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Final words from Dan (rock)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:24 am
Session Start (AIM - dbbstoner:Prismiq Dan): Sat Jun 05 19:40:34 2004
Prismiq Dan: who's this?
dbbstoner: ferns
Prismiq Dan: oh
Prismiq Dan: whatsup
dbbstoner: pissin around
dbbstoner: you?
Prismiq Dan: same ole same ole, working, and working
dbbstoner: ah
dbbstoner: why you goin invis all the time? curious
Prismiq Dan: cuz i don't want certain people to bug me, especially when
i'm at work during the week
dbbstoner: why not?
Prismiq Dan: cuz i'm usually busy working, and don't want to be
Prismiq Dan: whats up with the 20 questions?
dbbstoner: i'm just curiosu
dbbstoner: curious even
dbbstoner: how's the refunds comin along?
dbbstoner: and how's the litigation goin? you winnin?
Prismiq Dan: they aren't coming along until i get some extra finances
going.. considering i lost all of my deposit to the stupid hotel. a
dollar deposit, which half came out of my pocket the other half from
dbbstoner: ouch
dbbstoner: well i hope things work out dude
dbbstoner: i'm pullin for ya
Prismiq Dan: well you sure as hell didnt back me up at all on the DBB
Prismiq Dan: doesn't really matter to me though
dbbstoner: well dude i was kinda pissed
Prismiq Dan: because i could care less what people think about me, or
what they say
Prismiq Dan: for people that really know me, they weren't tripping.. as
a matter of fact supported me, and encouraged me.. i got countless
emails from my close d3 friends.
dbbstoner: you know i don't pull any punches.. i'm just an honest dude
Prismiq Dan: heh.. anyways man, i'm through with d3, and the d3
Prismiq Dan: this was a bunch of BS
dbbstoner: aw cmon dont' do that
Prismiq Dan: and especially STresstest
Prismiq Dan: he's one prick i hate
dbbstoner: heh
dbbstoner: who cares what he says.. really
Prismiq Dan: i'd like to see him one more time in person, and show him
how i really feel
dbbstoner: what you're gonan punch him or somethin?
Prismiq Dan: as for the rest of the haterz, and so called friends..
can all go to hell for all i care.
Prismiq Dan: for those that stood with me, and where there for me..
those are the ones i respect and care for
dbbstoner: ya don't like birds no mo?
Prismiq Dan: its quite funny, because for 2 years i've thrown bomb ass
LAN parties
Prismiq Dan: parties that no one else will throw, parties that no one
else can imitate
Prismiq Dan: i was the only guy trying to keep d3 alive,
Prismiq Dan: and yet.. something happens out of my control, and people
are ready to sue me, or whatever
Prismiq Dan: it's quite sad and the people that are crying over 30
give me a friggin break.
dbbstoner: well it would have been smart to work on another venue when
you were havin probs w/ that manager
Prismiq Dan: i tried, I had hurricane as plan b
dbbstoner: and what happened there?
Prismiq Dan: but they didnt' want to an all weekend event, because of
what happen with J-oh
dbbstoner: wtf?
Prismiq Dan: and they thought now it was gonna become a liability
Prismiq Dan: and other good hotels with enough power, where twice the
Prismiq Dan: and only went til 1am
dbbstoner: dude if every place did that there would be no business
dbbstoner: oy vey
Prismiq Dan: anyways this is old rehashed ★■◆●.. and i rather not talk
about it
Prismiq Dan: cuz it's ove
Prismiq Dan: i will never throw another lan party
dbbstoner: well i would cuz i wanna figure this ★■◆● out
Prismiq Dan: nor will i ever show up in a d3 game again
Prismiq Dan: nor go to anyone elses lan
dbbstoner: heh
dbbstoner: to me that's kinda like runnin away
Prismiq Dan: nah
Prismiq Dan: its just time to move on
Prismiq Dan: d3 is a dying game
Prismiq Dan: dying community
dbbstoner: if you really didn't do anythign you shouldn't be afraid to
show up in chat
dbbstoner: and you're gonna abandon it just like that huh
Prismiq Dan: and i'm sick of giving back to the d3 community, when
people are ungreatful
dbbstoner: you can't bow to the haters
Prismiq Dan: i rather not show up chat, why? cuz i don't wanna hear all
the BS, from people like stress, and be ridiculed
dbbstoner: there's an ignore feature
Prismiq Dan: who knows i might pop in like 2 years from now
dbbstoner: heh
dbbstoner: btw.. did ya send back the sponsorship prizes?
Prismiq Dan: the only prizes i got, was a stickin mousepad
Prismiq Dan: lol
dbbstoner: only a mousepad?
Prismiq Dan: cuz i sent them emails stating it was cancelled
dbbstoner: ah ok
Prismiq Dan: yah from gamerstuff
Prismiq Dan: even sponsorships where way low
Prismiq Dan: compared to the past 2 years
dbbstoner: yah cuz you havin all that ★■◆● and nowhere to give it away
would suck balls
Prismiq Dan: yah, but the sponsors are sad.. cuz they really like
sponsorsing d3 lan events
Prismiq Dan: and i built up a relationship with them
dbbstoner: so you took care of the prize detail, and are workin to get
your deposit back.. so you have nothin to worry about i think
Prismiq Dan: yah.. so you can go ahead and post on the DBB everything
talked about
Prismiq Dan: cuz i'm sure you will
Prismiq Dan: :)
Prismiq Dan: lol
dbbstoner: and yet you're just gonna abandon us liek that huh
Prismiq Dan: yes
dbbstoner: okay...
Prismiq Dan: becuz the majority rules in this situation, and majority
are hating, and being lil bitches
Prismiq Dan: and i'm sick of it man
Prismiq Dan: even when i threw 2 successful lan parties, there where
plenty of haterz, and ungreatful people
dbbstoner: dude i got picked on a shitload in school.. did i run away?
Prismiq Dan: dood this is a ★■◆●ing video game
dbbstoner: you'll find haters everywhere
Prismiq Dan: my life is way more important
dbbstoner: heh.. okay..
Prismiq Dan: my career, and success as a man is more important then a
friggin game
Prismiq Dan: i don't have time anyways, to play d3
Prismiq Dan: thats another reason too
Prismiq Dan: plus i'm just tired of the game
Prismiq Dan: boring to me
Prismiq Dan: dead
Prismiq Dan: blah blah blah
dbbstoner: ok whatever there
Prismiq Dan: if i wanna chat, i can go into aol or yahoo for that
Prismiq Dan: haha
Prismiq Dan: becuz of what happen, it has made me real bitter towards
the d3 community
dbbstoner: i can see that
Prismiq Dan: however, for those that are my true friends that i made
from d3.. i will always keep in touch with them, and talk to them
Prismiq Dan: and birdseye
Prismiq Dan: well
Prismiq Dan: i rather not comment on him
Prismiq Dan: heh
dbbstoner: lol
dbbstoner: well, i'm gonna keep workin w/ the d2x author.. catcha
Prismiq Dan: peace
dbbstoner: ~
Session Close (Prismiq Dan): Sat Jun 05 19:59:53 2004

I make no comment on the above. I just provide it for you to see.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:36 am
by Grendel

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:33 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Life goes on. Like he said, ppl shouldn't get pissed at losing 30$ but the thing is, it wasn't HIS to start with.

So I'm kinda tossed on this one. But I think he needs to pay back the fees as he took responsibility for the lan arrangements and even though he is getting shafted, he signed up for this.

my 1.5 cents

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:57 pm
by AceCombat
damn is all im going to say and im out.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:00 pm
by Gooberman
My personal experience with Dan was good. At cali I didn't have a monitor nor time to go rent one, so he scrounged one up for me to play on. He seemed like a real nice guy, but it wasn't enough time to say I really know him. On the other side, I have heard stories from others in non-positive light about him.

Any bad impressions that I have about Dan come from others, I am not saying that they are right/wrong, just that my personal experience with him was that he was a nice guy.

take this with a grain of salt.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:20 pm
by Iceman
Not that it makes any difference but ditto what Goob said ... he was always nice and helpful to me.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:19 pm
by LunchBox
I remember meeting him last year and thinking, this is a genuine 'nice guy' Big, imposing, but you can tell he has a good heart.. I really like me and PapaRock. Couver and I went to dinner after last years Lan was over with a few of the guys. Damned if I can remember everyone. I know that Fiend,Deli,and cRaCk were there in addition to Rock and his Dad.. I looked foreward to meeting him again. I am kinda disappointed that he let this bother him and all.

One thing I have learned in my short time here is. You can't please everybody. Just ignore the haters Dan..


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:07 pm
by SolidAir
Dan is the man. Very hospitable when I was at the LAN party in 2000 (Califest...) He is such a nice guy and even if you don't know him very well he is still very nice to you.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:11 am
by Ferno
my handle is dbbstoner on AIM.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:46 am
by WarAdvocat
Dan treated me good too, at least until now.

My GF just had surgery and was out of work for 3 weeks with no pay for 2 of 'em, and that $30.00 Would have really helped out with the bills. We had an email convo where I explained what was going on and he said he'd send it and he never did.


I'm angry about that, but Dan was definately a personable fellow when I met him.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:20 am
by Grendel
Sorry to hear that WA.

Running away and dumping a load of BS on ppl doesn't help a thing. I don't like to run after for what should be a given (info in this case) -- I haven't heard from him personally about a refund or what's going on ever (if I wouldn't read this board, I'd be dead in the water). Just because of that alone I want my $30 back.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:21 am
by Grendel
-- hit the quote button :roll: --

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:34 am
by Birdseye
dude, I'm still trying to figure out what the heck he is talking about ;)
Last time I talked to him he was going to drive to Santa Cruz for some buds but never called me back to set a time ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:55 pm
by Sarge
Budweiser is crappy beer anyway, Birds!


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:00 am
by Hostile
3 airline ticket changes and 2 reg fees for me was 360 bucks......not 30. I wish Dan all the best. That doesn't mean I'm not upset about losing 360 bucks for nothing.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:12 am
by kurupt
same here. i lost 290 though. yay.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:29 am
by CDN_Merlin
Why doesn't someone who lives in that Cali area find somewhere else to host the lan? This way the people who have plane tickets won't lose much.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 6:33 am
by WarAdvocat
Weeeel the LAN date has passed...

Which might be part of it ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:05 pm
by kufyit
The Rock is the bomb ★■◆●. Empathy would help here:

Imagine you're in this very situation, getting slammed for not having the cash to throw everyone back the reg fees right away.

I've been following this, and I keep hearing him say he'll send them back eventually.

Let's be supportive. I think this could have happened to anyone.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:04 pm
kufyit is exactly right here.. With one small flaw.

I met Dan several times. I have my own personal reasons for my view of Dan as a business man or otherwise. In person, Dan is a great guy to hang out with. In business he is the worst person to deal with. This is nothing new from my mouth. I've told this directly to Dan several times while trying to rectify our own issues.

The problem is, Kuf, that he is making no effort in setting schedules with those that lost money, to get it back to them. Hell, he hasn't even contacted the majority of them at all as stated above.

If Dan would have, or will man up to this and keep everyone that is owed money abreast of the situation, it would carry with it some slack. But to date that has not happened.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:56 pm
by propain
30 bucks isnt killing me its the lack of descent that bums me out.
Plus it would be nice to at least get an email about it. Or even a reply to my email.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:31 pm
by Nexus_One
I guess my biggest question being on the outside of this situation is this: Why hasn't Dan bothered to post on the DBB? He has left messages with others to post for him. That's a pretty weak thing to do.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:44 am
by WarAdvocat
I had plenty of empathy until he lied to me :|