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TAP - Question/Poll

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:16 pm
by TheAscentProject
Hello everyone!

Yup, I'm still around!

Well, as for TAP updates I was a little distracted making some progress on a couple of side models but, I've returned to the Diamond Claw.

Which brings me to a question I wanted to ask my fellow Material Defenders. Since the DC is such an iconic character, second only to the Pyro IMO, the bar I've set for myself with this bot is at an all-time high so I decided to document as much as possible to ultimately create a detailed "making of" sequence.
That said, would you guys be interested in seeing the progress of making this model "live" through me posting WIPs at every important milestone - from finished sketches all the way to finished 3D (no spam, I promise!) - OR - as I have been doing so far, just post the model when it's finished and the "making of" afterwards?

I created a poll for this but if you want to leave a written response in addition, all the sweeter!

As always, I'll be around - I'll give the poll about a week before making the call.

Thanks for the support!

PS: As I'm active in a couple other forums, I apologize if you've seen this already - feel free to vote again though :)

Re: TAP - Question/Poll

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:28 pm
by Isaac
Go ahead. I like WIPs. I also like looking at screen shots of wire frame meshes and the stack of modifiers.

Re: TAP - Question/Poll

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:52 pm
by TheAscentProject
Well, votes are in with a majority... Well, everyone actually, voting to see the WIPs! Thanks everyone who voted and stay tuned! I will be creating the Diamond Claw WIP thread soon! :)