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Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:41 am
by woodchip
This thread will be about consequences of people or organizations trying to bemoan the fact Trump won or backed Hillary during the campaign. For starters the Dean of a prestigious law school forced to step down for offering counseling to students feeling bad that Trump won:
But what finally cost the Dean Schwartz his position was his opinionated reaction to Trump’s surprise victory. Soon after the results were announced, Schwartz sent an email offering free counseling services to students who “feel upset” following the “most upsetting, most painful, most disturbing election season of my lifetime.”
funny how no one was offering counseling to the students who may of been upset because Obama won. I guess liberal students are more psychologically fragile than conservative students.

Then we have The Dallas Newspaper that backed Hillary when they always backed the Republican candidate:
The Dallas Morning News has experienced a noticeable decline in subscriptions following its endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

"ome people have cancelled their subscriptions, so we lost some customers at a time when it's tough to lose customers," editor Mike Wilson told the Washington Examiner Tuesday evening.

We will introduce the term "The Trump Effect" to describe these events. Other Trump effects are:

FoMoCo will not be moving it's Kentucky plant to Mexico

The Pentagon will no longer be buying Russian helicopters for use in Afghanistan. Now they will be buying American made helicopters. Just these two items will create or save thousands of jobs. Go Trump.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:13 pm
by woodchip
Also we now have this:
In the past couple weeks, a number of prominent news publishers, including CNN, Mic, Quartz and USA Today have been hit with a flurry of one-star reviews from people claiming that the apps have a liberal bias. More than half of all the reviews CNN’s app received this month in Apple’s App Store were one-star reviews accusing it of having a liberal bias; more than two-thirds of the one-star reviews USA Today’s iPhone app received over the same period claimed the publication had a liberal bias. ... e-ratings/

Re: Backlash

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:01 pm
by Isaac
I don't like Trump for the fact he sounds like a liar, but so does Hillary. But seriously... the DNC has to be renamed "The Party of Crybabies". They need to go back to their safe spaces and quit being sore losers.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:54 pm
by Top Gun
woodchip wrote:Also we now have this:
In the past couple weeks, a number of prominent news publishers, including CNN, Mic, Quartz and USA Today have been hit with a flurry of one-star reviews from people claiming that the apps have a liberal bias. More than half of all the reviews CNN’s app received this month in Apple’s App Store were one-star reviews accusing it of having a liberal bias; more than two-thirds of the one-star reviews USA Today’s iPhone app received over the same period claimed the publication had a liberal bias. ... e-ratings/
Oh no, uneducated neanderthals are leaving one-star reviews! Whatever shall we do?

Seriously, look at this. The people that won Trump the presidency were those without college degrees. That's really damn sad.

Oh, and speaking of uneducated people, the good Mr. Trump has only attended two daily intelligence briefings since the election, far fewer than his predecessors. Because what better way than to reduce his glaring ignorance of foreign policy than by ignoring it entirely!

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:15 am
by sigma
woodchip wrote:..helicopters for use in Afghanistan... will create or save thousands of jobs.
Yeah. For drug traffic through NATO bases.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:34 am
by Spidey
So now people without college are considered “uneducated”.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:42 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:FoMoCo will not be moving it's Kentucky plant to Mexico
as an investor, I can assure you, they never were. Trump made that ★■◆● up.
The Pentagon will no longer be buying Russian helicopters for use in Afghanistan. Now they will be buying American made helicopters. Just these two items will create or save thousands of jobs. Go Trump.
got a link? I'm back and not accepting a single thing out of the Trump camp as proof without evidence.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:05 pm
by sigma
Spidey wrote:So now people without college are considered “uneducated”.
Guys, I think you have a very big problem with this. Why Russia can pay for my three degrees (technology, law, economics, I got it for free), while the rich America can not afford their citizens the opportunity?

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:02 pm
by Tunnelcat
It was that way here, in the past. Specifically, beginning in the early 19 century and culminating with the GI Bill after WWII. After that, it's been creeping capitalism for getting an education. :roll: ... alifornia/

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:24 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:FoMoCo will not be moving it's Kentucky plant to Mexico
as an investor, I can assure you, they never were. Trump made that ★■◆● up.
Your assurances are without value
callmeslick wrote:
The Pentagon will no longer be buying Russian helicopters for use in Afghanistan. Now they will be buying American made helicopters. Just these two items will create or save thousands of jobs. Go Trump.
got a link? I'm back and not accepting a single thing out of the Trump camp as proof without evidence. ... licopters/ ... 27483.html

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:27 pm
by woodchip
tunnelcat wrote:I was that way here, in the past. Specifically, beginning in the early 19 century and culminating with the GI Bill after WWII. After that, it's been creeping capitalism for getting an education. :roll: ... alifornia/
TC, as a Vietnam vet I got paid a monthly stipend from the govt that covered most of my expenses for college. I still worked as a seasonal park ranger in the summer for extra cash.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:05 pm
by Tunnelcat
Before Reagan I presume? :wink: Plus, most vets now don't get anything like what you received back then. By the time I went to college, my entire 4 year college instate tuition cost $12,000, total. Tuition plus room and board. Today, that's mouse nuts in comparison. That's certainly a far cry from when Linus Pauling went to Oregon Agricultural College in the mid 1920's, for free. The only way this country will be made great again is if an education doesn't cost a kings ransom and anyone can get one who wants one, even if it's only a votec degree. People do much better in the workplace if they have an education or at least are trained in a good skill.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:59 pm
by Top Gun
Spidey wrote:So now people without college are considered “uneducated”.
In the 21st century? Absolutely. Or at the very least they're uneducated in the complex realms that define modern international politics, or global economic systems, or proper applications of scientific discoveries, or any number of other fields. I have absolutely nothing against people who finish their education after high school and start practicing a trade--hell, our civilization would collapse overnight without them--but these are not the sorts of people who in any sane world should be making policy decisions that will affect entire generations. In this election we saw the sort of clusterfuck that results when exactly that happens.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 7:46 am
by snoopy
Top Gun wrote:
Spidey wrote:So now people without college are considered “uneducated”.
In the 21st century? Absolutely. Or at the very least they're uneducated in the complex realms that define modern international politics, or global economic systems, or proper applications of scientific discoveries, or any number of other fields. I have absolutely nothing against people who finish their education after high school and start practicing a trade--hell, our civilization would collapse overnight without them--but these are not the sorts of people who in any sane world should be making policy decisions that will affect entire generations. In this election we saw the sort of clusterfuck that results when exactly that happens.
I think you simultaneously give people with college degrees too much credit and those without not enough. I've met plenty of folks with degrees who don't have a clue, and folks without who are extremely well rounded. I think the mentality that you express hearkens to the mentality of the feudal system - and we're seeing a "peasant revolt" of our own where the working class decides that they've had enough is getting pushed around by the ruling class (of sorts).

Re: Backlash

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:18 am
by callmeslick
it isn't merely about education. It's about an economy that has no need for mediocrity anymore.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:46 am
by woodchip
Remind me again how everyone with a college degree is employed in their field of education.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:07 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:Remind me again how everyone with a college degree is employed in their field of education.
did you even READ what I wrote? Mediocrity is the issue. Our economic engine no longer needs to employ anything past the exemplary for real jobs. The mediocre amongst us will ever more quickly be sent to the catchall of the service economy, at best, or longterm unemployment at worst.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:38 am
by woodchip
I guess you have to define mediocrity better. In the mean time look up how much welders make.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:45 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:I guess you have to define mediocrity better. In the mean time look up how much welders make.
what does that matter. It is a position that will largely be obsolete in a decade, at the most. While I was away, we had a discussion on FB amongst my diverse lot of friends. The three who were ace geeks, one a PhD engineer, one a long-time Intel developer, the other a software guy, ALL, to a man, said that my 15 year timeline to replace 85% of current labor force with robotics was far too conservative. Most agreed that over half of all jobs will be eliminated in 5 years. Backlash? Laughable.

Re: Backlash

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:05 am
by callmeslick

Re: Backlash

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:06 am
by woodchip
Still venting your spleen I see. Get over it...we won.