem with my Rebirth install, or maybe a problem with the D1 data files in my "Rebirth directory", as I'll call it. I was able to get a level with an exit that did not work in my installation of Rebirth to work flawlessly in Descent 1 DOS in DOSBox.

On the other hand, that doesn't explain why Blarget also had the problem until he screwed around with the level in SDLDEVIL (namely just removing the end of the exit tunnel and then putting it back and saving the level). When he did this, it also worked on my end.

But in addition to that, I had absolutely no problem with making working exit tunnels with the version of DLE I use until I got this problem a few months ago!
In fact, not a single version of DLE that I have tried will make a working exit tunnel now.

When I made a fresh install and then installed one level whose exit tunnel worked before and one level whose exit tunnel never worked, the one with the working tunnel worked and the one with the broken tunnel did not.

What the ★■◆● is going on? :?

Re: Apparently I can't make exit tunnels anymore...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:04 am
by Enzo-03
Enzo-03 wrote:What the **** is going on? :?